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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 58
Straight Male, 58
0 miles · Southampton


Flizzard!!! :inlove:  Every time I think of you, which is quite often cos I still chuckle, I’m reminded of the time you signed off a CV as Fire Lizard! rotflmao

I’ve searched everywhere for our missing 40’s, can’t see them..... but if I’m looking for your 40’s too, should I be looking for 80’s icon_eek

 Tell you what I did find on my search tho, past Jags cupboard, left at Bilkos office, down the corridor past  Davejs box of frogs, door on the right was Artificer locked in the broom closet...... heavens knows how long the poor sod has been in there for! Or what he was doing in there in the first place!  dunno

I’ll keep looking tho, if I find a set of 40’s, maybe we can share them..... 20 each!! Oh 20s :bounce:an age ago when bones didn’t creek and groan just at the mention of exercise! :undecided:

It’s been a long time Mal! passionkiss.gif

I’ve been around, but I seem to have mislaid my 30s undecided.gif

....... and my 40s! I’ve just checked!  icon_eek

FFS who stole my 40s? censored.gif

and how the hell do you edit a post these days? confused.gif

I have to keep writing new ones instead of just editing dunno.gif

....... in edit - oops, just found the edit button icon_redface too late blink

just realised this post was from way back! rotflmao

Ah well, better late than never, apparently :undecided:

ohhhhh :karaoke:ICE ICE BABY :karaoke:

How the devil are you? ........ I often think about you. Remember when you sneezed into you glass of milk and it looked like you’d been to a bukakee? icon_lol

Voddy tooooooooo..... crikey it’s been sooooo long you sweetheart kiss

Quote by davej
I've tried to post over the last few years, but the authorities won't allow computers in the cells, so it's been a few years. 6 years I think, 6 years for a bit of poaching, I ask ya, bit strong if you ask me, but I'm guessing that having previous form for the same offence, didn't help, as I've been caught before taking the odd rabbit or two, but it's only ever attracted a community service order and a few quid in compo for the land owner, this time they hit me hard, .
 I've no complaints though, blame myself really, stayed in the area way too long, I'm normally in and out real quick, shoot it, cut a slit in a hind leg with my pen knife, force the foot of the other leg through the slit to make a handy loop then thread them onto me poaching stick and away, all done in less than a minute, but this time it took me hours and hours, especially the cutting and threading of the legs. ..
Still lessons learned, my pen knife and poachers stick aint necessarily the best tools for the job, and in Kenya, they are more passionate about their elephants than we are about our rabbits.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

 ........... fluck knows where I'm typing, from here it looks like I'm actually in the quote bubble, we'll see when it posts 

DAVEJ!!! How the ell are you mate? 69position As weird as ever by the looks of that nonsense up there!! ..... bluddy lovely to see some things don't change icon_lol

