You will find all the "adult" clubs in Prague are controlled by mafia type gangs and are more often than not just a front for prostitution,which thrives due to the relative poverty of the local population
Ive been half a dozen times over the past two years great place but not aware of any active swinging scene.
If you are ever in Manchester Tim Clark is worth a look IMHO very very funny
Flying from Manchester on 23nd of this month,so have a nice hotel room booked for the any ladies be interested in joining me for some relaxed fun?Send me a PM and we can chat about it.l
If you have messenger(latest version) you can send text messages simply by clicking on the text message tab,ive only used it a couple of far as i know the recipient will incur a charge(have no idea what this is.
Certainly works,although the messages i have sent from my pc have been within the uk dont see any reason why they shouldnt go worldwide.
Hope this helps
Hi,Im flying fron Manchester on 23rd Jan so will be spending the 22nd in a local hotel.
Any ladies or couples interseted in joining me for extended mutual oral pleasure and good sex PM or email me.
Ill send you my details by return
We get the Press we deserve.
Tabloids exist in their current form because people buy them.
If everyone who says they are not interested in the crap they peddle actually stopped buying the rags they would be forced to go and find some News.
I can only conclude there is an appetite for the absolute crap they publish
I think in all honesty that the type of thing Corrie is talking about applies to SOME men in general whether it be on swinging heaven or not.
It is also not confined to Single men...............married men and men in "relationships" indulge in this sort of behaviour.
Most men grow up,unfortunately a very small minority let the rest of us down.
In winter mostly cycling shorts............very comfy and very warm,otherwise tight fitting boxers
Commando just doesnt feel averything held in place.
If its the book I,ve read I,m fairly sure the fanasies are presented as actual fantasies of actual women.
To be honest i took them all with a bit of of them are a bit over the top,stomach churning and downright illegal.
Is it right to fantasise about such things if you never do them?I guess I,ve got to say yes to I,m not alone in fantasising about lots of things i would never ever do.
Worth a read."Women on top" is one of her books
Would anyone have said anything if it had been a woman asking to give a bloke a BJ?
Me thinks not!
Thats EXACTLY the point,well said,and polo lady.I read the post in question and my first thought was...........oh yeah as thats not the point,freedom of speech is,even if that means the freedom to make yourself look a prat