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Growing your own....

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Since I went vegetarian, I have started eating a lot more fruit and veg... and have grown my own for years. This year though, I am having to buy more as my garden doesn't seem to want to produce as much this year.
I don't know whether it's just my area, but have heard from relatives around the country that their crops aren't doing as well too.... I usually have plums by the bucketload.. none this year.. jerusalem artichokes - again none this year.. goosberries.. none of those too. Same with my potatoes and tomatoes. My herbs, apples and blackberries have gone mad, but nothing else has come up!
I would be interested to know of those who grow their own - have you noticed a distinct lack of crops this year? Could it be down to this global warming scare? We haven't really had a summer.. seems to have been more rain, than sun.. which has helped certain things to grow, but not others. sad
What's going on in your neck of the woods... confused:
Our cherry tree always yields a huge crop of cherry's but this year there have been next to none :shock:
tomatoes been brilliant this year.....runner beans not done well at all....I blame the snow we had in april for killing off the blossom on the trees...and the lack of sunshine....
It's been crap this year for growing veg. All my tomatoes, figs, blackcurrants, courgettes, squashes etc have not done well. The only things that have done reasonably well this year have been my apples, and my quinces. Even my herbs have suffered this year.
sad :( :(
I've got a container garden of sorts in our back yard, started quite late this year after I got all enthused by Mrs. Silent bob sorting out some flower containers, and decided to plant some useful plants.
One of our two tomato plants (Totem, a bush variety) snapped just above the first set of side shoots yesterday, so I've had to pick all the green tomatoes and put them in a box with a banana to ripen them. Neither plant has produced an enormous amount of fruit, but considering the wet, cloudy weather and the high winds they've done ok.
I did get our first harvest from the garden yesterday (apart from the herbs in the window trough) - a total of two french beans from a couple of plants I rescued from the discounted section of B&Q. It's not much, but I'm quite impressed they've produced anything. We've got a sweet pepper plant and a habanero chilli plant that're doing ok, but I think I'll be bringing them indoors soon and letting them finish off on the kitchen windowsill.
Next year's plans are a lot more grand - I'm thinking of building a small lean-to greenhouse (well I suppose actually more of a large cold frame), and growing heirloom tomatoes from seed (not sure which varieties yet, there's quite a few to choose from).
In general, I think it's been quite a dull, wet year, and in certain parts of the country bees are suffering with a number of infectious diseases (not to mention the crap weather affecting them as well), so overall it wouldn't be surprising if this wasn't a very good year for gardeners. Hopefully next year will be better. smile
Happy to report, spuds, toms and cucumbers all doing well. Strawberries were great.
Pumpkin died, I ran the wheelie bin over it!
Corgettes are struggling, but I 'think' it is finally getting there
Todate:- 14lbs of spuds from 5 seed spuds! biggrin and one cucumber is about 7" long (no comment from those at the back please!)
I thought this was a thread about something totally different :smoke:
:giggle: bolt
We don't do gardening sad My garden is just like wasteland :( but after Morb straightened the patio out I bought some planters, lavenders, heathers, a lovely japonica, and a herb basket, planted them and my duahgter promptly watered them with the watering can that had been used with weedkiller and killed everything off :(
I'm not trying again!
This is the 1st year ive ever grown anything in the garden and im so excited i got 2 tomato plants in with some flowers and up to date weve had 4 yellow toms ( not a lot yet ) but the other plant is a plum tomato and its goin mad im so happy ive already started thinkin wot im gonna grow next yr ........again toms and gonna try pea pods and might even try strawbs and deffo potatoes, any advice wud b very welcome
thx all
Part of my garden is an old orchard. The apple tree seems to make a crop every year no matter what the weather. :lickface:
Will have to be careful of weedkiller... my late hubbie did something similar.. I had spent ages cultivating lavender and he used my watering can to water the path with weedkiller... mad was not a happy bunny!
Laff_n_chilli.. will pm you x
Cucumbers just finished (had the last one at weekend and this year had the best crop ever with 10 cucumbers). Presently over run with tomatoes and keeping everyone at work stocked up (grown cherry - red and yellow, plum tomatoes, beefsteak toms and normal ones). Probably the best ever crop of strawberries, so all in all, we have had a bumper crop this year. It hasnt been cold and its been very wet (ok, we had to water the stuff in the greenhouse).
That is all we have grown this year but hoping to expand next year and try some new things.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Cucumbers just finished (had the last one at weekend and this year had the best crop ever with 10 cucumbers).
That is all we have grown this year but hoping to expand next year and try some new things.

