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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58


Hi Cockslut
Did you get someone to fix it? If not - what's the problem with it?? Not promising I can help - but depending on what it is - might be able to!!
LateRon x
I have been aware of this site for some time!
My understanding is that all the information on the site is taken from the Electrol Roll of 2003. It was supposed to have been updtated to use data from the 2004 Electrol Roll, but for whatever reason - this has not happened yet - even though, according to the site it is supposed to have happened by now.
Although it is a free site, you have to bear in mind that for a nominal fee, there are plenty of sites that will offer up to date information on anyone! Add to that the fact that anyone is entitled to walk into any public reference library and look at an up to date Electrol Roll for that town/city for free.
So basically, if someone wants to find you, it is quite easy and cheap to do so.
Privacy - a thing of the past!!!
Sort of following on from the cut/uncut post, I was wondering that if a chioce had to be made between the length and the tickness of a cock, which is the most important/most preferable? And why?
We have all seen the adverts saying vwe & vvwe and thick - but what is vwe?? 6"?? 7"?? 8"?? More??
Your answers and opinions woud be very much appreciated and depending on their content will either make or break my day!!!
Have been watching it on the news for nearly an hour now. Looks bad!
Good to hear that one of the oil companies based there has accounted for all it's workers that were on site at the time. Just hope that all the other companies can do the same.
Good luck and stay safe to all the memebers of all the emergency services that are there. You have my full respect and admiration for the job you do - especially when something like this happens.
Not sure if this is quite the same thing - but I have been told by a couple of women that I have a bit of a habit of grabbing hold of their arm and making them put their hand on a certain part of my body - all while I'm fast asleep! I have also been known on more than one occasion to jump on top of the person I am "sleeping" with - again while I am fast asleep!
I have no awareness of doing this and have to admit that I didn't 100% believe that I did anything like this in my sleep, even after having been told by one person. But after I was told by a second person, I have no choice to believe it. It would seem that I am more likely to do these things after I have had a beer or 2!!
Having been to concerts both big (knebworth & wembley stadium to name a couple) and small (marquee club) I have to admit to preferring the smaller, more intimate venue when going to a concert - 3000 or less seems ideal!!
I have seen numerous bands live, but as far as favourite concerts go, has to be one of the may times (and the current count is on 40!!) that I have seen my fav band - Marillion (Britains best kept secret to quote a music journalist or two!!).
Marillion are one of those bands that actually sound far better live than on a "studio" album. For anyone that likes U2 or Radiohead or stuff like that I would recommed a listen to Marillons latest album that was out last year called Marbles.
Discover a lost art - play Marbles!
Quote by LilMissGullable
As we know....
Christmas is coming..... The geese are getting fat.....
But what would you really like for christmas....... dunno
Here is your chance to write to Santa and drop your hints as for what prezzies you would like...
Now remember....U all have to be very very good.... or santa won't bring them.... Well your hubby, wife bf or gf...... lol Coz we all know there isn't really a santa!!

Well - as I don't have a wife or gf and as I have to live by the rule created by my family that you don't gey if your over 18, and having just dicovered that Santa is a myth :cry: - the only pressie I will get will be from my 7yo son, which I will buy myself - once I have told myself what I want!!! lol!!
Other than spending far longer than I should do sat at my pc, a couple of the things I like to do are go to gigs and I follow the BTCC (British Touring Car Championship)
As sports go, the BTCC has got to be one of the best for value for money. Depending on the track - a ticket will cost somewhere between £20-£30 and will get you on for the practice and qualifying on the Saturday, as well as all the racing on the Sunday. Anyone under 12 gets in for free if with an adult. On the Sunday, not only are there 3 or 4 support races, but there are actually 3 BTCC races at every meeting too!
For those of you that know the BTCC, I'm sure you will agree that it is some of the most exciting, genuine racing on four wheels to be found, For those of you the don't, I would strongly recommend either getting to a race meeting or catching it on Itv, or Motors TV (no - not Men & Motors!!) next April when the new season starts!
There is only 1 gadget & 1 gizmo in my kitchen - goes by the name of LateRon!! :shock: confused :cry:
Don't watch it as much as I used to - probably as I am a Sanfransico 49ers fan!
All I can say is 49ers are a bit short of the mark this season!! (again!!)
Do still enjoy watching it on channel 5 during my insomniac moments - which seem to becoming more frequent again recently - but that's another story!!
To this day I still don't understand why they need so many in a team. Don't think many of the NFL players would last long if they played Rugby!!
Catch You LateRon!!
I'm a bit of a newbie myself!!!
Everyone here I have come across (wishful thinking!!!) have been really friendly and helpful!!
I'm just down the road in Leicester if you ever feel like that drink!!!
Catch U LateRon!!!!
Hi Phoenix!
Thanks for that - it worked - as you have probably noticed!
Meaty,s guide was the key to success and is now saved in my favourites!!!
Catch U LateRon!

