Most of the terror plots that were intended to be inflicted on the UK have their roots in the Pakistan/Afghanistan border region - fact.
I don't think people do have "unquestioning" support of our troops, they can examine the evidence of the spread of the Taleban & Al Queda and the export of terror from Afghanistan & Pakistan border regions and come to the conclusion that the people fighting them and putting their lives at risk in a fighting situation could reasonably be called "heroes" !
There's a very good old Yankee proverb that goes ;
There are two types of people in the world - those who want to believe, and those who want to know ...
I love them too, mind you I like all bosoms !
Still, I like it if women are proud of their perky ones and point them in the direction of my mouth..whoah.. better stop and have a cold shower !
The best book I've ever read on this type of thing is Derren Brown's "Tricks of the Mind" (Channel 4 Books).
Before they go on about raising taxes - I think they should stop all the tax fiddles and scams that are operated by the ultra rich such as tax havens (over 50% of world trade is run through tax havens), corporate hospitality scams and excessive bonuses etc.
Interested readers may want to check out the site run by the Tax Justice Network ( )
Taxes have to be raised to educate the workers and provide infrastructure that these parasites require for their business, quite apart from taxes needed to fight terrorism etc, and the rest of us mugs have to pay for it while they're wondering which new model of Ferrari they'd like...grrr..
Leaving aside Obama et al, we should get rid of the monarchy - nothing to do with money - its just pathetic how people line the streets for a glimpse of someone whose only there by accident of birth - it just encourages a culture of mindless obsequisness. People should get a life.
In Britain, there is all manner of dictatorial legislation against consenting adults known as "prostitutes" !
Perhaps they got confused with their culinary terms and meant to say "knicker bacon" or "beef curtains" ?!
Here's something people may find "controversial".
Over the years of being involved in fetish & swinging type stuff etc , it often seems to me that swingers have a problem with controversy, as on meets or in clubs, they are there to get their rocks off, all to the well and good of course, but they usually seem to adopt a "pop" or lowest common denominator means of conversation so as not to cause any friction and get along with whoever they are speaking to.
I suppose at one level you could grudgingly say this "works" after a fashion, but it is hardly conducive to good sharp democratic debate.
Yes, I miss the sometimes controversial debates, look at whats currently on offer in the forums - just silly word games and candy floss "news" articles.
In a recent debate about some islamic fundamentalist tossers demonstrating against our troops marching home through Luton, the thread was suddenly cut short by management, and we were sent a warning saying that some of the links I'd mentioned in the debate might be "offensive" ! offensive to who ? the Taleban perhaps ?!
If the moderator is reading this, don't bother contacting me behind everyone else's back, lets have the discussion in the open here.
Swing sites are entirely dependant on freedom campaigners in the past pushing the envelope - for them to start censoring people is just pathetic and despicable - if you can't take democracy - get another job elsewhere - or maybe members of SH should just take their custom elsewhere if SH have'nt got the integrity to do this.
What are SH scared of ? if they get threats from muslim fundamentalists and their ilk they should just report them to the police.
Best of luck,(& skill !), and well done for fighting for the freedoms we all enjoy.
Yeah, most porn is crap, when on earth are women going to wise up and see that silicone implants and botox just make them look like transexuals !
Checkout films by Maria Beatty, she did a good lesbian one with Mistress Midori, can't remember the title offhand, also Joy Bear tend to be quite good. The ameteur films made by the London stripper "Mouse" are also good, mainly because she is both drop dead gorgeous and naughty.
The Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith's husband has been caught out ordering two as yet un-named porn films at taxpayer's expense !
Aside from the issue that Jacqui Smith was instrumental in banning "extreme pornography", and is currently engaged in further anti prostitution legislation ; on a more humerous note would SH members like to speculate on the titles of the porn flics ?!
My money would be on "Blair's Babes Get A Spanking" and anything from the French director Milukman's "Beurettes Rebelles" (rebellious Arab women) site.(He was the director featured in Channel 4's documentary "The Original Blue Nun").
We've got it and we reckon it was worth it for us on our farm.
Checkout the Northern Tool Co catalogue for details of solar and wind/water power to see if it is worth it for you.
You could check out the Safra Project website (just google it), they organise or list events for lesbian & bi muslims.
Have fun !
My 1st girlfriend sometimes used to like me to "proposition" her on a street corner and then take her away and pay for sex, though she used to take us out for a meal with the money afterwards.
Too many to mention, but the best all timer is by the Gypsy singer Mitsou & Ando Drom "Csi Lav Tu" from the "Gypsy Queens" compilation.
NO ! life is what you make it - you are in the driver's seat !
Unfortunately a contract is a contract - though the RBS chiefs don't deserve a penny of it.
Everyone has known for years bankers & brokers were overpaid, with massive bonuses and corporate hospitality expense accounts being milked for champagne + caviar parties,golfing holidays and pheasant shooting etc ; the big question is why our prudent chancellor and his "party of the working man"(?!) did'nt do anything about it.
How about the Doors "The End" ?!
Given the fact that GB has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies and std infections in the modern world, its obvious we need better sex education, also, concerning the parents "right" to veto sex education - what if those parents hold bigoted or backward views concerning sex eduction, as in the case of strict catholics and moslems ?
One other seemingly obvious point I'd like to make concerning all these islamic types who go around demanding rights etc for moslems ; most of them have families abroad, why don't they use their influence with them to argue for greater freedoms such as equality for women, free speech,banning female circumsision,legalising homosexuality etc ?
One other point I'd like to make is the glaringly obvious one for a swing site; why on earth do people on this site who presumably enjoy swinging apologise for, or even support islam ? under sharia law, they, and everyone else on the site, along with gays,lesbians and fornicators would be executed.
On another note, whilst everyone seems to be going on about various websites, I'd like to mention one of my favourates, it is for moslems who wish to discuss sexuality and features articles from both modern libertarian minded people from moslem countries, and some very nasty hatemail from islamic fundamentalists, best of all it has photos of some very lovely moslem ladies whom I'd dearly love to give a severe tongue lashing for their impertinence ! the add is ;
Enjoy !