Big hugs n kisses to you and yours xxxxx

Puttin me reading glasses on......... They actually proper work!!!:eeek:
I feel ever so grown up in restaurants :smug: now I can join in with everyone else by rummaging round in my bag for 10 mins, dragging out everything from spare tampons to half packs of Halls menthol - v. spicy btw, them extra menthols make you sneeze :shock: (what do you call mega mentally anyway? Spicy, hot, cold? dunno ). Muttering the almost tribal chant of "I know they're here somewhere" :cool:
Finally locate glasses, and it's like magic - the menu just appears before your eyes. You can even see the small print - so no more wondering how the ell the cost always seems to be about 10% more than you thought it was, and putting it down to not reading the prices properly! blink
Only problem is looking up to order the food, whoooosh, everything's all fuzzy and swimmy, like being pissed but without alcohol, makes you go cross eyed and everything :blink:
... So that's my secret pleasure, the magic of reading glasses ..... testing them out when I think no ones looking, playing the "how small can you go" game. cool
Strange thing is, I've worn contacts for years for short sightedness - but reading glasses are just something else :-D
..... So long to write that the cat has given up vying for attention and yowling to be fed...
And vomited on my flip-flop! :fuckinghell: :-x
It's been a week since I was told - it's still the first thought I have when I wake up ...... Neil's dead
I can't properly get my head round it. I haven't seen him for yonks, but the impact he had on me has ensured that his passing has left me, and so many others, utterly stunned.
I am so sorry for your loss Gem - I too watched you and Neil blossom from flirting, to full on rock solid love.... You never needed to tell people you loved him, you just oozed it from your whole being. Just the way you looked at him spoke volumes (pretty crap at being mysterious and hiding your feelings ain't ya! lol )
Neil was a massive influence on here and he never had a clue :lol: he used to have me crying with laughter, he was so much fun to banter with cos he always responded in totally off the wall ways. He never took offence and went along with pisstake banter in his own unique hilarious style, giving as good as he got.
The way he used to beat himself up if he thought he had upset someone (which he never did as far as I remember), just made him even more lovable. He was always one for the underdog too, fighting their corner. He was always in the middle of debates, he seemed to love them. He had his opinions, he offered them without ramming them down people throats, he was very open to discussion, always listened to others opinions without poo pooing them (excluding bigoted, holier than thou opinions, which he would poo poo and make me laugh just by the way he done it :lol:
I remember meeting him for the first time at a munch, then all went on to Adam & Eve's afterwards..... For many of us, it was our first venture into a club, and we all had the exact same faces
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Having had a drink (or 3), I was feeling brave, so decided to tackle the hot tub :hunk: I got my kit off, then went all shy and embarrassed, so instead of getting in hot tub like a sexy siren would, I ran so fast, boobs flying everywhere, and practically done a bomb confused
I came to the surface, only to see Neil cowering in the corner, still sporting his :shock: face rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That was it then, we were up to our necks in water, with no elegant way of getting out the hot tub, no steps or anything! :uhoh: so there we sat, marinading in chlorine for hours! "You get out first", "no you", "no you", "ok get out together' 1, 2, 3...." So out I leapt, and he never rolleyes
Then I saw a flash, boobs flying, if you blinked you missed it Gem making her hot tub entrance :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Neil's face >>>> :smitten:
... And there they sat..... And sat .... and sat :lol: .......... And bonded :inlove:
Neil had such a way about him, a wonderful energy, a gorgeous nature....
One of the good guys....
In all our hearts forever RIP buddy kiss
Sent with love
... From an ipad, which has taken bluddy ages to write.... Lost it twice already, cos shut the wrong window mad
Quote by Ben_Minx
It has a horn.

You got a new bike Ben? lol
What's wrong with just having a bell!
Quote by Missy
Best line of the day was super sleuth with "What car do you drive" worship rotflmao

Weren't sure if someone sat at our table was on the swinging scene or not. I think we all kind of suspected, but wouldn't say anything! (kind of rememebered FB had mentioned something but wasn't absolutely certain)
Me: Where are you from?
Suspect: Cannock - where that Stan Collimore got caught out dogging!
Me: Oh right, umm crikey (in prim manner :cool: )
Mr NWC: Hey, what car do you drive? :rascal:
Suspect: OMG :uhoh:
Rest of table: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Mrs NWC:
You forgot to mention the Dingles :giggle:
Forgot about that! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Knew it wasn't right as soon as I said it - then you said pardon, and had to repeat it again :uhoh:
Best line of the day was super sleuth with "What car do you drive" worship :rotflmao:
Ello you!! passionkiss
You may have disappeared for a while - but crikey, nowayyyyy forgotten or not remembered :lol2:
As for your OCD, you're not that bad or you would have CDO (it's in alphabetical order then) lol
(sorry FB, nicked yer joke and used it before you could :lol: )
Congratulations! - To Freckledbird and Trashcan on their marriage )
Then the ceremony:
Registrar: Do you Trashcan...
Trashcan: I DO biggrin
Registrar: I haven't finished yet! poke
Trashcan: Sorry redface
Registrar: Do you Trashcan, take Freckedbird..
Trashcan: I DO!! :D
Registrar: Shush! smackbottom still haven't finished!!
DoyouTrashcantakeFreckledbirdtobeyourlawfulweddedwife :cool:
Trashcan: I DO!! :happy:
Bluddy great it was :lol2:
I'd told David to eat as much as he could at breakfast time, cos never get a great deal to eat at weddings. Oh Lordy!!!! We waddled out of there - David had to go change his trousers, to the bigger waistband ones! :shock: I just thank heavens for magic pants, cos I really put them through their paces lol
So many laughs through the day, such a fab time. A formal day, that was one of the most relaxed and fun ever! :thumbup:
Anyway, I've gone totally off track. I wanted to post a message on here to congratulate Freckledbird and Trashcan. This is the place I met Freckledbird. I came on here originally for the good ol no strings "wayhayyyys" :twisted: I got sooooooo much more than that in the bargain. I've gained a permanent fella - and I've gained freinds, some wonderful wonderful friends. To witness one very special 'lady' ( :lol: ) so happy, enjoying her wedding so much - was a real tear jerker I can tell ya! :D
Trashcan Freckledbird - congratulations to you both on your wedding day. Here's to your continued happiness ............. enjoy your new lives as Mr and Mrs :cheers:
Quote by Ben_Minx
Dustin Hoffman

shag ........ would be ok for a little while, but comes across to me as always so serious confused
Mother Theresa - (she's still alive for the purpose of this game!)
Have skimmed this thread, not read all of it properly, but do get the gist of the anger towards the rioting morons - so apologies for not reading all properly :uhoh:
I can't call them anything other. To me they're scum, lower than that even mad
But what gets my back up just as much, is the complete lack of anger, want of revenge/justice, was only a little while ago...
Politicians looting, taking from the tax payer etc. The only difference is that the rioters done it en masse, went out in force and looted/destroyed peoples livlihoods by using that good old fashioned 'pack' instinct.
Our good law abiding, upstanding members of the community, aka politicians, however done the exact same thing from what I can see (please correct me if I'm wrong)only a short while ago, only singularly and in different ways/tricks!!
Of course they're too posh to call it common old looting - but surely claiming second houses, cars, holidays, house cleaners, first class travel etc is the same thing ........ ok "expense claims" was what they called it - but how necessary was it for the tax payer to buy these people (plus families) 2nd homes etc for the good of the country? dunno
Lead by example I say, and from the past dirt dredged up, maybe they should get off their high horses and admit they're no better than the morons of this week!! confused
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That Dave_Notts thread - when he went swimming or sommat - oh where's that thread!! :rotflmao:
Quote by corrie
Missy going dogging thread was brilliant - just a great story well crafted - she should do more of those threads as never see her around much smile

Well that's my day..... nope year made!! :happy: Hello Corrie my friend kiss
Miss not being around much, miss the people on here, miss the munches, miss everything about this place sad
But on another note - best threads, well apart from the Davej avatar challenge, which was an absolute blast, Heathers cat thread is an absolute classic rotflmao
If asked to name the most memorable single post - this one liner from Jags had me crying (2nd post down, but you need to read the first post too) :rotflmao:
I love this site!! :inlove:
Quote by Big_Fraser
A handwritten envelope through the post

Congrats Missy,
That has just made me smile too.
It is something I have done myself once or twice and only to people I know well, the shock factor in the modern world of texts and type is usually well appreciated - but only if the circumstances are right.
I would not recommend this as an approach to someone who is still 'cold' unless you know they are hopelessly romantic
Oh Mr Fraser :inlove: it's all so brilliant!!
It's lovely to get handwritten envelopes through the post - instead of the usual brown envelope with a red letter in :undecided:
Not only that - it was soooo thoughtful and lovely and we're not forgotten about, and and and ....... just and lol It's a reminder to keep the date free for their wedding and I just know it's gonna be a blast!! :bounce:
One very smiley Missy
A handwritten envelope through the post :bounce:
And if a handwritten envelope ain't enough .......... A SAVE THE DATE inside!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Date saved!
Quote by Lost
Is it just J and myself imagining this, I'm sure it can't be, or does the TV volume increase dramatically when there's an advert break? Does my head in.

