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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 51
Bisexual Male, 55


Master of Sex
saying ...i love you someone ..and meaning it !
and knowing that they love you back. :love:
Master of Sex
OY GREG...get back to our thread smackbottom
are you that desperate, that you have to stray. wink lol
Master of Sex
this is a disgusting thread... :shock: but funny :giggle:
thankfully, this has never happened to me..but then, im a lady, and i dont fart.
Master of Sex
well that had me in fits of laughter...called hubby in to read it..he didnt find it funny or interesting....well, each to there own..i thought it was great.... rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Master of Sex
thanks for the kind words guys....havent replyed to any pms yet.. but i will reply to everyone over the next few days.
Master of Sex
you cant always tell what bra size someone is gilbert.
mine measure a LOT bigger than they look. although hubby says.. its just coz im used to them and they do look big..but they dont!
i think its amazing that some guys dont know what size there wives bra size is.. my hubby shops for mine....he knows all the sizes that i take for everything.
Master of Sex
this is a short post..thought it would of been longer.
surprised me.
Master of Sex
this thread has made me laugh.. about the only thing that has today.
misschief.....loved the welcome funny but a bit scary....
i love this thread. rotflmao
Master of Sex that your mobile number.. i dont think you should put that on a thread..
Master of Sex
didnt you know that every computer has a little camera in it and they check out stuff like that. :giggle: