I always thought acting your shoe size rather than your age was more fun..oh well.
Oh yes...I really must read all the posts.....
Though I like to think (smug smug) mine had the edge on tension and pathos...lol
Folks, I am in a quandary here, and I need some advice. Maybe some of you have been through this and can tell me what to do.....
It started a while back, my other half started to work late, not getting back till 9 or 10 most evenings. Then she managed to find time to have 'girly nights out' with girls (oddly un-named) from her office. Most of these night she got a taxi home, or so she says, but the taxi would never drop here outside, always down the road. She's become very private, even secretive, she blew her top the other day when I picked up her mobile to check the time.
I became suspicious, we've always been open with each other. I didn't like the way things were going.
So I decided to find out what was going on, one night, she was out with the 'girls', I waited for her, when it was getting on for 10 I left the house and walked down the road, down to where my car was parked (the parking round here is terrible, it was half way down the road,) and crouched down behind it to wait for her to appear.
While I was there down low near the rear wheel arch I noticed that I had a terrible case of rusty wheel arches, the paint was blistered and bubbing up, awful it was.
So, folks, please, those who have been in this situation, can you tell me, should I take it in to a body shop or get some filler and paint and try to patch it up myself???
I have to agree, I have had phone sex on many occassions. not for some time now, but it can be extremely erotic and you can reallly lose yourself in the moment. To a degree it is one of those things that you have to be in the mood for, but if both of you are, well, it beats most other forms of 'solo' fun hands down. (not sure about using beat, and hands in that sentence, but.....)
Back to the topic, I can't see the fun in chatting to someone who is getting paid to make it up, the only way to enjoy this, IMHO, is to do it with someone you have a connection to anyway. And it's especially fun when a vanilla phone call suddenly takes a turn to the erotic.
Though I'd have to recommend you don't do this in a public phone box. especially one of the open sided ones. Also, phones in railway stations, airports etc, for some reason they get a bit stuffy about it........
Have some sympathy, the poor chap might have 2 broken arms and be unable to have a wank!!
I'd offer to help out myself, but I'm so snowed under with 'other stuff' at the moment I could only pencil you in for June next year.
But don't worry, a few splinters can be quite erotic if artfully applied.
You might try a trip to the London Fetish Fair ( ) or alternatively the International Fantasy Fayre ( ) to have a look at what's on offer. A lot f the stuff can be either made at home or adapted from everyday items. A good tip is to ttake a trip round Ikea and then work out what pervy things you can do with stuff in the shop. Well, OK, it's something I enjoy doing.....
Seriously, though folks, buying it can be an expensive hobby, making it yourself is much more fun, and you can get the customisation without the outlay. I did used to have a link for a site which had all sorts of interesting DIY BDSM articles on it, can't seem to track it down at the moment, but why not try if you want to run up those PVC and leather outfits we all love so much.
Oh i think salsa is sexy enough with clothes on.....after all, with all that turning round you could end up poking someones eye out in the buff.
Does this mean I can come out of he bunker now????
Is it safe to come out yet??
Oh dear, man flu is very very serious, and he'll take lots of nursing to get well. It can linger for weeks, and is made worse by 1) shopping, 2) decorating 3) lawn mowing and general gardening. I would advise total abstinence from these activities. A good cure is an endless supply of hot drinks served by a comely wench. It's odd about manflu, it usually raises the libido while in bed but makes you incapable of helping around the house.
Women don't get flu..apparently. They get a little sniffle.
If anyone needs me I shall be in my bunker. With the door barricaded.
Glad you've identified them..thought for a moment my ex wife was following me around again.
Well that's interesting, out of curiousity I decided to look up Cowdray Forest Crawley on (since I'm Crawley based and coulldn't recall the place at all) and guess what was the number 1 hit?? Yup, this thread.
So folks, it looks like the web trawling software is picking up this fair site and letting everyone know what we are saying...so remember what the mods said...be like Dad, keep mum.
Seriously, as an aside, is this something we ought to be worried about? Wondered what everyone thought.
I suppose a lot depends on what you mean by 'can't have sex'...does that mean absolutely no sexual activity at all, or can you masturbate/pet but no penetrative sex? (Is it me or am I sounding like Claire Raynor?).
A cuddle can help, and if you can let someones fingers do the walking, then that may help ease off the 'oh my god I gotta have a shag!' feelings.
Otherwise I'd suggest taking up a really complicated hobby. Or cleaning the whole house with a very small cloth. It may not help much but it'll fill in the time.
It may be my evil sense of humour but I've often wondered about putting a completely nonsensical 'story' onto a website and then waiting to see if it appeared in the national press.
Well I can connect, and chat, not now getting the partial connect and disconnect/reconnect thing that some seem to have (and I did for a while)....but I do have a little problem that maybe someone can shed light on.
I use both IE and Ozilla Firefox to browse, and they both seem to have this.
When I connect, start chatting (all fine so far) and then either after a few minutes or if I decide to scroll the user list up and down I get a very strange thing happening. The topmost post on the screen appears in the box I enter my text in, and also in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen, on the right hand side, where the little list if icons of currently running stuff goes.
It is still possible to post, but I can't see what I'm typing (which since my typing is pretty poor doesn't help much) and it's a tad annoying.
Anyone any clues/ideas?
I've been on both sides of this too, for my part my depression wasn't severe, and a change in circumstances managed to ease it. However I have a very close friend who is going through it now, and it is sooo hard. Hard for her, because she has finally realised what is wrong (and not for the first time in her life) and is getting treatment, and hard for all of her friends and family.
Being there for them when they need it, giving them space when they need it, and talking to them. Letting them talk about anything and everything. It helps.
Are you really really sure it wasn't a dream? I mean, it was night, odd things were happening. Did you get a talking fish in there somehere? Or maybe you managed to fly? All dead giveaways that you are really dreaming.
Of course if all the men there had 10" and were able to keep it up all night I'd say it was definitely a dream!
MSn groups used to be a lot more useful, but that was when MSN had open chatrooms as well, and you could easily keep in touch with people you'd chatted with through the groups. Nowadays, well I'm still a member of a lot of them but I rarely go and have a look. As for groups, well Im in loads, it seems to be a sort of hobby with me, see one I like the look of, join, have a look then never go in again.
Not sure if this was the place but....
Definately not the place! No exact locations and certainly no directions, thanks
Not been there myself but some friends of mine used to be regulars.
Damn, what a brilliant idea...beats the 'I haven't had sex in 3 years since my wife left me, and you have been the only woman I've vbeen turned on by in all that time' hands down.
Just my 2p worth, but I'm a user of many sites that have forums/threads and so on. I have to say that of the swinging ones, this does seem to be one of the best, the postings are either useful, or witty, and with a lower percentage of idiots. The chatroom is also one of the most welcoming too.
As far as I know the south east is pretty much all pebbles, but some beaches have sand when the tide goes out far enough. Nature is no respecter of naturists!
Apart from the official Brighton beach of course there is also the unofficial one down by Shoreham powerstation. I imagine it's pretty much the same as the others though. I wasn't too far from it this weekend near Hove lagoon, and there is some sand once the tide goes out, but it's soggy stuff, and personally I'd go for a decent beach mat and something on my feet to get to my chosen spot.
Haven't been to BG for a while, I know it used to be a good place, fingers crossed I get there again soon. Did you just head there for the couples only session or did you try the open to all one? Curious as to how much of a meat market it is when it's open to all, as I've only ever gone coupling there. (That sounds bad....you know what I mean)