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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54


Quote by Debbiewebs
It used to be illegal in Singapore but there were stories in the papers there last time I was out there (2.5 years ago) that they were going to allow "medicinal" versions to go on sale (after significant bullying from megacorps).

sorry Zootle
can you fill me in what you mean with Medicinal.....and mega corps redface
Erm, medicinal, I can't remember, but I'd hazzard a guess at nicotine gum, for example, which folk may use to help give up smoking? I suspect it's just a lame back door into selling any gum in the future,
Megacorps are just big companies with more power than they should have,
It used to be illegal in Singapore but there were stories in the papers there last time I was out there (2.5 years ago) that they were going to allow "medicinal" versions to go on sale (after significant bullying from megacorps).
Quote by Lazeeboy
I'm selling up and going off to see the brother lives on a farm in the Basque mountains and I'm moving down there.I'll have that as my base and go on my adventures from there.

That sounds fantastic. I'd love to do someting like that!
Good luck!
Quote by Rainbows
Sorry Zootle - but I believe in this stuff! Orbs are energies of people passed. Not necesarily "ghosts" but energies. We all have energies. What is to say that some energy doesn't say behind?

I didn't totally dispute their nature, only gave the most likely explanation for the phenomenon.
Or would you discount entirely that some of these pictures of orbs are purely pictures of specs of dust or insects catching the light?
A closed minded believer is just as bad as a closed minded sceptic.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's an interesting area, ghosts, etc. Something I'd love to investigate if I had the time and money.
Specs of airbourn dust caught by a flash, usually, or water particles, or insects. I saw a fantastic shot a friend took in some light mist once, litterally hundrends of 'orbs'. Visibility was good but you could hardly see a thing in his shot. I've only ever seen a handful which could be described as very odd indeed.
I'd be very wary indeed of anything which only seems to be picked up with a digital imaging device. Suggests more a inherent issue with the method of capture rather than what's being captured.
I'll just break radio silence here to say lill miz naughty already knows I fancy her smile
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
I want some oral sex. Gonna whinge at me for it?

Me first, I live near to you ;)
fuck this.
I'm not sure what your problem is with me, but I shall certaily refrain from responding to you in the future. I ask you do the same for me, thanks.
Can a mod lock this please, thanks.
I said "pretty good indicator" not "guaranteed indicator"
Besides, you just have to look at the emails Mark gets and then posts on here!
Quote by Rainbows
I'd just like to offer my services to all those who feel the need for a hangover thread. Please feel free to sit down on my couch and share my resolve!! All those who embarrased themselves last night/this morning most welcome to join my clan!!!
Anyone feeling cheery and not hungover - find yourselves your own bloody fLucking thread!!! cool
redface rolleyes coffee

I'll be hung over if I get to lay on your couch with my head in your lap.
I'm dissappointed. I reallt expected to feel a little more merry after having consumed a bottle of champage all to myself on a virtually empty stomahche.
HAppy new year!
I'm home pretty much out of choice. I've avoided new year parties for the past few years, I just got bored of them!
Well I've got a whole bottle of champagne to get through on my own.
So my evening may get more amusing, if not exciting.
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
lol im sure you look sexy in 'em either way.

I do!
I got absolutely noting this year, so I got nothing bad or good smile
Quote by racer3
so if you have a small cock you are japanese? What are you if you have a big one?

an essex boy.
No! she wasn't talking about car size!
What about this vision of ..... errrr....... delight? :undecided: ~~~>Epitomy of style
Just can't help wondering how much of it is real and how much is his mothers picnic blanket cut into shapes that resemble clothes dunno

I'm no fashion expert, as I'd be the first to admit but, really, the phrase 'fashion distaster' does not suit that... that... thing. I wonder, perhaps, if a more appropriate phrase is 'fashion armageddon'. After all, if that's the direction fashion is heading in then the world needs to end. Quickly.
Ah! So that's why George W Bush was re-elected! He's trying to save the world from Burberry and chavs by destroying the planet! God bless America.
Quote by redstilletto
thank goodness they aint got one of them rubic cubes
had one for years till i chucked it
never got 4 sides done
traumatised i was .................knowing i wasnt as brainy as me mates who did it in minutes :taz:

Nah, they're easy (hmm, should dig mine out and check I can still do it!).
I have seen an online Rubik's Cube though, was quite some time back though.
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Do I say lil_miz_naughty_0204 or do I say my real name? lol

You mean that's not your real name?!
Well, if they are going by forum names for the list I wonder if now is a good time to tell lucyweebaps that she keeps getting my forum name wrong?! lol
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
I think they are dead sexy when they are teamed with jeans

I'm not sure mine can be classed as sandy. I think they're the slightly darker shade than that.
Guess it depends on the sand you're talking about smile
Quote by Libra-Love
:shock: A man who loves shoes!

A man who loves shoes is no man at all! lol
Well, I dunno, maybe he's just very in touch with his femenin side...
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Cat boots, the sand colured ones?

Maybe... smile
Ah, ripped jeans. I was wearing those way before they were fashionable. How people mocked me then. Ditto trainers. I wear neither now! lol You'd be hard pressed to get me out of my snug 501s or my comfy Cat boots (with obvious exceptions).
I am a fashion distaster! lol I just can't choose normal clothes to save my life. And as for fancy dress, I avoid any such occasion, that's even harder than normal clothes! :lol:
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
:shock: I wonder if anyone would bid on mr naughty
Most unlikely rolleyes

You'd be amazed at what you can sell on ebay.