Its tragic when our soldiers lives are lost, but what they are doing is a valid and worthwhile war, for our own safety and that of the ordinary Afghan people, most of whom don't want the Taliban, leftists in the UK say we should not interfere in other countries - but in the week a GB army officer said that most of the Taliban they captured were actually foreign fighters and that then IED bomb makers were trained in Iran - who also arm and fund Hezbollah in Lebanon, it seems these people are only too willing to do down their own side whilst ignoring the tyrants wishing to expand their own evil islamo-fascist empires.
Theres' nothing wrong with escorts,sex workers, strippers etc also going swinging - it should be legalised as far as I'm concerned.
Though I've never paid for sex personally, I've known a few sex workers and found them to be perfectly decent and interesting ladies.
All these legalistic approaches are still not dealing with the issue.
The Establishment has twice before tried to silence the BNP in the courts over some moderate comments it's leader made about islam, they failed as it would have been seen as the undemocratic political harassment it was.
Gordon Brown's clunking fist or - actions will not solve people's very real concerns, which none of the three major partys took up, over the quagmire of our immigration system, until this is done, support for the BNP will grow, or if they are suppressed, worse still, an alienated public may start taking the law into their own hands.
The issue with the Iranian election is that it is considered that it was fixed , with the results of the national election being announced before even the local results had come in ! etc
The election was not even democracy as we would know it anyway, all candidates have to be approved by the mullahs, and dissent is silenced on TV etc
In any case, for the ordinary people of Iran, it has become more than this, it is a way of protesting against a totalitarian islamo-fascist regime whose head honcho claims he gets his messages from god (rather like the pope and Peter Sutcliffe !).
I wish the Iranian freedom fighters the best of British luck in struggling against a vile tyranny.
ps ; for some reason the qoutes got mixed up in the above post ?! I don't think religeon should be taught in schools etc !
Those who proclaim the supposed virtues of the various faith schools, whether christian,islam etc, including NuLabour, would do well to remember that both Gerry Adams of Sinn Feinn and Paisley have said that their respective denominational schools contributed to the sectarianism that plagues NI society.
Children's minds should not be indoctrinated with any form of religion, nor should taxpayers money be used to fund faith schools, prison, army or hospital chaplains, or to repair old churches under the guise of "ancient buildings".
All this talk about the BNP being "nasty rough men" or what have you and throwing eggs etc still will not solve any issues, the hard fact is that people voted for them largely as a result of succesive governements failure to control immigration, and then attempt to cover up this failure with spin.
According to the Migration Watch website ( ) set up by Sir Andrew Green, ex ambassador to Syria, immigration will add 7 million people to the English population over the next 20 years, thats 7 times the population of Birmingham - like it or not the UK people don't like this happening, and unless the govt does something meaningful about it, then the BNP will just get stronger and race relations deteriorate.
Its worth mentioning that many ethnic communities also oppose further mass immigration, so it can hardly be called "racist" !
I Know Obama is still on his honeymoon, so this is going to sound a bit harsh, but there was'nt much meat on the bones of the speech.
Also, it was reported on C4 news that at one section of the speech he critiscized France's ban on the Islamic veil in public institutions etc. This law is popular amongst the majority of French, including moderate muslims, and was partly done to counteract gangs of muslim male youths "thugging - out" Algerian & Morrocan girls of muslim descent, so I think he was well out of order critiscizing this and pandering to fundamentalists.
This is a complex one ! I'm coming into it from a different angle in that I keep lurchers (thats a type of working dog for those of you who don't know !), which is a type of dog also favoured by travellers.
Briefly, how I always put it is that I have found both extremes within the gypsy community - some really nice people who are kind to their dogs and honest...and some real dodgy types (I'm being polite here !).
Some gypsies have maintained their culture into modern times, some seem to have lost their way, which can lead to problems, anyway, enough of the politics - I've got to feed my lurcher puppies !
We do live in a democracy, I don't think the BNP or anyone else should be banned, whether they are from the right such as the BNP, the left such as the communist party, or the anarchists such as the Class War Federation.
Sometimes controversial or uncomfortable views must be discussed for the benefit of society, however "raw" these are.
Banning views is not actually dealing with the issue.
Maybe it is, but I think the new talk of constitutional reform is just the politicians trying to take the heat off themselves.
Arthur Scargill's marxist ideology did a good job of leading the miners to defeat, why let him do the same thing with the whole country ?
Here's a controversial discussion point ! ; one wonders why the hell human dross such as Baby P's parents and the Karen Mathews and her moronic porn addicted boyfriend Craig Meehan were allowed to have kids ?
A difficult question I know, and I guess each case has to be taken individually and can't be turned into a political dogma, but its a question society ought to ask itself.
A glaring omission from the debate about tax evasion is the millions lost through offshore banking and tax havens etc - the rest of us have to make up the burden for these company's infrastructure.
Checkout the Tax Justice Network website for more info.
Staggerlee - snide comments won't win you the debate either ! the fact is that pacifists have both the luxury and the freedom to make sanctimonious comments because previous and current generations of men and women fought bravely for their democratic right to do so.
As for the comment about invading Ireland to deal with the IRA ! much of the IRA membership and support actually came from within certain sections of the catholic part of the population, and therefore had to be dealt with there. Moreover, in the USA, the FBI did actually eventually start to take action against IRA fund raising.
Neither is it accurate to state that we only invade muslim countries, NATO took military action against christian Serbia to defend Bosnian muslims.
Pacifism is merely the flip side of tyranny, the jackboot or fundamentalist mullah is allowed to rule where people to not resist it.
PACIFISM is a luxury of those protected by better men than they.
A few points, Al Queda had actually launched other attacks before 9/11 such as the attack on the US embassy in Kenya.
In response to Staggerlee's statement that life has not got better for Afghanistanis, I'd say it has (though obviously not far enough in the way of improvements has been made), they have a parliament, and are due to hold elections next August, music and dancing is now allowed, whearas under the Taleban it was banned - see the excellent documentary made by Havan Marking "Afghan Star", and more girls are now going to school - though of course the Taleban is doing its best to prevent this by blowing up schools etc, the list goes on, and as the Taleban & Al Queda and their mindless bigots are gradually defeated both politically and militarily - the situation for Afghani people of all tribes and both sexes will get better.
The don would of course be the manager of SH I'm afraid !, but then again I'm with the anarcho-blasphemeous triads of course !
I much prefer shaved pussies - much better for oral sex as there's no hairs to get in the way.
I'm also a dab hand at shaving pussies and rusty sherrifs badges, of course, being a perfectionist I have to check for any bristly bits with my tongue afterwards - purely in the interests of professionalism you understand...
Don't fob me off with some smug circular pacifist logic Staggerlee ! the fact is that in periods of history it has been necessary to meet evil violent dogmas, whether nazism in the 30's or islamic fundamentalist terror now, with a strategy that involves both politics, and yes, police and military action.