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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
Bi-curious Female, 52


Howdy swingers!
I will be in Amsterdam from Thursday 24th - 28th September.
If anyone fancies meeting up for a beer and a chat or a kaas broodje & an advocaat do get in touch.
...or as they say in Amsterdam: "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY OF MY BIKE YOU PISSED TWAT!"
Hi Wakeycouple,
can you put me down as a provisional for the Munch please?
Thanks a lot.
Quote by Freckledbird
is there a
take you roughly from behind, pressing down on the small of your back, pulling back on your shoulders, whilst whistling a merry tune
love heart?
i think you might need a rather large one to fit all that on!!
They do make really big ones now!
And KL - Parma Violets are yukky - they should be consigned to the same bin as Marmite, peanut butter and Fisherman's Friends.
So, no one likes Parma Violets.....Hmmmmmm, now I know why no one wanted any of my sweets as a kid...and I thought it was cos I smelled! Well, that's a relief! biggrin
Quote by earthchild
......The fella in the kilt & his Mrs: It was nice to meet you both & you both looked great........

Who were they? confused :? :? :?

Fook me, I've aged a bit since the Munch! I'm only 21! :shock:
Well, I ain't never had sex with no black man either, and I definitely never will....and I'm also definitely not racist. Hope that helps!
Quote by earthchild
......The fella in the kilt & his Mrs: It was nice to meet you both & you both looked great........

Who were they? confused :? :? :?

Actually, the more I look, the more I see the resemblance! :shock:
That's not good is it? Time for the beanie hat again Earthy I think! :cry:

Ohhhh! And thanks for agreeing with her easy.....mate!!!! %$&%$$*!!!! :?
Quote by easy
......The fella in the kilt & his Mrs: It was nice to meet you both & you both looked great........

Who were they? confused :? :? :?

"Summink about kilts"
Quote by Countess
In my defence your honour I believe I was bewitched by everything was fine until she mentioned how nice I looked ....then ping my zip went. redface
As for ample busom on show at this point ....WHERE were you looking as it was surly not at me :giggle:

Are you suggesting that your busom can barely muster a heave? I beg to differ madam!
T'was a fair cup size from where I was seated!
Oh dear! Swinging Heaven hang your collective heads in shame!
After finishing my poached egg on Toast with wilted sorrel I felt I had to put finger to keypad....
Last night at the Bolton Munch I witnessed sights, which would have even made Bacchus choke on his pint of Blue Nun!
The night began innocently enough as people sat and chatted in a civilised urbane manner, however once the DJ had the played the overtly sexual song: Ohh-Wakka-Doo-Wakka-Day by Gilbert O’sullivan things took a turn for the worst.
I sat open mouthed as I saw one shameless floozy lustfully grab the buttocks of a male member as he bent over to pick up his box of Swan Vesta, which she had purposely knocked off the table. Admittedly, they could have been man and wife but it was the lustful look in her eye, which made it rather indecent.
Things on the dance floor were no better. People were jiving, jitterbugging and one woman was even doing the funky chicken! (Not literally of course, as this would have been too much even for this night of Bacchanalia!)
I saw people kissing more than one person at a time, and some of them were even using ! French kissing in a public place! Sacrebleu!!
One woman, who shall remain nameless, even had the audacity to wink in my general direction. Well, either that or she was sat too close to Mr Swan Vesta man and had a bit of smoke in her even so!
I simply could not believe the antics of a certain ‘regal’ sounding female member of SH. The said strumpet consciously ripped her basque in order to expose even more of her ample busom, and from where I was sat, it certainly was ample! If that wasn’t shocking enough, she then proceeded to change into what can only be descibed as a workman’s tattered overcoat which simply left nothing to the imagination. As I snook under the table to inspect
whether the “lady” was wearing undergarments, I was appaled to discover that she wasn’t!! I then spent several minutes making notes on this was quite diffucult due to the cramped conditions beneath the table, but I felt it my duty to stay and report such behaviour.
As a moral celebate non-swinging swinger I am outraged. The poached egg tasted shite too!
I propose all future Munches should be non-alcohol events and with a strict dress code of his and her boiler suits.
Kinky Lizard
I asked my first girlfriend what she thought of my 'O' technique and she replied that it felt like I was trying to eat a corn on the cob!
Quote by Angel Chat
I have a hotel room in Bolton that I now won't be using. If anyone wants it for half price (it will cost me £60 but you can have it for £30) let me know asap please.

Bloody hell! Didn't take you long! The night's not even started and you've pulled already!
Quote by earthchild
Anyone need a lift from west yorks give us a shout...mind you, can you 'give backies' along the M62? wink
Kinky Lizard

yay one of the ramone twins is coming :twisted: in rubber pants aparently
No NO No!! I said "rugger pants" sheesh! Don't you women EVER listen?
.....a rhetorical question obviously! :wink:
Quote by earthchild
Anyone need a lift from west yorks give us a shout...mind you, can you 'give backies' along the M62? wink
Kinky Lizard

yay one of the ramone twins is coming :twisted: in rubber pants aparently
No NO No!! I said "rugger pants" sheesh! Don't you women EVER listen?
.....a rhetorical question obviously! :wink:
Anyone need a lift from west yorks give us a shout...mind you, can you 'give backies' along the M62? wink
Kinky Lizard

Thanks for that Jags biggrin
I was really enjoying it until Aha appeared when I entered The Clash confused
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Quote by corriefem
well I reckon in 5 years time I will have time to breath and downsize on work and then maybe then I will have time to swing so I will be OLDER than I am now and I know I wont be too old hahahahahahaha.

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Quote by naked-cleaner
Men can fancy women for loads of reasons
Yeah sure ...... boobs, bum, legs
But, personality, compassion, expressive eyes, tenderness, beautiful face, consideration, passion ...........
Loads of things make women attractive

If a woman has a good CD collection i'm in there..........even if she has a face like a baboon's bum!
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Quote by sharon_2005
You can't honestly expect a woman to go thirsty could you lol

sharon as she drinks another of hubbies "Hai Karate" cocktails! wink
sheesh! :wink:
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Quote by sharon_2005
lancyuk wrote:

i hadnt really planned on entertaining the swinging masses until tomorrow night lol.
actually the cupboard is bare because im away all weekend, but if you call back on sunday night i will have been shopping by then.
whats your poison?

most things with alcohol in and i suppose if i was really desperate i might even consider drinking my hubbies aftershave or even the cleaning fluidlol
but my favorite is sherry or carling smile
I just love those ladies with a sense of adventure! biggrin
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Quote by sharon_2005
roasted cockroaches :uhoh: yuk!!
Suppose they would be nice and crunchy though and be quite a nice dessert covered in chocolate confused

you don't have many dinner guests do you sharon! wink
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Quote by sharon_2005
Needlecraft :shock:
She might stitch the cushion she's making to her leg confused
I will give it a miss thanks might wait for your ermmmmm
cooking lessons, now what on earth could go wrong with that :eeek: lol

Yikes! I think I'll stick with the needle craft! wink
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debz can you get a few of us to enrol on your course it sounds a right giggle! biggrin
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Nothing to do with you then! wink
Have fun guys! biggrin
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Quote by lancyuk
hiya all.
Im Steve, im 26 and was pointed towards the site by a friend. Im 6'8" (yes tall lol) about 16-17 stone (but not fat) and i work too much at the moment.
Im based just outside blackburn in Lancashire but as part of my work i travel all over the uk, so hopefully i might see some of you about the place.
im currently single (was in a 2 year relationship until last week doh!) so if anyone would like to suggest ways of filling my spare days, id be more than interested in listening.

Hello Lancy : )
Welcome to SH
Mmmmmmmm! 6' 8" :shock:
I can just see Judy's eyes glazing over!!! wink
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