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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 61
United Kingdom


i have learnt in 2016 to be happy in life is to be true to yourself then you will always love who you see in the mirror each morning. 

Jungle Book, Homeward bound the first one, Home alone the first one, I really must get a life

Have never seen a ghost but have had a couple of unexplained things happen.
One was when my eldest son was a around 3 months old I kept his cuddly toys on a shelf in his nursery, I had put him down in his cot during the afternoon and when I heard him later I went to get him up and his cuddly toys were in his cot neatly around the sides. At the time there was just me and the baby at home. I know I wouldn't have done it, so who did?
Another was I went upstairs to put some washing away and there was a wooden carousel top on the chair in the children's bedroom no body was upstairs and there was no drafts but as I approached the bedroom it was spinning back and forth. Nobody was upstairs and it was nowhere near a window, so who has spun it?
When we bought our house the people that lived here before had a daughter that had passed away with a hold in her heart, I always felt it was her that was still around I never felt frightened by these happening.
Kat, they might all be dunkers and think we might laugh if they tell us they do dunking after spunking.
You may have also answered a question my mum asked me this summer.
Apparently she had noticed a neighbour puts 20 tea towels on her line each week and said what on earth, would anyone do with 20 tea towels a week.
I said, mum you need to get a life living in the country if they are the things you notice and think about. Lol
I might now tell her your story re the flannels.
Hi all,
I remember reading this on another forums a few years ago and recently revisited it as its the funniest forum post I ready and the responses where even better. So thought it a great topic to ask here.
We have a dedicated post-sex cleanup area on the bedside table. A box of tissues, a small bin, and a beaker of clean water for temporary cleaning/dunking while the bathroom is occupied by me.
Apparently our penis beaker is strange and not the done thing.
Does everyone else just lay there in a sticky post coital glow until morning? Really?
So do you dunk?
When I joined a few years ago now, I never knew what to expect I remember first entering the chat rooms that were very different than they are now.
I remember wondering where I have entering it seemed like a whole different world.
The first time I spoke in the chat room I remember saying "Hello all, can you all go easy on me I am a newbie and don't have a clue what goes on here."
To my horror all these responses came back asking me if I wanted them to show me. I remember shaking so much I closed everything down.
It soon taught me to be careful what I asked for.
Can you remember your first impressions when you first joined here?
Quote by Mark_July
4 years ago I came off SwingingHeavenChat without any support,I ignored the advice given to me and went cold turkey, It was initially a struggle, I mean everywhere you go there seems to be a keyboard calling you to pick up and use again.I would be lying if I said I have been compleley abstenant during my so called recovery,I managed to stay away from my chat of choice namely SHC but did succumb to some other lower grade chatrooms Im afraid to say.
These were brief relapses but I knew deep down it was only a matter of time before I returned to my primary habit that is SHC. cunning baffeling and powerful that it is.
I am well and truly back on the merry go round now, my sleep pattern is non exsistend,when I do sleep its with one eye open, the other day I woke up to find I was spooning a laptop. I have not shaved for over a week,I have stopped eating, Im horribly dehydrated my flat looks like a tornado has whipped through it, my inhibitions have flown out the window, god knows what day or time it in all im back in heaven and cant think what on earth I left for in the first place!!!
Recovery be dammed..

Mark just do everything while on cam, eat, sleep, shower, shave, housework.
You will have the ladies offering to come and give you a hand.
You never know you might even get Liam to offer a hand too. lol
There are some names on that list random orbit what ever happened to him.
Sarge pops up in the forums from time to time I have seen him creep in and out again.
I am still here wave
I use to love starting new threads. I run out of ideas for new topics lol
I retired to the fun forums and spend my forum time in there then they merged them all together. So I sneaked back off from when I once came.
I started in the chat rooms and that is where you are more likely to find me these days :lol:
Quote by Mark_July
Good to see lots of nonsence being posted off topic.. lol
As for the origional post I really cant stand these little pricks who go around robbing people in fact I cant stand the big pricks going around robbing people either!! I once watched an old man dipping pockets and thought it rather cool but actually now here thinking about it the whole robbing thing sucks,its a violation and I have deep sympathy for anyone who is a victum of robbery including myself everytime I go into a motorway service station and get charged £800 for a cup of hotwater with a small bag of chopped up leaves in it...fkin robbers!

£800 is daylight robbery for a tea, get a coffee its cheaper. wink
Its good to see you back Mark I can perve your bottom
errm I mean your profile all over again. :lol:
Its good to be back minx..the last post wins thread has been closed...rats!!
You could always start a new one :wink:
Quote by Mark_July
Good to see lots of nonsence being posted off topic.. lol
As for the origional post I really cant stand these little pricks who go around robbing people in fact I cant stand the big pricks going around robbing people either!! I once watched an old man dipping pockets and thought it rather cool but actually now here thinking about it the whole robbing thing sucks,its a violation and I have deep sympathy for anyone who is a victum of robbery including myself everytime I go into a motorway service station and get charged £800 for a cup of hotwater with a small bag of chopped up leaves in it...fkin robbers!

