Marriage is a great institution. But I'm not ready for an institution yet. Mae West
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way. Jessica Rabbit
In my opinion (and I accept that others disagree) the mother is making a bigger deal out of this than it warrants. Taking it to the national papers is going to rule out any self respecting girl who might actually decide she likes Otto.
And while being a virgin at 21 is unusual but not unheard of - why is this a crisis that she needs to appeal for help with? Just give him time and a little bit of privacy.
On a side note, there are some prostitutes/escorts who do work with disabled clients who could give him a good experience if it is only about the sex (which is appears from this article). If it is about love, then telling a newspaper that your son is desperate for a shag is not the way to go about it.
I am actually getting a bit angry with this now as Downs is an issue close to my heart so I am going to stop.
I guess it is positive that articles like this get people talking about disabilities...
This is an interesting thread!
I come and go, it's a hobby for me and like most of my hobbies is all consuming for a while, then forgotten about when the new one comes along (did I mention I have a short attention span...?)
I prefer swinging as a single girl, so tend not to get involved here with I'm with someone. I guess on a simple level, when I'm not with a partner, this is a great way to fufil my sexual needs. That said, I do believe that when/if I do settle down with someone, I would like us to explore swinging together at some stage as I think (mainly from people I've met on here) that it can enhance an already strong relationship.
I once played scar tissue (red hot chilli peppers) on hospital radio, only realised the irony halfway through.
I used to work with kids. Laughed pretty much every day - that was pretty cool.
I think every smoothie in that range has something funny in the ingredients - it goes with the lighthearted, witty image they are trying to portay!
BTW my fave is strawberries and bananas.
Working with kids means I have overheard some brilliant insults...all said with a sweet smile of innocence masking the cheeky little sods' real intentions.
"Are you a boy? Your boobies are very little." (not to me, funnily enough)
"Why does he have teeth like a rabbit?" (said within earshot or said boy)
"Do you have spots because you're a teenager?" (No, I'm 24. I just have spots...just you wait for puberty!!)
etc etc...
However,the best one, and it was said to me by a parent, "When are you due?". When I looked bewildered she clarified with, "The baby, when are you expecting." Groan. I don't know who was more embarrassed. I was a bloody size twelve by the way, just a bit bloated!
This maybe a bit controversial but maybe men have more luck/choice on vanilla dating sites because women (huge generalisation coming up so please don't all shout at me at once) prefer sex along with love and relationships and men prefer it to be without strings - hence the reason why there are so many men on here, and why women members can be far more choosy.
My stories (all two of them!) are based on events that couldhave happened if only I'd had the balls!
They are rooted in fact, but, really, are just my fantasy of what might have been...if only i had the courage to do more than smile and run away when these situations arise!
Just thought I'd throw my tuppence, as a single girl, in here...
I get quite a lot of emails on a regular basis, and if I place an advert it multiplies extraordinarily. In the beginning I did try responding to everyone, just a wee one liner even. It became clear though that many people hadn't even read my profile/ad. It's amazing the number of emails I get from guys telling me they are shaved, when I've clearly stated my tastes are otherwise.
So, I stopped replying to most of them - if people haven't bothered to see what I want or can only lift a finger to send a wink then I'm not going to waste my time replying.
I tend to meet people from chat tbh, and do always try to respond to emails that have had a bit of thought put into them.
My advice to single guys would be, be patient, be curteous, try and be original and comment on something that person has specified in their profile, and if possible, arrange to meet in chat. For me, personality is important and in terms of my safety, if guy appears to pushy or desperate from his emails/chat/phonecalls then I'll pull the plug straight away.
I know I'm lucky to be in the minority position (single girl, although not the elusive bi fem!) and appreciate that I am able to be choosy, and would like to take this opportunity to anyone whose emails I have not responded to! :shock:
Well that's me just back from Cyprus so I am definitely in the mood for summer and BBQs now!
I've already put my name down but also wnated to add my friends. He's on the site as DickyGB but won't have internt access for the next few days so I thought I'd ask on his behalf.
Hope this is okay, but do let me know if there's a problem.
Please put me on the list too.
Fingers crossed for lots of sunshine! x
I think this is interesting, particularly because I don't really mind making mistakes, as long as I learn from them.
For me, I like to think that I won't judge someone if they've done something I don't like once. For example, if someone cheated on a previous partner, but it only happened once, I wouldn't let that put me off. If they cheated more than once, or with more than one partner, it would put me off because I would find it hard to trust them.
I reckon we are all going to make mistakes, we should only be judged by the reparations we make.
Thanks for your help everyone, I have put a general support ticket in and will see what comes of it.
Just fyi, I didn't post because I doubted the integrity of SH staff, but because I thought if someone was staff they shouldn't have spoken to me in the way that they did (actually, I wouldn't accept anyone speaking to me in the manner he did!). I was pretty shaken up last night when I posted my question but feel a lot happier this morning.