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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 50


I'd give up. You tried your best, but it didn't work.
There's a lot of life out there beyond swinging and the internet.
A blowjob can be foreplay, or it can be sex itself.
I think it's question of manners. I'd always let a woman know well in advance that I'm going to cum, so it's up to her to decide where she wants me to cum: on her tits, in her mouth, on myself.
However, I do consider spitting a bit rude. I think that if a woman (or man) doesn't want to swallow, they should get the guy to cum somewhere other than their mouth.
Mal... that was my point. I was admitting that it didn't work for ME. I wasn't suggesting that it didn't work for other people. All my suggestions for the board were just that - suggestions. I was throwing ideas into the air.
Personally, I do think that the Let's Meet Up part of the forum is rubbish. I also think the Cafe part is excellent.
I am used to using other messageboards (non-sexual) where there are lots of local people and it inevitably ends with meet-ups and drinks. For whatever reason, most of the people who post in the cafe are not near me so this is unlikely to happen. I don't really mind this - the Cafe is primarily for chat, rather than meeting people.
I was making some suggestions. I would be happy for other people to make constructive suggestions about the boards... anything that might get people thinking or possibly improve the place.
The majority of FREE sites and not FREE. They are FREE to create a profile. They are FREE to browse members. But when you want to actually send an email or contact anyone, you are asked to UPGRADE to Gold/Silver/Platinum/Pyrites memberships where for ONLY £18,000 a year, you can send UNLIMITED messages to members.
That's why SH is good. For all its flaws, it is genuinely free.
I give up.
I mean... I really like the board as it is. My frustration is not with the Cafe. The Cafe is great. As a social forum for people to chat, SH is excellent. As a place to meet like-minded swingers... well, it doesn't work for me. But I think most places fail on that count, simply because 90% of people are timewasters or live in Alaska. There's not much that SH can do about that.

It's a new film from the makers of South Park... a spoof about American foriegn policy. WIth puppets. Looks amazing.
I have a dream... she's topless. She has huge breasts and two vaginas. Her head is a spoon. I can see my reflection in it... upside down.
I agree with everything said... I like this place and don't want to change it too much, but I suppose I have to admit that for all my pleasure at chatting and shooting the breeze, my primary reason for coming here is to actually meet people, so I do sometimes find it frustrating.
Maybe the solution is to keep the cafe as it is, but break the "let's meet" forum into regional sections. After all, no-one goes there to chat... only to arrange possible meets. And I think people would be more likely to post if they thought there was a vague possibility of the meet actually happening, whereas at the moment, I wouldn't even bother posting there, because 90% of the posters are hundreds of miles from me.
I was just thinking of ways to improve this place (and yes, I know that it's very good as it is, and I do appreciate all the good work done by owners and mods) and came up with the idea of regional boards.
Once you get to the forum, you now have two main boards: the cafe and the "lets meet" board. Both are useful in their own way... but I find that the "meet" board is a bit redundant, since most people seem to live quite far away from each other. Well, I do, anyway!
The cafe is great, but I find it frustrating on one level... because you can chat to people, get to know and like them.... but the erotic potential is dampened by the fact that they live 500 miles away.
So, why not have a board for London and the south east, one for the south west, and various Midlands, and a few northern, scottish, welsh and Irish boards?
I have no idea of the practical difficulties this might create... whether it's beyond the reach of SH to moderate so many boards. But it's an idea. These boards wouldn't be there to supplant the cafe, but to spread the chat more evenly.
I'm quite happy for people to tell me it's a shit idea, or that it's a nice idea but practically unworkable at the moment. I just thought it was worth mentioning.
I've done British, Brazilian, Argentine, Greek, Spanish, Australian and New Zealand. I can't say that I think British is best. All depends on the individual.
The year was 1769. The location was Instanbul. I had appeared on Earth in the form of a goose, and had sex with a beautiful gosling.
My cock is about 6.5/7"... but because I am a short-arse, it looks bigger than that in proportion to my body. So it looks bigger than it really is.
I'd like to have sex on a train. I am quite curious about fooling around in public.
Sexually, what's the strangest thing you've done?
I had a threesome with two filipina transexuals. It was ok. I really fancied one... the other one, well... she was there to make up the numbers.
Your turn.
The problem with this place is you chat, get to know people... and by that stage it seems rude to start suggesting sex. I'm a nice, middle-class boy. I can only fuck strangers.
I can't see any logical reason why someone would want pics of swingers unless they were a pic collector.
If you want porn, go to a porn site. If you want to get to know and meet people, then say hello and chat.