£800 is daylight robbery for a tea, get a coffee its cheaper. wink
Its good to see you back Mark I can perve your bottom
errm I mean your profile all over again. :lol:
Quote by MidsCouple24
It is indeed a theory discussed in nerd circles all the time, most go with the theory that the large asteroids which are reduced in size by the heat they go through entering our atmosphere hit the earth all the time, that the ice and water content of these asteroids is the first thing to go during that journey, we have nothing to say that in the past one of those larger asteroids didn't bring something with it which now exists on earth and is accepted as a standard earth item, in fact don't the big bang theorists believe that we and everything on the planet started off this way.
ok so Comet Ison won't pass close to earth and there are no reports that a huge asteroid is going to hit us anytime soon.
But I have a theory, I know that the earth is being orbitted by loads of space junk, the orbits of which deteriorate and they crash to earth now and again, most of the content burns up in our atmosphere, but some gets through.
My theory involves the stuff we dump in space returning to earth, for years now astronaughts have been dumping dump in space whenever they need to go. What if it all joins together like the bits did that started the universe and the planets, what if earth gets hit by a huge turdoid ?
Worse what if aliens attempt to visit us and crash into a giant turd on their way, would they see this as an act of war and destroy the earth ?

I have poo pooed any idea of aliens for now, my fear is all this cloud computing storing everyone's files my fear is the clouds could burst one day and cover us in so many files we will all drown in them.
Nelson Mandela was a great man who joined people together. I don’t believe he would be the least bit offended. I think if he could see what happened he would have smiled seeing that picture.
The picture showed me unity which should be rejoiced, not slandered.
Quote by Corana
Advice on What's the best way to make a women squirt ,, from both sexes if possible.

I had never had one myself before joining here I found out I had been close many times but held back as it is a weird feeling before it happens. The kind men and ladies on the forums back then gave me great advice when I asked here so I hope what I have learned and passing on helps.
First you need to know where to locate the elusive Gspot which is about 1-2 inches tucked in towards the front wall. The gspot isn't an actual spot but an area. I have never had an internal orgasm during penetrative sex. Fingers have always worked for me, others not my own. wink The action has to be consistent not hard or fast nor in and out more a stroking type of action with the fingers. I call it "come to momma" type action. Make sure the lady has emptied her bladder beforehand or she could be gushing which isn't the same.
For me squirting is a female version of a male ejaculation a jet of creamy liquid and don't be surprised if she cries. redface As the feeling can be very overwhelming when it happens and be prepared for crushed fingers as I have been told the contractions when it happens can be very powerful. So the woman gets all the pleasure and the poor man get crushed fingers for his efforts bless him lol . Unlike a clitoral orgasm the internal orgasm can be ongoing as you don't want them to stop which could lead to multiple ones if your fingers and can take the force. Often it is the lady that holds back she just needs to relax and ride the waves and enjoy the ride it is well worth it when she does believe me.
If you still get stuck I have a male friend on here I have know years who is a master of the art if you need more help. :wink:
Good luck.
Quote by Lizaleanrob

uninvited whispers are an absolute no no and always have been, although many seem to ignore this most golden of rules rolleyes

