i have learnt in 2016 to be happy in life is to be true to yourself then you will always love who you see in the mirror each morning.
Quote by Mark_July
4 years ago I came off SwingingHeavenChat without any support,I ignored the advice given to me and went cold turkey, It was initially a struggle, I mean everywhere you go there seems to be a keyboard calling you to pick up and use again.I would be lying if I said I have been compleley abstenant during my so called recovery,I managed to stay away from my chat of choice namely SHC but did succumb to some other lower grade chatrooms Im afraid to say.
These were brief relapses but I knew deep down it was only a matter of time before I returned to my primary habit that is SHC. cunning baffeling and powerful that it is.
I am well and truly back on the merry go round now, my sleep pattern is non exsistend,when I do sleep its with one eye open, the other day I woke up to find I was spooning a laptop. I have not shaved for over a week,I have stopped eating, Im horribly dehydrated my flat looks like a tornado has whipped through it, my inhibitions have flown out the window, god knows what day or time it in all im back in heaven and cant think what on earth I left for in the first place!!!
Recovery be dammed..
Quote by Mark_July
Good to see lots of nonsence being posted off topic..![]()
As for the origional post I really cant stand these little pricks who go around robbing people in fact I cant stand the big pricks going around robbing people either!! I once watched an old man dipping pockets and thought it rather cool but actually now here thinking about it the whole robbing thing sucks,its a violation and I have deep sympathy for anyone who is a victum of robbery including myself everytime I go into a motorway service station and get charged £800 for a cup of hotwater with a small bag of chopped up leaves in it...fkin robbers!
Quote by Mark_July
Good to see lots of nonsence being posted off topic..![]()
As for the origional post I really cant stand these little pricks who go around robbing people in fact I cant stand the big pricks going around robbing people either!! I once watched an old man dipping pockets and thought it rather cool but actually now here thinking about it the whole robbing thing sucks,its a violation and I have deep sympathy for anyone who is a victum of robbery including myself everytime I go into a motorway service station and get charged £800 for a cup of hotwater with a small bag of chopped up leaves in it...fkin robbers!
Quote by MidsCouple24
It is indeed a theory discussed in nerd circles all the time, most go with the theory that the large asteroids which are reduced in size by the heat they go through entering our atmosphere hit the earth all the time, that the ice and water content of these asteroids is the first thing to go during that journey, we have nothing to say that in the past one of those larger asteroids didn't bring something with it which now exists on earth and is accepted as a standard earth item, in fact don't the big bang theorists believe that we and everything on the planet started off this way.
ok so Comet Ison won't pass close to earth and there are no reports that a huge asteroid is going to hit us anytime soon.
But I have a theory, I know that the earth is being orbitted by loads of space junk, the orbits of which deteriorate and they crash to earth now and again, most of the content burns up in our atmosphere, but some gets through.
My theory involves the stuff we dump in space returning to earth, for years now astronaughts have been dumping dump in space whenever they need to go. What if it all joins together like the bits did that started the universe and the planets, what if earth gets hit by a huge turdoid ?
Worse what if aliens attempt to visit us and crash into a giant turd on their way, would they see this as an act of war and destroy the earth ?
Quote by Corana
Advice on What's the best way to make a women squirt ,, from both sexes if possible.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
uninvited whispers are an absolute no no and always have been, although many seem to ignore this most golden of rules
Quote by nyssalupa
hi Tania
I was in similar situation. My initial reason for joining was that I missed the physical contact and social company of a man and I did try the random meet initially but found it lacking. I then started meeting people more regularly exploring my boundaries etc and with more social contact too but then found feelings developed and it didn't always work out well.
I thought I had found someone who was on the same wave length and even left SH for a while but we were obviously poles apart so I guess its difficult with either option but I think whilst emotionally vulnerable I would just be careful hun whatever you choose to do.
Good luck hun xx
Quote by g_and_f- not just erotica - although we like that too
I'm really look for something about philosophy of swinging
Although swinging is the label the philosophy of swinging can be very varied I tried looking into the philosophy before we joined here and found you can not learn about anything you have no part in as the view of others is always subjective in the sense that we all know ourselves as we are all individual.
After 7 years being here and getting involved with it and speaking to many people over the years I have my own philosophy about it. I would love to write my own book about it but I believe you can't teach anyone about it as I found out you have to learn about it yourself as everyone would have their own perceptions about it.
I would finish by saying what it has taught me is more about myself and my relationship and a much more deeper understanding about us as a couple and what we personally enjoy about swinging and what we don't enjoy.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
one would imagine that by now her children have skin as thick as a rinho
on the other hand im sure most of what she says is constructed to offend based on an impromptu interview i see her try to wriggle out of as she had very little in the way of answers to the questions she was asked
Quote by Katniss
When interviewed stood next to the actual effigy Katie Hopkins said she thought it was all good fun and she took it on the chin like a trooper, so i'm sure her children wont be affected by it one bit - why does everyone have to take life so bloody seriously??????
The bonfire Societies of Edenbridge and Lewes have been around for a long long time, every year they choose a controversial *celebrity* to effigy and burn, its never malicious -
Quote by YorksRichard
Today I am mostly relaxing and surfing the inter web and trying to orientate myself on this site so I can join in fully in this community and make some new friends.