Hi All
I have been going grey since I was 16, I have come to terms with this a long time ago.
The last few years I have started thinning on top, not a problem my Dad lost his at an earlier age than me so I was sort of expecting it.
I have realised that I have started to say the same phrases as my parents.
They say that you know you are getting old when the police officers look younger than you - I have noticed this recently.
I become frustrated with the 16 year old shop assistants that appear not to know basic customer service skills. I started work at 16, was I never like that???? was I?????
However the most recent thing was that I was running a training course with a mixture of male and females. The youngest was 18 and the oldest was 28. The youngest were two attractive girls. Now you could say I was perving at them but they were the worst behaved members of the course sitting giggling and causing general nuisance. They took a lot of work and all I could think of was 'stop being stupid little girls'
Then it hit me, At 34, soon to be 35 (July) I was the oldest in the room and I was probably feeling the same way as my tutors did at when I was 18!
But saying that I don't really care about getting old I have worked with other 18 year olds who have had a very mature attitude and I have have worked with older people with a immature attitude.
So I have decided if I want to be a grumpy old man I will do or if I want to live it a up a bit I will do.
Brgds Rod - part time grumpy old man!
Thanks for the clarification, apologies for misinterpreting what you meant.
Hi Redangel
This guys response to your period, as has been stated throughout this thread obviously shows that he was not worth a meet. Yes cancelling a meet is frustrating but I don't think his response was warranted.
It has been suggested that he was response was partly due to the fact that he was a single. I would like to point out that not all single blokes would have responded the same. Speaking as a single bloke myself, I would have asked whether you would like anything from me e.g. a hot water bottle, chocolate or if there was anything else I could do, even if it was just to keep out of the way!
This information does definitely not need to be on your profile.
Brgds Rod
An Ex said she was going to give me flowers once, which I thought was a very nice gesture expect I had to point out that they set my hay fever off when they are in the house! However I did agree that if she did I would be taking my hay fever tablets!
It was always difficult when I bought flowers (from a florist!) of where I should keep them until giving them to the attended recipient. And yes I have done the buy the flowers from the local corner shop before but it has always been planned and never a last minute thing. They have always seemed to have gone down well....
I usually like to stick with roses or anything that the person has said they like (yes I do listen!)
Also I had a conversation with a friend a while back and we both agreed we liked the leather (black & red) roses that are currently available.
At least I don’t have to worry about my hay fever!
As soon as we have a bit of snow someone always gives this useful tip.....
Don't eat the yellow snow!
I’m going to have to agree with Darkfire on this one.
I do believe the Great British Public is getting better at complaining; however it is about how you complain.
Having been on the end of customer service complaints (some in a previous job where I was threatened to be killed - nice!) some of them were justified in complaining as belongings had gone missing/damaged/miss directed, (but threats verbal/physical abuse is unacceptable) I can ensure you people are willing to complain. However I was much more willing to help those out who put there case forward politely than those who screamed and balled.
I am now in a position where I am monitoring aggressive complaints and I am seeing an increasing trend, which I am trying to address by speaking to our management to improve our systems.
What you also have to remember is that even though people may not complain at the time they will probably tell at least 10 people about the bad service, whereas if they get good service they may tell 1 or 2 people.
So do the British complain - Yes but not always to the right person!
Hi Sheddy et al
This is my first post so I apoligise in advance for my spelling/ettiqute errors.
I have read many of your posts and have found them to be informative and funny so thought in this case I may be able to offer some advice.
As a H&S specailist (thats either a danger expert or safety annorak!) I aggre with what your doctor has said about changing posture on a regular basis. You should also consider the postion of your chair and PC as this can effect your circulation as well espcially if the seat is too high which can cause excssivve pressure on the legs.
You may want to have a which has useful digrams and aniamations regarding workstation set-up.
If I can be of any futher help please let me know.
Brgds Rod