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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 48


ES - another feather for your erm.....signature??
1 in 500 ;)
Quote by Noel
Probably Shireen and Dawn...

OMG :giggle:
Start running now!
<Daft mode on>
Not sure I can come up a good answer, but I remember reading an article in a paper a few months back where it was claimed that a Bull dog had mated with a Shitzu (sp?)...they were debating whether it would be called a Bull Shit!
redface surprisedops: :oops:
My poor sense of humour but it made me giggle
Kitty xxx
Quote by davej

Erm....... :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:
Oooooooooh Congratulations you two passionkiss
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
drinkies I'm with Darkfire on this one.....when's the Hen Party :twisted:
Kitty xxx
Happy Birthday Hun.
Hope you're having a lovely day passionkiss
Kitty xxxx
Oooooooooh!! Shireen! Do you and Equi fancy a shopping trip with me ??? :giggle:
Santa tells me that young Mr Eagerslut has definitely been BAD this year!!! :twisted: and is refusing to deliver him any presents :cry:
So......any ideas welcomed, what does a slut likes in his xmas stocking?!!?!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You can change you title hun by editing your first post......Just delete the subject and write summat else.
Welcome smile
Kitty xxx
Happy Birthday Tracy-Jane.
Hope you have a lovely day.
Kitty xxx
redface surprisedops: :oops: Ooooh Page 3, I don't think I've ever had such a successful thread!! :giggle: :giggle:
Kit & NN....He might not be drawn, but I could be bribed to tell all ;)
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Kitty xxx


Blimey do you realise a day earlier and you and Postie passionkiss could have been twins..... dunno
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Have a fabulous birthday Hunni sillyassionkiss:
Love Kitty xxx
Quote by teppic
well done voddy, supprising that such a shy person could chalk up 1000 posts... lol

:giggle: :giggle:

I'm not sure what you mean! :lol:
Congratulations Voddy passionkiss
Kitty xxx
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Once I've checked that Kitty's still alive and well bolt

LOL can't help you here hun........he's having to cook for himself because I'm not there to do it for him rotflmao
Kitty xxx
{{Mark & Helen}}
Wishing all the very best and thanking you sincerely for bringing us all SH.
Kitty xxx
Quote by the_Laird
hi there, im relatively new here.....
from what i can tell my age (23) and my location (south east of scotland) will be a bit of a hinderance to me! would you agree???

Hi Ewen
You may find it a struggle to get cheap car insurance dunno
the Laird

Giggle......can't think how we ended up thinking about the same gag just then!
Kitty xxx
Ok.....we had to delete the grisoft folder in safe mode - would only work through dos though confused
Then, boot normally, run the AVG setup file and it detected the installation, so selected uninstall.
Rebooted and reinstalled and fingers crossed it seems to be working.
Kitty xxx
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Well_Busty_Babe
Happy Birthday to you passionkiss
Kitty xxx
passionkiss Well done you!
Try not to over do things too quickly, leave plenty of energy for christmas munches and parties :twisted:
Kitty xxx
Huge hugs from me too DD. Time's the only thing you can give this, but we can all offer hugs and support :therethere:
Kitty xxx
Blimey....that's got me thinking :undecided: I'm hoping to go visit a friend in Australia next year.....but that's kind of a special occasion. So I guess no distance for friendship is too far. dunno
I'd think nothing of travelling 300 miles for a weekend if you fancy a nite out Jags :twisted:
I've been a few times, on a Weds it's naturist night so have seen and participated redface in some swinging type action :twisted:
Kits xxx
I bet your head is really hurting! :giggle:
Have you regained the use of your legs yet? dunno Oh how I wish I had a picture of you crawling around on your hands and knees in your knicks last night :grin: