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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
0 miles · Northamptonshire


When your soul shows through
Are you proud of the display?
Is this who you meant to be?
When your soul shines through
Other people judge and see
what do you intend to be?
When my soul is on view
I pray you see beauty in me
and reflect happily
When our souls ignite
the possibilties are infinite
do not dispair - we will always be there
I suspect not really where this is intended to go but I hate it when people call me mate - I'm not your mate and it takes years for me to get to a point where I would consider someone a proper friend! I know it is an acceptable slang term these days but when I go into a McDonalds (rarely) and a spotty oik calls me mate it p***es me off.
Rant over, up too late again!!!!
Like this because it means something to me,

And this because I think Rachel Morrison is beautiful and has a great voice (the song, in fact the whole album loveprayer was written after her mother died, which I think makes the lyrics more poignant)
Ohhhhhhhh!!!! not only bad punctuation but a bit off topic - bad man!!!!!!!!!
Things I might not put on my profile:
Please don't hurt me!
I prefer puppies to pussys actually.
Sex is overated - love is the drug.
Just after a cuddle!
Thats me done - coat removed from peg post haste!
Always forget to lie to protect myself - not a bad fault in some ways!
I never was going, thought about it but couldn't guarantee my presence (hate to let people down) as it happens I could have made it - cest le vie.
However in the past I have run many events,(not SH) have you considered a booking fee of the price of 1 drink in exchange for 1 drink on the night. Don't turn up don't get your drink!
It is a customs & revenue minefield out there, but if it can be seen all revenue covered cost then remainder was given to charity you should be ok.
Will try to make Dec 5th should be less busy & any excuse to dress up posh!!!
Nearly a year in for me - VERY BORED waiting for it to get better, although the hurt has diminished lately.
From my personal perspective I find daily shopping better, more expensive but somehow more rewarding. The idea of opening the freezer to find something I cooked a week ago is somehow abhorrent.
Evenings? Books and music, eventually company but learn how to be alone and love yourself first - you will be surprised how brilliant you are.
Take care of you!!
Be lucky
Eye candy was never going to happen, you would have been welcome! Brolly not necessary it will be dry (honest).
Might be the last year I think, nice for me to go as an innocent spectator.
bugger, can't give them away. Worried about Massa, looked like a big one!
Adultery is the voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and another person who is not his or her spouse. In most cases and especially in Western countries, only the married party is said to have committed adultery, and if both parties are married (but not to each other) then they both commit separate acts of adultery.
But yes I'm not over her!
Getting better every day though and last week was a turning point, I actually got compliments - very unusual for me lol.
I have two Silverstone Classic tickets which will go unused tomorrow if I don't give them away. Son will be with me so not a sex offer just tickets. Preference will be given to eye candy (yep I am that shallow) children under 16 go free.
The meeting is an historic festival and there will be plenty to look at. Seems a shame to waste the tickets, not the only place these have been offered so please don't be pee'd off if I've already given them away
I have been with the same lady for 18 years - married for 13 - 14 of them (anniversay 29/07) she left me last year the day after her surprise 40th birthday party - - - ohhhhhhhhh the joy!!!!! I have been sidelined between careers and children. This weekend I commited adultery (we're not divorced yet) and I had a lovely time - the guilty pleasure was not the sex, it was enjoying the company.
It is easy to be lonely even within a relationship, it is up to us to do something about it.
I was soooooo tempted but having my son or a picnic - no choice really!! Hope you all had a lovely day.
Morcheeba & Goldfrapp today but very ecletic can't wait to get turntable (just donated) up and running to re-try some of my vinyl
Morcheeba & Goldfrapp today but very ecletic can't wait to get turntable (just donated) up and running to re-try some of my vinyl
While reading through this thread I randomly thought about one of my semantic like / dislikes. I really think it is bad to say "can I get" or worse. I always ask "may I have" I know it is old fashioned but it is more polite and no worse for that.
Quote by Dirtygirly
Beyond the Rainbow...
As much as I loved the life we had and all the times we played,
I was so very tired and knew my time on earth would fade.
I saw a wondrous image then of a place that's trouble-free
Where all of us can meet again to spend eternity.
I saw the most beautiful Rainbow, and on the other side
Were meadows rich and beautiful -- lush and green and wide!
And running through the meadows as far as the eye could see
Were animals of every sort as healthy as could be!
My own tired, failing body was fresh and healed and new
And I wanted to go run with them, but I had something left to do.
I needed to reach out to you, to tell you I'm alright
That this place is truly wonderful, then a bright Glow pierced the night.
'Twas the Glow of many Candles shining bright and strong and bold
And I knew then that it held your love in its brilliant shades of gold.
For although we may not be together in the way we used to be,
We are still connected by a cord no eye can see.
So whenever you need to find me, we're never far apart
If you look beyond the Rainbow and listen with your heart.

DG This is beautiful.
If you like jazz funk type stuff I have an unsigned band on cd that were fab (better live than recorded) pm me an address and I'll burn a cd for you. Never copyrighted so no prs worries.
Sorry won't be coming now, Fathers day on 21st and my son comes first - massive drive for me. Give everyone my love and have a good time!!
Web xx
I drive within 3 miles of the place every day - and it is normally busy I think you have a good chance from a percentage point of view.
I disagree about next weekend though Whittlebury tends to be all team personnel and they get a bit focused at race weekends,
Have a good time, I'm sure single blokes aren't your thing so I won't even suggest - I must say though Whittlebury do lots of deals and unless you are on one argue about the service - which will be bad - and refuse to pay full rate, for more how to get cheap hotel rooms pm me lol.
Quote by Freckledbird

Now I suspect you don't mean that.
For me love is what defines me - both my love singly as in 'I love you' and my general love of humanity as in 'you are all loved'. Sappy bugger I know but without love I doubt I could continue.
As an aside caring folk are found in the most unusual places, I'm getting better now but I have been looked after here, for which I bless those concerned.
Ohhhh bugger, if I google me I get me - thank god you lot don't know who I am.
Mind you I'm not first pick - that is some helicopter tycoon. - - second and third though lol!
My sleep pattern is a mystery to me - until I was about 25 I could always sleep, but lately.........
Then about a week ago I started to sleep for England
I think I caught up a year in a week!!! but now back to churning worries - that I have no control over - and sleepless nights.
Why is it you are most tired about a minute before the alarm goes off?????
Well, was directed here by a lovely lady - I am totally happy with everything I have posted. If I arranged a meet it would be (is) because I like a person to chat to. Too easy to misrepresent yourself on here. I try not to judge although I judge myself harshly, but one is always your own best critic!!
So in summery - rain followed by sunny intervals.
God I'm a random fella!
Well when I was about 12 I did think Valerie Singleton was rather nice - lol
But I suspect men are more shallow and it is unlikely they have fantasies about "wrong" ladies. It is also easier for a man to be acceptable looking but "wrong".
Having said that, if anyone here lets on they fancy Prescott I'm resigning from the human race!!! lol
Have to agree with Kate on that one Nola!!
I have a bit of a thing for Jodie Foster - not embarassing really just she don't like men!
I can't find the words to express myself, typed four times and nothing is right. So all I'll say is - -
I'm sure your dad would (is) be very very proud, well done you!!
Thank for hotels, I will be there.
Wild horses couldn't keep me away!!!
Wild women though....................
That's why I'm coming!!
Please may I attend??
A long way to travel but for a good reason. A local hotel list would be useful too if poss.