Drivers that go at speed striaght across not stopping at zebra crossings a child could get hurt or worse killed.
Put us down on the list Please!
and could we have a sleepy place Please!
See yas soon
Karen & Bob
Not sure but I think counties are not obligated count swine flu cases any more.
Im contemplating life and how much fun I will be having soon on my hols and sat on my comp looking at allsorts.
I thought that i was the only one who thinks that Jacko is not the best thing on earth.
Hi Scarlet
Can we add our names (and have a hotel list) too, please?
I just look ugly as im not photojenic at all. I never smile on pasport photos.
we are now booked up for Cap d agde and I cant wait to go and have a good time.
Nothing was the worst mothers day pressent
Can't stand the man or his commedy
Lost and lots of others programs
love to see a nice big smile with smiling eyes.
His mother is clever woman and words it well. She talks about people with special needs being a part of society attending normal schools, giong out to pubs with friends, having a relationship, having the same rights as others. Sounds wonderful but in the real world you can try your best to acheve this but i does not always work out well. My son was in a normal nursery school I got told get take him out the school becauce the school were not trying to and could not cope with him and he ended up in a special school which did a lot for him.
My son always needs a carrer with him, my son has a choice of where he goes for fun in the evenngs and he chooses clubs for disabled people as they are more fun.
My son who has severe learning difficulties I am aware that my son has sexual feelings and wants a girl friend but at the same time he does not have an understanding of the complexities of a relationship. I would not encourage or discourage my son to have a relationship it is his desision, but I would try to help him understand what a relationship entails. Relationships between people can be difficult, for people with special needs relationships will happen but to me they could cause more problems than they could solve.