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Profile Pictures

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Should Profiles without a picture be removed?

While im ere may as well whinge as answer to the original post would be. Who the fuck dies and left you the post of Swing Police Commissioner ?
If youre so concerned about fantasists wasting your time then reply to some picturyfied profiles and get shaggin, while us non-verified,non regular unhard swingers and fantasists carry on wasting our time chatting.
Dont let the door hit yer ass either........FFS sake where have all these fucking pedants and rule making whingers appeared from all of a sudden !
Rant over
Peace x
I voted no, I have no pictures but I do have a cam.
I believe you can tell more about a person when seeing them on cam than any picture can tell you.
We met a guy once for a drink in the very beginning what he didn't tell us was his face picutre on here was taken a few years prior.
Quote by westerross
You all seem to have missed the point, we asked the question "Should people have an appropriate Profile Picture", NOT pictures in galleries. It seems to us that there are many wannabes and fakers in here, taking the trouble to fill out a profile fully, and inserting a Profile Picture goes some way towards showing that you ACTUALLY want to meet people on here rather then live out some fantasy!

In that case explain yourself more fully - I for one haven't got a clue what yer talking about.
If there are no pics then I generally don't look - but that's my choice. Others may differ.
Just like you Tune I'm puzzled.
People shouldn't be forced to put pictures up on their profiles as there have been security concerns in the past, and people are entitled to their privacy. However I also think that are fully filled out profile is essential. I have seen many profiles that have no pictures and virtually no text in there either. Not even age or gender, so you have absolutely no idea who the profile belongs to. A well written profile can tell you a lot about the person, without the need for photos.
Quote by Hotandkinkyuk
You all seem to have missed the point, we asked the question "Should people have an appropriate Profile Picture", NOT pictures in galleries. It seems to us that there are many wannabes and fakers in here, taking the trouble to fill out a profile fully, and inserting a Profile Picture goes some way towards showing that you ACTUALLY want to meet people on here rather then live out some fantasy!

Having a picture on a profile means absolutely zilch !!
The picture might not even be of the profile holder !!
Delete profiles without pictures rolleyes
we voted yes to just to mess up the results..i get a sense of satisfaction knowing for certain polls of this nature are flawed from the start..
Quote by wild rose and the stag
we voted yes to just to mess up the results..i get a sense of satisfaction knowing for certain polls of this nature are flawed from the start..

We voted yes as well because they're fake timewasters every one. Get rid of them. And the splitters can feck off too while we're at it.
Yes get rid of all the pictureless profiles
Afterall a picture means we are genuine
Quote by bbw_lover
However I also think that are fully filled out profile is essential. I have seen many profiles that have no pictures and virtually no text in there either. Not even age or gender, so you have absolutely no idea who the profile belongs to. A well written profile can tell you a lot about the person, without the need for photos.

Essential to who? Why do you need to know anything about someone that doesn't want to disclose information when there are so many people to choose from that do?
A non-existent profile can tell you a lot. It says, "Please don't contact me, I'm not interested." In the words of the song, "Walk On BY."
Quote by northwest-cpl
However I also think that are fully filled out profile is essential. I have seen many profiles that have no pictures and virtually no text in there either. Not even age or gender, so you have absolutely no idea who the profile belongs to. A well written profile can tell you a lot about the person, without the need for photos.

Essential to who? Why do you need to know anything about someone that doesn't want to disclose information when there are so many people to choose from that do?
A non-existent profile can tell you a lot. It says, "Please don't contact me, I'm not interested." In the words of the song, "Walk On BY."
Yes you're right. But then why be on the site? For the chat? There are many other sites that probably have more challenging debates. It puzzles me.
Does that mean that you think a swinger who doesn't use SH to set up their meets, preferring to keep their swinging experiences to the swinging club scene has no right to be a member here?
That puzzles me confused
Quote by bbw_lover
Yes you're right. But then why be on the site? For the chat? There are many other sites that probably have more challenging debates. It puzzles me.

So which site can I use to keep in touch with the many swinging friends we have made through the club scene, or to chat about our interest, which is swinging? Should I use a gardening website, or maybe a football site? Having used this site since the very early days, when there weren't useable profiles, only one chatroom and no cams, I wonder how people ever managed to meet. Maybe they chatted and made up their own minds without the need for being spoonfed.
What I find disturbing with the direction this site is taking is that there appears to be a growing trend that anyone that doesn't fit into people's personal view of who should be on a swinging site, and what a swinging site should provide, is somehow not worthy.
It makes me laugh to see the views of some people who fill in a profile and add some photos and immediately think that they are somehow a better swinger than other people. I've always thought that walking the walk is better than talking the talk.
...and breathe.
Quote by northwest-cpl
I've always thought that walking the walk is better than talking the talk.
...and breathe.

:thumbup: kiss
And picking the pics is better than....
sucking the dicks?
flucking the pricks?
stuffing the nicks?
Ach, I give up. It doesn't make sense anyway if I try to make it rhyme. :
dunno I voted no by the way.
Quote by flower411
I've always thought that walking the walk is better than talking the talk.
...and breathe.

Yeah but .... has anybody verified that you walk the walk ??
seen em at it wink
Quote by flower411
I've always thought that walking the walk is better than talking the talk.
...and breathe.

Yeah but .... has anybody verified that you walk the walk ??
Well these feckin' blisters are on me feet, not me hands. lol
Quote by wild rose and the stag
splitters anyway what did the Romans ever do for us, apart from roads

don't forget the noses............... rolleyes
i voted no, after all, what's an "appropriate picture" & who would be the judge? one man's meat is another man's poison.
if you look at a profile & it ain't got a photo on, jog on & ignore them if you don't like it, that's your right, just as it's their right not to put a photo one's forcing you to fuck them, are they?
what's next, kick every single guy off the site if all they have is a cock photo? or everyone out of chat if they ain't on cam?
to paraphrase abraham lincoln, "you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not please all of the people all of the time."
Oh Dear you just gotta smile havnt ya like we tell em in chat a picture proves nowt might not even be yours, a fone number means nowt, cam means nowt, to us now turn up in the flesh..... our kinda peeps simple really isnt it lol
Quote by northwest-cpl
Yes you're right. But then why be on the site? For the chat? There are many other sites that probably have more challenging debates. It puzzles me.

So which site can I use to keep in touch with the many swinging friends we have made through the club scene, or to chat about our interest, which is swinging? Should I use a gardening website, or maybe a football site? Having used this site since the very early days, when there weren't useable profiles, only one chatroom and no cams, I wonder how people ever managed to meet. Maybe they chatted and made up their own minds without the need for being spoonfed.
What I find disturbing with the direction this site is taking is that there appears to be a growing trend that anyone that doesn't fit into people's personal view of who should be on a swinging site, and what a swinging site should provide, is somehow not worthy.
It makes me laugh to see the views of some people who fill in a profile and add some photos and immediately think that they are somehow a better swinger than other people. I've always thought that walking the walk is better than talking the talk.
...and breathe.
You have a point.