Quote by Lion_Man
I'm not comvinced that my profile or advert are helping.
Quote by Paul80
Over the last couple of months 2 good swinging friends have not continued there SH accounts. Is this a sign of whats to come on SH as a result of the recession or is it becoming overloaded with men?
Quote by starlightcouple
I think it much better if a select committee of the general public were allowed to be properly involved in who gets what and why.
Quote by starlightcouple
What gives anyone the right to tell others how to spend whatever money they have
Quote by Ste-n-Kez
Your options ate to upgrade to fibre upgrade or consider a dongle. I would go for the fibre tbh.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
it looks like ukip's popularity is growing
what part of their policies do you think are becoming popular with the British voter ?
Quote by Too Hot
Missed this one earlier this month while we were all arguing about Bradley Wiggins:
A cross-party inquiry into how to get Britain cycling was launched by Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs in Westminster today.
The report is due to be presented to Parliament in April 2013.
My wish list:
Cycle lanes extended to one third of the road width
£60 fine for stopping or parking in a cycle lane
VAT off bicycles & safety gear
Bring it on.....
Quote by Ben_Minx
I acknowledge your fears toots.
I think they are groundless.
Quote by HnS
Only other link that perhaps might be considered allowed is perhaps for those experiencing Cam issues, is the one for
Quote by Xtasia
Update on parking for you all if needed.
Turning off the M5 at Junction 1, take the exit signposted West Bromwich Town Centre. After 3/4 mile you will come to some traffic lights, go straight over these. Take the next left into George Street, travel 150 yards down the road and turn right into a Private Car Park, where John will direct you to secure parking for the evening. (Cost is £1 payable on parking, donation to temple).
Quote by foxylady2209
Doesn't that make one of them a lie? You're either single or you're not. :dunno
Just thinking semantics here, no accusations implied or intended.
Quote by nucouple
Hi all you lovely people.......our question is this .....does it annoy you when people dont put in their profile the age range of people they wish to meet ?
Having said that, when we checked our profile this is something we failed to do.
Would you prefer it if peeps did this or not ? Nucouple xxx
Quote by YummyRob
I've just seen a room called "Are these rooms all shit or is it just us?"
Obvious troll?
Quote by PamelaD
Have single men become lazy?
Quote by PamelaD
Sooooo many dont turn up for meets when offered it
Quote by PamelaD
, dont meet up for socials
Quote by PamelaD
If I had a pound for every time I've heard a Single guy say he fantastises about a three some etc...
Quote by PamelaD
They are just downright lazy and cant be asked to go the extra mile to have regular great sex instead of sporadic mediocre?
Quote by Toots
500k or face on a stamp? Tough call that *thinks*
Ok, stamp it is.