If I gave you three guesses would you get it right first time?
Tell you what I will make it easy.
A) The "v" key was missing when I made the name up.
B) I go around correcting peoples disagreements, everyone should be PC these days.
c) I working within the computer industry.
There that easy.
You look beautiful.
Am in heaven.
Where's your twin?
Right, footies on.
Mummy help me.
Where's my knickers?
Your mothers where?
Fuck, auntie Mary.
My arse hurts!
12", you lair.
Your dads better.
Eny, meny miny.............
This should be a fun day :sleeping: (22nd) at the Microsoft Campus in Reading.
Just wondering if any one else is going?
Were do you go for a good time in and around reading?
Used chatroom last night. Closed window. Left PC on over night.
Could not use internet this morning. PC locked up had to reboot.
Just used chatroom again, its fine while am using it, seems the video is better but that might just be in my head.
Then you log out, takes its time. Thats when it locks PC.
I closed everything in the task manager that was not needed and stilll it didnt free PC up.
Something is not letting go when it should do.
If you want me to run a program that you think could help then ask.
Loged out. Went to login in again and locked PC up. Reboot needed.
Could be me but PC has been ok for months and I need it for work, so need to be OK.
Have got loads of programs installed. Like PeerGuardian 2, this blocks the chat room talking with Schlund + Partner AG. Seems to be a german company who do hosting but why is my PC talking to them? h**p://
Will try nasty IE next.
Flash, Shockwave, Sun Java all up to date.
Could not see a sticky for the new beta chat room.
Did you want feed back!
Am using Firefox ( ) and has crashed twice...
Memory error, firefox closed.
2nd time was clicking between rooms, it locked up and had to kill Firefox.
Looks good.
501 to 600 Wow! You're too kinky for most!!! All the 555s, was going for 666 :twisted:
Will have to try harder. :P
Sorry to hear this. Hope it turns out rest is all that is needed.
Thats one reason I left welding, to many near misses.
Get well soon.
h**p:// (click on home to get upto date web page)
Faces to names.
Debi Diamond...
Porn name is Jet Archer
There we were in the car, parked up on a industrial estate, windows steamed up, when theres a tap on the glass, g/f(mistress, now wife) stops the bj and there i am pulling up my trousers, openning the window we see the smiling face of PC Plod. "em your not going to rob anyone are you sir/miss" he said, "O no were a little to busy for that officer" I say, we smile and then hes on his way.
You have all the good things to come...
First smile.
First words.
First steps.
First picture.
Remember those cos there gone to fast. I missed my 1st taking his 1st steps cos i was away working.
Its going to be fun, very very hard work but its worth it.
Here goes, instead of a night of passion we dismanteled a bunk bed.
Then the fun part, I erected a bunk bed(new) bought of ebay.
Now were is that whisky.
Sorry if this is a big disappointment but its only Wednesday, chains, whips, candles and an ""AmazingTY" video will come out on the weekend :twisted:
Stage one over.
Am all hot and sweaty, so its brake time for me.
Perverts around here :shock:, cant say i have noticed that, there I was thinking i fitted in just nicely :twisted: