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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · West Yorkshire


Many Thanks Redgirlmanc, I had a terrific evening, nice to see old friends an meet some new peeps smile
Quote by st3v3

Is that a technical term wink

Nope, admin speak cool
Thats similar to gobbledygook isn't it confused:
Freckledbird in the library with a dictionary
make note to self must read all thread before posting
Quote by Freckledbird
I remember learning it in school, but also remember when it was played on the telly after the programmes had finished

I didn't think you where old enough to remember that FB.
Quote by dekntan
she has a big arse , what do you think ?

Nope don't think it's big at all, quite nice really :twisted:
I too, many years ago used to think people rude for not replying when I had spent what seemed an age composing a reply to their advert. Over the years I've read threads like this and thought about the points people have put across for not replying and I've come to the conclusion the main reason is time. I don't know how long it takes folks to read and reply to a PM, but say it takes a minute, not long you say, but it only takes 60 of them to take up an hour of your time. So imagine having to deal with hundreds, on a site like this with a large member database that isn't as daft as it sounds.
Some one mentioned raising income tax to pay for charities, as far as I am aware donations to charity are tax deductable upto a certain amount, just get a receipt and claim it back off the tax man.
As for my opinion on the adverts, I think they are emotional blackmail designed to make us feel bad and dig into our pockets. Oh an the tin rattlers are not allowed to stop you and ask for donations, they can shake their tins and try get your attention, if they ask for money they are in fact begging and can be reported.
In an ideal world we shouldn't need charities but it is not and charities do a marvelous job.
You have every right to stay on the site. The fact you choose not to swing has no bearing on the issue even if you didn't pay for your membership. The site is about more than just meeting people for sex.
I know quite a few who frequent the site purely to chat to like minded people, whether thats on the forums or in the chatroom. IMHO its the people who hurl abuse because they don't get what they want who shouldn't be here.
Hi been following this thread for a bit, there is a problem with banning IP (internet protocol) addresses, they are not unique, to put it simply there are not enough IP addy's to go round so service providers customers have to share IP's. I know of at least 2 that had the same IP as me before they changed service providers. Looking up an IP addy does not always give accurate geographic details mine used to give Liverpool as the location, yet I'm in the Wakefield area of West Yorkshire. The ISP's server I connect to is in Liverpool. Can individuals be traced, yes of course, but not with IP addy's alone information about individuals is contained in the data packets you send to the ISP this info is then used to route the downloaded data to the correct PC.
In answer to the OP yes, a banned member could be lurking here, how?
Simple, change ISP and change the billing details ie. get some one else to pay for it at a different address and a new user name.

The contestants are far from ordinary people, they are chosen because they are far from ordinary and the atmosphere is contrived and manipulated.
At the end of the day it is a game show and they are contestants, a dire, brain dead TV game show
Having had 2 transplants already and still waiting for a third after 5 years, it's great you have offered to donate a kidney to your brother. My first was a kidney donated from my mum, that was over 25 years ago and she was only in hospital 2 weeks way back then. Only problem she had after was she became rather prone to back ache.
Quote by redwine_lover
what about neasrest hotels? may have to try the youth hostel hahaha

Don't know about youth hostels, aint old folks homes more your age. bolt
I usually find a good woman causes my penis to become enlarged, but alass the effect is only temporary but it's fun while it lasts :twisted:
Thinking about out of date profiles, yes some will be taking a break, but how many have left never to return? quite a lot I would imagine. As I tend to view the adverts rather than trawl through profiles, the results are listed in date order newest first, so out of date profiles are not really an issue.
What would be gained by removing old profiles?
a smaller database of users so more space on the server, quicker search's
on the down side for admin, they won't be able claim that there are the vast amount of members they do now.
A big thankyou to Kaz and all the helpers, had a great night, slightly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Despite being a bit run down there was no way I was not going to be there, tho I'm paying for it now.
thank you to my roomie, was a pleasure :twisted:
Mids sorry to hear of your sad news, don't know what else to say, voddy was shocked to learn about your loss.
Sincere condolences from Voddy and Tricky