A brand spanker out of my dads cupboard...in the ensuing struggle between me and my mates the front page was ripped accross :uhoh:
He's never said a word to this day!!
Quote by mollyandchris
I've been told I look like Darlene form Roseanne and Chris has been told he looks like Frank lampard
We have our very own football team because Mr RSAB looks like Gary Neville
We could call it SHFC
Molly xx
Quote by Alexandra
I'm a firm beliver in the current limits in Built up areas, but I do think motorway limits should be 80-85mph!
Alex x
Quote by Jags
I was looking forward to fish and chips for tea, somethings affected my appetite and it wasn't just that bloody jar of mayo!
Each to their own and all that, but this is a whole new level :shock:
Quote by willxx69
Spirited Away is quite right. How a person posts on the Forum gives us all an insight into how their mind works and that is a very intimate thing. It means that you know the person pretty well before you even meet them. Having decided, from their posts and the parts of their personality that they betray, that you like someone meeting is merely a confirmation of what you have been thinking. The people I have met at Munches and such like in the past have all been every bit as wonderful in the flesh as they have been in the Forum and are now some of my dearest friends.
Quote by mollyandchris
Id like to thank you for getting that song from the sound of music in my head it will be haunting me for days now thanks a bunch