I know what you mean - but look on the bright side - it could be worse!
Catch You LateRon
Hi Kat,
Thanks for the sppedy response and the help.
Think I will have a look into it a practice a bit first before I put a pic in a post then!
Shame as I would have loved to just been able to copy and paste one across!!
Having said that - I suppose if it was that easy the forums would be full of pics!
Thanks again for your help
Catch You LateRon!
Get a picture into a reply to a post??
I wanted to reply to Phoenix's post with a funny cartoon I have on my pc, but don't seem to be able to get it to appear in my reply. Obviously being a total thicko!!
Please can someone help
Thx in advance
Catch You LateRon
Quote by plc
PLC's Sods Law Of Swinging lol
Rule 1 Anyone that you fancy lives far away
Rule 2 Anyone that you really fancy lives really far away
Rule 3 Anyone that you really, really fancy lives really, really far away
Rule 4 When two couples meet, only three of the four will ever fancy each other
Rule 5 No other swingers that you wish to meet live in your home town
Rule 6 When two couples arrange to meet, the only dates that they are all free, one of the girls will be 'unavailable'
Rule 7 When you arrange any meet at short notice, you will have eaten garlic 10 minutes previously
Rule 8 When you get down to the nitty gritty, some-one has forgotten to bring condoms and there is only one between the four of you
Rule 9 Any meet that you arrange more than a month in advance, the baby-sitter will let you down five minutes before you are due to leave home
Rule 10 The one date that you have free next month, five different people want to meet you
Rule 11 The five dates that you had free last month, no-one wanted to meet you
Rule 12 24 hours before any meet, you get a spot on your bum
Rule 13 Despite the fact that you have kept your bits clean shaven for the last three years, you get a shaving rash on the night of any big meet
Rule 14 Any meet where one of the guys is hung like a donkey, the other femme will have a pussy like a polo mint
Rule 15 Any meet where one of the guys isn't hung like a donkey, the other femme will be big enough for two fists and a super-size rabbit all at once
Rule 16 If you are a non-smoker, the people you fancy always turn out to be smokers
Rule 17 If you arrange a social-only meet, all four of you will want to shag-on-sight
Rule 18 If you arrange a shag-on-first-meet meet, no-one will fancy each other
Rule 19 There are never enough towels, tissues or toilet rolls
Rule 20 Just as you all start playing, one of you will want to fart
Rule 21 (Girls only) No matter how well you wipe, you will leave a bit of toilet roll stuck to your bits

Very good - very funny and of course very true!!
Catch U LateRon!
Quote by lancyuk
i used to be when i was younger.
not really suprising.
youve also got to love the bt help line.......
'is the blue wire plugged in' yes
'is the ether cable plugged in' yes
'is the power cable plugged in' yes
'sorry ill have to pass you over to another department.'

I have been with an ISP called PlusNet for 5 years - firstly as a dial up then for the last 3 years on broadband. Have virtually no trouble, and even though PlusNet, like nearly every other ISP (except NTL) use BT Lines, not off line hardly ever - even when BT is!!! They also gave me a free upgrade to 2meg!! And their technical support (24hrs) is very good, especially with non technical people like myself!
I don't know many people that actually use BT Broadband, but the few that I do know are not happy with it, and some have changed!!
Hope you are all sorted now!!!!
Catch You LateRon
Quote by fem_4_taboo
hi ron,
welcome to the site.
might be a idea to say how youd like your anal, lol giving or recieving lol :shock:
oh and if i was you just say youd won the lottery not how much lol , not that im trying to say wed be intrested just cuse your rich or nothing
xxx lou xxx

Hello again,
Thank you for all your wlecomes - they are very much appreciated.
Just to clarify - it is the giving of anal that I have only be lucky enough to do twice before in my life. Wonder how long it will take me to double my score?? confused:
Was wondering about posting a phot add, but looks like I would be a very small fish on an ocean!! :shock:
Might just stick to responding to others adds with lots of crossed fingers!! wink
Catch You LateRon
Quote by Pete_sw
Hello m8
Have fun
look out for the Geru, it hides in the dark places in here.................... :scared:

Hi M8!
Thanks for the welcome!
Catch You LateRon!
Thanks Sexysteph!
Take it from some of your other posts I've read today that you're a bit poorly - hope you feel better soon!!
Thanks for your earlier reply and this one - don't feel quite as nervous as I did now!!
Catch You LateRon!
Hi to everyone!
I'm a 38yo single guy. I'm understanding, easy going, and on here to try and add to the experiences of life - please feel free to help!
Ideally looking for a female for regular non committal fun - but wanting and willing to try all sorts along the way! Not into pain or w/s - would like to do anal (have only been lucky enough to do it twice in my life!)
I can accommodate or travel.
I'm intelligent to know that my pc is not exactly going to explode with offers, but maybe I might just get lucky - like I did on Wednesday when I won £10 on Thunderball!!!
Catch You LateRon!!
Hi!! I'm new here!! - Been looking and learning for a few days!!
Just thought as a fellow Leicester-ite I would bump up your HUGS score sexysteph as it doesn't seem to have gone up much today!!
Catch You LateRon!