Oh blimey Lost!! Not only do ads scream at me 400 decibels louder than the program I was supposed to be watching ......... but I've also got David yellin at me cos I was too busy on my nintendo ds (that he bought me for xmas to shut me up dunno ), cos I missed the pulley out thingy tray door wotsit, that we just can't live without when we get our new kitchen - on some bluddy Wickes advert (400 decibel advert!!)
hmmm sorry hunny, I was so rivited to DIY SOS, the fourth re-run (that we've seen!) and the adverts ........ can't understand why my akari nintendo puzzle captivated me for that nano second, that something half worthwhile (we can't afford) flashed on the screen!! :doh:
Quote by neilinleeds
Like it Amateurman. Think I can see where you're going with this one . . . .
Just thinking out loud here, don't mind me, but you seem to be suggesting Amateurman, correct me if I'm wrong, and I have occasionally been wrong, I have no qualms admitting that and make no bones about it, that perhaps it might be an idea, in a "let's-run-it-up-the-flagpole-and-see-if-anyone-salutes" kinda way, to try and do something that's maybe a little bit novel for a bit, and see what happens? That where you're coming from? We on the same wavelength?
You're after something a bit out of the ordinary perhaps, not so common or garden and run of the mill? Something that's maybe got legs on? Summat mebbe even with wings that might fly a bit, fly like a poor little startled robin that's just poked its head out of its nest and realised its got little wings and can fly, and fly, and fly . . . .
Don't have to have wings I s'pose. Something wing-like might be enough? I mean, technically if all you're after is staying aloft you could prolly get away with an expanse of loose, membraneous skin in yer interdigital spaces, or perhaps a set of highly developed pectoral fins, but I digress . . . .
Anyway. Where were we?

Crikey Neil!! (ello me lovely kiss )
Are you talking them there talking talks?? Them there talks that aren't erring on the side of caution?? :scared: Like something that doesn't involve being nice to kittens ........ not that I dislike kittens by the way, or want to harm them, they're very cute.... and fluffy.... and I have best friends that are kittens!!! :uhoh:
Where the ell does one start??? :undecided:
Just said ello in another thread .......
But hell, another excuse for another e-snog :twisted: passionkiss
Hope all is good with you - it's been YONKS!!!! :shock: Bluddy nice to see you
Quote by SurreyBloke
Welcome back from another returnee.
not long back myself. still not got to grips with all the new additions to the site...

Well hello there dear fella passionkiss
Bugger - Just read the "House Party" bit :doh:
Still same as above tho - whatever the hosts dress code was, I would dress accordingly. My price range for 'posh' clothes is the same budget - regardless of whether the party was free or exclusive.
Quote by Dirtygirly
If I was going out for a posh dinner, I'd dress appropriately. If I was going out for fish and chips, I wouldn't care what I was wearing.
Besides the point I think but I wouldn't go to a party in a house that required payment for entry whether it was 20 quid or 200 quid.
If I was going to a ball, I'd dress appropriately in a nice evening dress. If I was going to a rave I'd dress appropriately in jeans and comfy shoes.
Don't we all adjust to our surroundings so that we fit in as well as we can? dunno

This is my answer too :thumbup:
Regardless of what sort of party it is, I would try and sus out the dress code and dress accordingly.
Weddings for example - free do's, but would be more likely to go out and buy something especially to wear to it, something more expensive than my usual garb.
Exclusive/expensive party - totally depends on the dress code of the evening ... could even wear what I bought for the free wedding lol
Free party that stresses casual dress - I still wouldn't turn up in something like me joggin bottoms n crocs that I use in the garden. If it was casual dress, whether it be free or exclusive party, there's still effort involved.... I don't think I would wear posher casual to an exclusive/expensive do than I would to a free one.... would depend on where the event was as to how casual I would dress.
A free do that stresses dressing up, then I would make the same effort as I would if it was an exclusive/expensive do that stressed dressing up. I certaily wouldn't have less respect for someones dress code just because I wasn't being charged to attend! :shock:
If it's clothes for 'playing' in - then whether it be free or exclusive, I wouldn't splash out of a comfortable price range for something that could well be ruined in an evening :cool:
So ummmm, I suppose I wouldn't alter my dress code purely because something is considered more up market. I would try to follow a dress code, if that dress code meant having to splashing out on a more expensive outfit, then I would, regardless if it was a free party or something more exclusive/expensive ........
...but there again, my 'exclusive/expensive' is probably a lot different to other peoples - I'm not sure I would attend something that did require too much pomp and ceremony, cos it's not my scene, not something I would enjoy. So I can't really say if I would pay more for a free 'posh' party than I would for an ultra exclusive/expensive party - cos I don't think I'll ever be in that position confused
Also avoid pepper when you get to a certain age :thumbup:
Un-prepared for mega sneezes, while stood up, are nothing short of dangerous :shock:
Only remembering pelvic floor exercises at point of sneeze, don't help either :shock:
On the bright side - I don't shit myself lol