If you're out tonight in Surrey better take wellies and a brollie, there's one hell of a storm here in Crawley (just over the Sussex border).
If you're out tonight in Surrey better take wellies and a brollie, there's one hell of a storm here in Crawley (just over the Sussex border).
If not a guy then according to the profile someone who has managed to lose 5 or so years from their age since they set up in here. I'm impressed,but they'd be better off selling their youth elixir than offering bj's.
Just to add my 2p worth, CK + Annabell, sorry but personal circumstances at the moment mean I cannot make this, though thank you for the invite you sent the other night. I hope it's a huge success.
And to anyone wavering, these people are two of the nicest folks I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and a trip down to the coast would be well worth anyones time.
It's not in Surrey but Brighton's not too far. I have heard good things about the quality of clit piercing at what used to be Perforations in Brighton. Trouble is they've changed their name and I can't recall what it is now. The old site isn't working unfortunately. I do know they did a cracking job on my PA.
There was an article in Metro (free rag they give out atstations in the morning in the London area, no idea if it's more widespread thanthat), anyway, in this there was an article earlier in the week where a Chief Constable or similar was saying that their force was considering ASBOs to curb dogging/gay cruising, if my memory of it serves me correctly.
I can't be 100% sure of which area they were talking about, and I should have kept the paper and mentioned it here earlier but it slipped my mind. Someone else on here might recall more details.
But if you think that's bad, wait till the sods get the ID cards law going. You'll need to flash that everytime you do anything!!
I must admit that I have noticed that google at least picks up on the individual threads on this site and presents them as results of a search. Is there not a way to diferentiate between the site (which should be on search results) and posts within the site??
Which is usually not worth keeping to hang on the nail in the loo but today had a full pager on dogging.
here's the link if anyone wants a read.
Mod edit: I have removed the link - do you not think that the boy racers etc read this site? You've just given them the perfect information!!
So once you've read it be warned...that site will be chock full of the local boy racers, curious (and easily offended) members of the public, the press and probably the local boys in blue.
Your local free press, making life so much better for everyone....not!
Aha...this explains the recent sudden small flurry of interests in my earlier post. I did rather wonder what was going on...Hope you have fun folks.
Orgasm Addict by the Buzzcocks.
Folks, it has come to my attentionthat a certain well known dogging spot in sussex (which is about as close as I can say in open post) has sprouted a couple of webcams.
Now, I know some of you would just love to be broadcast across the world while having fun, but then some might be a bit shy.
So if anyone is interested, PM me and I'll send you the url of the cams (which since it has the name of the place in it is a bit of a giveaway here) and you can either avoid the place, or go and put on a proper show..or check to see if there's any action (please choose one or more)...
A lot of councils have a policy of blocking any car park areas or areas that vehicles can get on to avoid the hassle and expense of evciting travellers. Sadly the places most likely to be 'dogged' are also those most likely to have a dozen caravans turn up overnight.
I do't know if anyone has actually made a scientific study of this, following up people from religious schools and/or families as they mature sexually, but from my own experience I would have to say that (1) girls from convent schools seem to make extra efforst to catch up once they are out from the gaze of the nuns and (2) and probably more seriously, there does seem to be a bit of a compressed spring effect here. Oppress/suppress sexuality and it will find a way to leak out and then boing all over the place. It may be that with more controlling religions there is more of an effect as the strength to throw off early learnings and find your own way might open you up to being more open to new ideas in lots of areas, not just religous and sexual but pretty much anyplace.
Of course being a severely lapsed catholic "bless me father it is 35 years since my last confession..better bring a book and some sandwiches" and a proud perve may colour my viewpoint.
Well, even I had never found that site, very useful..and of course, if you buy enough ginger, you can nip off to the kitchen and rustle up a delicious oriental dinner afterwards....though a word of warning. f you do try figging, please count the pieces out as you use them..and count them again when you finished. Losing one is a bad idea....though trying to concentrate on work the next day with a lost piece about your person is apparently quite interesting. So I hear (well so I heard, several times in fact, by text, by phone, by email....she was a bit miffed.)
Had one ear done at 18, then waited a bit until I was 37 till I had one nipple done. Now that was momentarily painful, but gave me a 'high' that lasted 3 days, and a lot of fun with it being played with....and when I was 40 (last year) I decided to get a Prince Albert (ring on the endo f the cock), which was pain free, bled a bit for a couple of days, but does improve what were great orgasms into 'oh my god I've fainted' ones. Highly recomended, especially if playng with someone who is already good at bj's. And if you get the angle right it does lovely things to a womans g-spot.
As for piercings on female partners, well nipple rings look great, but watch your teeth enamel, clit hood ones, well if they've been done well they are great fun to play with with your tongue. I find belly button ones just very sexy to look at.
My 2p worth...figging....which would be especially fun on a cold night like this.
Hmmm another kinky nastard...but only scored 392...I must be missing something somewhere, bettter oil up the leathers and untangle the chains.
Oh no, I now have a mental image of Edwina Currie with the head of a fish........no late night cheese on toast for me tonight.
Tom Sharpes novel Ancestral Vices (I think), had a scene in it where someone used a condom filled with oven cleaner..after realising what he'd ease the pain he used a cheese grater.....very odd novel, funny, but odd.
Very discretely, in a crowd of at Party in the Park in Brighton a couple of years ago. Though for the life of me I can't recall who was on stage at the time...odd that.
I saw a car the other day with the plate starting DU 04.....it got me thinking what would be good after that..DU04 FUN? DU04 YOU? DU04 DUO....OK, t was in a traffic jam and I was bored.....
Black jeans and rather fetching red t-shirt with a Native American medicine man on and my socks match my jeans....rather dapper for being stuck in on a Saturday night.