I don't know about the rest of you folks but my mind is working overtime here rolleyes :roll:
What's next NWC! Carrots, Marrows?, Watermelons? etc
lol :lol:
Quote by woohoo
Cucumbers just finished (had the last one at weekend and this year had the best crop ever with 10 cucumbers).
That is all we have grown this year but hoping to expand next year and try some new things.

I don't know about the rest of you folks but my mind is working overtime here rolleyes :roll:
What's next NWC! Carrots, Marrows?, Watermelons? etc
lol :lol:
Your mind is always working overtime smackbottom
You are very bad, very, very bad :evil2:
I am sat here giggling now...
Hope my crops are better next year....
Quote by Misskitty_2008
I am sat here giggling now...
Hope my crops are better next year....

Please, dont encourage him, he is bad enough with any encouragement wink
Sorry.. will try to behave myself... though it is difficult! cool
bumper crop of brambes where the vegetable patch was sigh...
and our plum tree has decided to turn iinto a greengage tree blowed if i know how thats possible
we have allotments so have been growing for the last 4 years.
New potatos were prettty crap this year, some no bigger than a bogey. But most of the other standards came up okay.
mind you a trailer load of manure got dug in during the spring. so that probably helped.

I saw the thread title any thought kitty was up to something interesting lol
but it made me think of a bumper-sticker I saw ---

"Grow your own dope -- plant a man"
Which some of you fine ladies might find amusing ...
John.... just fell of the sofa when I read that!!!
ps.. what would I be up to? i'm innocent me..... cool
my veggies are superb spuds all kinds of beans even the "has" ones but fruit absolutly useless I live in Surrey on sandy soil
can't believe a discussion about this on here great .the best site I've found
Mixed results, but I think its because we've had such a crap summer so things haven't gown or ripened properly ... my tomatoes plants have lots of little tomatoes but they're not rippening, just getting the odd one or two ... marrows are smaller than normal though courgettes have been ok, aubergines have done ok but they're all fairly small.
This last couple of years it seems that my meat is perfectly fresh, but my two veg seemed to have withered a bit sad
why grow your own when Tesco do it cheaper..... rolleyes
There's also been a lot more weeds than usual. Big sods that you can pull out whole by hand. Which made it easier.
My corn/maize is really tasty this year. Main crop Spuds are good. Huge cabbages, leeks and sprouts looking good as well.
I usually buy plants rather than start from seed. So these are F1 varieties. So if anyone is using heritage stuff, yields could possibly be down, but you are still in with a chance next year.
But the proof is usually in the harvest festival whether its in your local church or scout hall. Then you find out who's grown what and how they did it.
It's quite built-up around here...
There is a local hydroponics and natural daylight strip-light supplier which appears to be doing a roaring trade.
Lots of windows blacked-out too...hmmmm
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
why grow your own when Tesco do it cheaper..... rolleyes

self satisfaction
plus you know what has gone into the ground
… and there's the amazing burst of flavour you get as well.
So true... and I love picking what I have nurtured during the year.. no pesticides.. all organic...
Quote by bbw_lover
why grow your own when Tesco do it cheaper..... rolleyes

self satisfaction
plus you know what has gone into the ground
… and there's the amazing burst of flavour you get as well.
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
why grow your own when Tesco do it cheaper..... rolleyes

self satisfaction
plus you know what has gone into the ground
That's exactly what I thought when I last saw the mother in law...
...bugger, given the game away now. I hope the fuzz don't monitor this page! :twisted: