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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 58
Straight Male, 61


i will say however, my father owned a rather fine velocette venom cool i believe it was a 500cc and sported a fishtail exhaust 8-) quite why that detail inspired erections amongst his fellow enthusiasts escapes me, but them's the facts quote]
I think it is quite safe to say I'm never likely to sport an erection!!
Delirium (100% girl)
A Scott? a PROPER Scott? In which case I AM impressed, more than the odd one or two throbbing british numbers have passed between my pale and soft thighs ( sounding like a bad porn score now), mostly because I'm short and I can touch the ground on them. I still have the BSA my Father bought me for my 17th birthday (yeah a mere 4 years ago *snort of laughter*), er is your Scott one with an engine or are we talking mountain bikes here?
I have accidently flashed whilst riding and caused 'kerbside incidents a few times', one of them involved a man on a sit on mower which had to be the most amusing!
I've not riden anything other than a horse around Thetford Forest, but it looks a great place to ride. I'm an F cup now and the prospect of me with escaping breasts would most likely frighten the horses!
Quote by dirtydoggers
we've yet to see a boob escape, admittedly..but boy its been a close call on many occassion lol
for the record..mine's a full suss twin disc scott ...impressed huh? no, didn't think so redface might we have the pleasure of anticipating you losing yer boobs on the black trail in thetford forest sometime in the future?. :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
more recently, my mate "the master" and your's truely have taken to blazing the mountain bike trails around high dogging, but bouncy boobs aplenty lol wish ya luck wink

*nods knowingly* I have a lowrider - hard tail frame, I've never been able to ride it without wearing an industrial strength sports bra!
Quote by swampbug
I think you will be enough to keep anyone at bay lol.

OI! That could have sounded better!
Quote by swampbug
lol Security officer at the ready lol

*laughs* Well between you and Michael I should be pretty safe! Anyone messing with you two and a hormonal redhead needs psychiatric input!
Thanks for the links Serendipity, they made for interesting reading although I have to agree the first one was more than a little sus. I'd not considered how the red top papers might find this sort of behaviour rather more interesting if a woman is pregnant. Food for thought. Dam these raging hormones!!
Ahhh... we enjoyed it too. Glad to have made an impression!
: ive met you before you were pregnant and had a lovely time, lots of fun, and now your pregnant too, mmmmmmmm carnt wait to see you again, just call and ill be there :P
Thank you so much for all the replies. As I said to someone recently, I've already given up enough things such as eating brie sandwiches, doing my jeans up, being able to paint my toenails, being able to watch TV adverts without crying, fitting into my corset, etc. etc. I really don't want to give up dogging especially now the weather is so nice and as a couple we have a freedom we won't have in September. However I also don't want to risk any harm and feel safer amongst a small group or single other at the moment. We were out the other night and it turned into a scene almost straight out of the Blues Brothers (less police cars though!) and I'm not madly into that just now.
I appreciate the concerns people have raised and of course safety and well being are my big priority. I go out with my other half, a mere 6'4 (and a bit!), 18 stone rugby player build kinda guy (oooooh I'm going all funny thinking about it!) who is hugely protective.
Nice to hear so many people think a big curvy woman is so sexy too.
Again thanks to all who have replied either on the forum or by pm. If you see us out and about please do say Hello. It is the amazing the amount of people we have felt might be scary but when they talk to us have been so nice
Delirium x
Hiya, is she a redhead? if so it might be us!! We'll be out early evening today, perfect picnic weather. Thanks for your message, I'll show himself as he loves it when we go out,
Best wishes,
Hiya, long time no post. It has been a hectic few months, yadda yadda.
I'm just wondering how people feel about dogging whilst pregnant (this may not apply to all readers!). Have you done it? How do you feel about it? If you are a bloke how do feel about pregnant women out and about showing off?
I love going out but as my pregnancy is now quite obvious I'm finding myself getting quite self conscious and yet I love being out in public places with my beloved. I would really value other people's thoughts on it
Best wishes,
send me a pm and i may come watch
Ah... sorry, we were out by then
This buxom wench and her big man are out and about in the south glos area this evening. Any other couples care to enjoy the sunset?
Looks like we will be out and about in the area this evening so please do give us a wave
I'll be there from about onwards, both evenings.
Couples looking for a discreet viewer, tour guide or a respectful companion biggrin please PM me to arrange meets before Friday.
quote="aprilia250"]bet that made their day brighter :P
Well they were smiling and waving so maybe they were having a bright day anyway *coughs*!
I drove my soft top car (hood down) and topless over Salisbury Plain. It wasn't the cameras that startled me, more the lorry full of soldiers in an army truck approaching from the opposite direction! Dogging on the hoof perhaps
Sorry, not been around for several weeks due to partner's work stuff. Therefore unable to be able to make any plans and instead have spent an entertaining few weeks doing - well, not a lot really.
Work stuff largely resolved so we took ourselves up to a very well known local site last night and spent much time watching some bizarre goings on in the middle of a car park. Car 1 - contents = 2 men + 1 woman. Car 2 - contents = several men with flashlights attached to their heads (and very attractive it made them look too... er...). Cars 3 - 25 parked quietly around the perimeter watching the goings on suspiciously. Car 1 parks in middle of car park. Interior light flashes several times, car then goes to park on side.
Couple in car next to us light cigarettes and look decidedly bored. I wonder if it is always like this and attempt similar bored expression so as not to look out of place.
Car 2 rushes to join car 1. Men with flashlights attached to their heads get out. peole in car 1 get out. Then appear to start swapping around seat covers and climbing in and out of each others cars. This goes on for 15 minutes or so.
Are we doing dogging wrong? Do we need to get flashlights and wander round looking like gynaecology students and get removal seat covers? Himself was happy to offer his services for gynaecological examinations (so noble), but I suspect his Dr credentials rapidly scribbled on a post it note in red crayon might raise a few eyebrows amongst General Medical Council members.
OK Dogging - we need to know more... so coming to a car park near you soon... one couple, however we may pass on the head gear and seat covers for the time being!
Sorry, not been around for several weeks due to partner's work stuff. Therefore unable to be able to make any plans and instead have spent an entertaining few weeks doing - well, not a lot really.
Work stuff largely resolved so we took ourselves up to a very well known local site last night and spent much time watching some bizarre goings on in the middle of a car park. Car 1 - contents = 2 men + 1 woman. Car 2 - contents = several men with flashlights attached to their heads (and very attractive it made them look too... er...). Cars 3 - 25 parked quietly around the perimeter watching the goings on suspiciously. Car 1 parks in middle of car park. Interior light flashes several times, car then goes to park on side.
Couple in car next to us light cigarettes and look decidedly bored. I wonder if it is always like this and attempt similar bored expression so as not to look out of place.
Car 2 rushes to join car 1. Men with flashlights attached to their heads get out. peole in car 1 get out. Then appear to start swapping around seat covers and climbing in and out of each others cars. This goes on for 15 minutes or so.
Are we doing dogging wrong? Do we need to get flashlights and wander round looking like gynaecology students and get removal seat covers? Himself was happy to offer his services for gynaecological examinations (so noble), but I suspect his Dr credentials rapidly scribbled on a post it note in red crayon might raise a few eyebrows amongst General Medical Council members.
OK Dogging - we need to know more... so coming to a car park near you soon... one couple, however we may pass on the head gear and seat covers for the time being!
We may be out and about on friday late afternoon - weather, traffic, work, the rate of the dollar, etc. permitting. Give us a wave!
i have been invited to meet 3 ladies for dogging this afternoon and they say they are really horny and will do anything i want them to do. this is my first time doing this dogging thing so do i need to be careful. any help / advice please
How did it go Tony? Let us know you are a) still in one piece b) A VERY happy man
>I have tried that place, but I was put off by the number of picnicers & families, even in term time. I'll keep looking though
Ah sorry not to help. The hill itself is not too suitable daytime but the woody area has been used. Good luck.
Quote by simonsuzie
I'm sure that daytime dogging is a myth - in South Bucks, there is a fair bit of after dark activity, but I've NEVER seen any daytime activity. Has anyone else?

I've seen it in North Bucks. Closest to you was in that wooded area by W.W
>Great avatar Delirium.
Well thank you kind Sir
>I use a kids factor 30 myself. When once applying the lotion was told by a bloke that the last time he saw someone that white they were on a slab!
Hmmm... now that is worthy of an entirely different forum.
>So much for afternoon dogging will be near nightime by time I get out.
Ahh! Now I think I can see why you attempts to see afternoon dogging have been less than the success you might have hoped for. The trick is to leave the house before it gets dark *nods sagely*.
In the daylight hours us fair skinned types can usually be detected by the unforgettable whiff of factor 9000 suntan lotion. A look strangely reminiscent of a person painted with Dulux white paint - always a winning look!
>Enough said, hopefully normality will return this afternoon when I once again try to >discover that "myth" that is daytime dogging.
Perhaps it is an urban myth as it certainly occurs out here in the country. There is something rather fun about playing truant from work for a few hours to sneak off to a leafy glade to admire the view (or in my case be part of the view).
I'd maybe go for the D&G as the Karma comes only in parfum (as opposed to eau de toilette) which means the smells lasts VERY well and depending on your level of interaction with the thronging lustful mass which are drawn bisto ad like towards your lovely lady, they may end up smelling of it for rather longer than they might care for.
I see the Forest Fruit Kitkat is not forthcoming - rats.
Lovely day, time to go get near nekkid and flash the locals
I'm not a bloke but I am a woman with a pretty reasonable working knowledge of perfume and blokes reaction to it. D&G's Light Blue is a bit of a hit, but usually with the ladies - ooops! Mind you my b/f finds that an appealing concept in itself and bought me another bottle the moment mine ran out. Lush do a perfume called Karma, now this has an aroma somewhat reminiscent of Kensington High Street in the 1970's so although there is a hint of patchouli, it is girlyfied with lots of lemongrass and orange. Men seem to love it and presumably all that girlyness takes away that eau de Motorhead edge to it. Only trouble is it rather exceeds your £5 budget. You could take her to a Lush, spray her with the tester bottle, whip her up to the nearest picnic area and guage the reaction (rather suspect the lemongrass may have added benefit of warding off mossies and other biting insects) I have some old bottles of 'Tramp' and 'Just Musk' somewhere, 3/4 full too - yours for 50p and a Forest Fruit Kitkat!
Fantastic - It is going to be a GREAT summer! Thanks
:welcome: I think you will find that men like the ones you describe are everywhere wink .
Hiya, We are fairly new to the scene and loving it so far. Enjoy the chance to be watched especially by men who appreciate the glories of a curvacious female. Do such folks exist locally?