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Over 90 days ago


Keep in mind that playing video games from an early age has been proven to increase your I.Q. by an average of 10points. I cant imagine watching Eastenders will add much to your Pub Quiz score..
..although I'm willing to be proven wrong..
I find it a huge turn on for some reason, had a few experiences myself and it rates highly on the hard'o'meter.
If you’re cant ping an address, it’s means your connection is down (for the techies, there’s no TCP binding).
Could be the driver for your modem is corrupt (check Control Panel/System/Hardware Drivers for info).
Also check “Network Connections” to see if the connection is getting through (right click then status) - or check to see if the Pipex connection is the default as sometimes Dialers add a connection and change the default.
The reason you get one page in your browser and no others is because it’s loading it from the cache, you can test this by clearing your cache in Preferences.
Your problem has nothing to do with routers/firewalls etc.. it’s simply the connection is not being made in the first place. try removing the connection if you can then reinstall from the Pipex CD.
Make sure you have Service Pack 2 and all the updates, there are a few problems but it’s a massive step forward in making your machine secure and the updates fix any problems as they find them.
Last but not least, use Firefox Browser rather than Internet Explorer if you can - it’s way more secure than IE.
There's no need to format your machine, it's a pretty simple problem to fix.
Come one shaggers, there's a whole level underneath that you're forgetting about..
G.I. Jane?
Any Given Sunday?
Batman and Robin?
and the worst of recent times... The Avengers?
Anything worse than those cheese wipes?
Nicely put Tania and some serious points raised, the interesting thing you bring up on Males becoming passive in some cases, is simple a reflection on the general dynamic of a typical old school relationship where one person brings the Bacon home and the other is the passive receiver.
Only in this case it's flipped M/F to F/M and without the typical Social groupings that enforce the stereotype of relationships, Males will have a hard time dealing with being the passive one.
However.. you're right, at the end of the day we still need to answer to the Sex demon and will always come back to the bed at night..
Is it too early for this?
>- Avril Lavigne
Shag, then shag again, then tug and flip and .. sorry, got carried away.
Annie Lennox?
Julie Andrews*.. Oh yes please - Why the little curtain ripping, whistle blowing, mountain climbing tease.
* that's what happens when you grow up with a Betamax with ONE friggin tape to watch.
Generally poor from what I've experienced and what I've seen others go through. Lots of youngsters < 21years old. (Light bulb goes on! wait a minute)
Although as ever there are exceptions to every rule.
Morning all,
Glad to be joining you all, it seems the thing to do in these parts of the world is to write a brief intro..
Horny - Repairman is indeed what I do, I fix PC and Tech stuff for lots of big companies up here in Scotland. I recently moved back to glorious Scotland from San Francisco where I lived for a couple of years - that and Orange County in L.A. which is swingers capital of the world IMHO. I got fed up with the lack of Wagon Wheels, Macaroon Bars and Crisps which made life in the sun simply miserable - I still visit every few months to get a top up and cheap Duty free so all is not lost.
Obviously I want to give as much back to the community as I take from it, so if anyone has any tech problems feel free to ask, I sadly sometimes, am your man.
Born in Edinburgh, 34, been in this scene for a few years and met many great friends and hope to meet many more.