Think you might be confusing your personal preference with any general chat room rules 3. Anybody can whisper uninvited at any time if they so wish. Granted, there is a unwritten code, for some, that they should always be preceded with a request. And, as stated in our previous post if a request or dislike is stated in a users profile it should be respected.
Suspect that a majority of chatroom users across the board would welcome uninvited whispers as it happens!
sorry but this observation is based on talking to many many couples over quite a few years in the chat rooms,socials,house parties and meets....
meanwhile i think Your opinion would be based on the many years spent in the wilderness as a single male and not those more recently spent as a couple
whilst the odd whisper may be acceptable anything up to 30 uninvited whispers whist Liza is appearing on cam can and does become an annoyance and tedious which results in us either turning off whispers or the cam
as for asking to whisper first it's just good manners!!! wink
When I first joined the site there was a rule laid down by the site when using the chat rooms that people had to ask in the open room if it was ok to whisper someone. The site then got rid of the rule without many members at the time being aware.
I joined here with a free and open mind to get to know more about swinging and myself and our open relationship and to indulge within the lifestyle.
I feel lucky I joined when good manners were shown and laid down by the rules of the chat rooms, I honestly believe I was very shy and naive within the lifestyle in the beginning and thankfully I have spoken to and met some great people if I were to join here today I would of been put off by the degree of bad manners I am shown now days.
Since the site lapsed on this rule, I personally have found a difference of approach from men.
Many see woman here as a commodity to say what they like to in whispers rather than show respect to them. In all honestly I have learned to ignore most of it but then get accused I am rude in not responding when they whisper me. When quiet often I am already chatting in the main room or sometimes talking or teasing a friend in whispers.
I believe it is bad manner to butt into someones conversation and expect their attention to be turned your way, I find this a very selfish approach and rude and to be honest not someone I would want to talk to within this lifestyle as I often imagine what kind of lovers they are by the demands they make to me when I am just showing my face while chatting on cam.
I do however sometimes get cheeky on cam when time at home allows then I have been know to respond to the cheeky comments. I would never respond to men's demands of me unless we have established a friendship and I have given them personal permission to do so. Normally that is established in whispers with friends. :wink:
So have good manners be polite have a laugh be cheeky establish friendships then who knows what you would allow a friend to do.
Sorry I only tell my friends those bits. :wink:
Quote by nyssalupa
hi Tania
I was in similar situation. My initial reason for joining was that I missed the physical contact and social company of a man and I did try the random meet initially but found it lacking. I then started meeting people more regularly exploring my boundaries etc and with more social contact too but then found feelings developed and it didn't always work out well.
I thought I had found someone who was on the same wave length and even left SH for a while but we were obviously poles apart so I guess its difficult with either option but I think whilst emotionally vulnerable I would just be careful hun whatever you choose to do.
Good luck hun xx

Hi Tania,
I have never been totally in your position. But I think many of us can feel how you feel from time to time throughout life. My first thoughts when I read your post was exactly what I have highlighted from Nyss. I think when emotionally vulnerable be careful you do the right thing for the real you underneath. As I don't always feel we make the best choices when emotions are high. Now days I have learnt to rely on my gut instincts and they never let me down as I believe that is our guardian angel and knows us best.
Quote by g_and_f
I'm really look for something about philosophy of swinging
- not just erotica - although we like that too
Although swinging is the label the philosophy of swinging can be very varied I tried looking into the philosophy before we joined here and found you can not learn about anything you have no part in as the view of others is always subjective in the sense that we all know ourselves as we are all individual.
After 7 years being here and getting involved with it and speaking to many people over the years I have my own philosophy about it. I would love to write my own book about it but I believe you can't teach anyone about it as I found out you have to learn about it yourself as everyone would have their own perceptions about it.
I would finish by saying what it has taught me is more about myself and my relationship and a much more deeper understanding about us as a couple and what we personally enjoy about swinging and what we don't enjoy.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
one would imagine that by now her children have skin as thick as a rinho
on the other hand im sure most of what she says is constructed to offend based on an impromptu interview i see her try to wriggle out of as she had very little in the way of answers to the questions she was asked

I agree with you about her children.
I think when you have a parent that enjoys media attention in the way she does, you have to as her children learn to have a thick skin if you like it or not. I don't think they get much choice. They still must have to deal with things inflicted upon them from their mothers actions. We all do to a degree, just often it is more discrete.
Quote by Katniss
When interviewed stood next to the actual effigy Katie Hopkins said she thought it was all good fun and she took it on the chin like a trooper, so i'm sure her children wont be affected by it one bit - why does everyone have to take life so bloody seriously??????
The bonfire Societies of Edenbridge and Lewes have been around for a long long time, every year they choose a controversial *celebrity* to effigy and burn, its never malicious -

I take life more seriously than I ever take myself. wink
I wouldn't have thought for one moment Katie Hopkins would have taken it seriously.
I was looking beyond the obvious.
The Fact that the Edenbridge and Lewes Societies have been around for a long time and their meaning behind it is humour, I understand that, you get that,there will be a lot more people that don't get it is my point.
Many children don't understand that type of humour believe me. It was done for adults to have a laugh about but doing it where families attend not everyone would understand the humour behind it.
I don't think anyone gives much thought on adults impacts on children.
I thought the days of witch hunting was over and we lived in the days of freedom of speech. I might agree or not agree with some of the things she says but I admire her for being strong enough to speak her own mind. I think many people hold back saying exactly what they think for fear of reprisal.
I think it is personally unfair to children to tarnish them with a brush based on a name their parents have given them. Likewise I think her children would be suffering and missing out befriending children based on their mothers judgements.
I also feel sorry for her children if they see the images of what Edenbridge have done to their mother.
I feel for all the children when adults have such judgements of others for me Edenbridge have shown the same level of immature judgement as she did in a lot of what she says.
For instance we all know why a guy is the image burnt on a bonfire and what that represents in history. To be burning someone for their freedom of speech. Will they not be showing children watching that it is ok to burn people as you don't agree with what they say in public?
Adults may laugh but children ask questions when trying to understand the world around them I would like to know what any parents responses will be at the bonfire or when children ask about the images in the newspaper mean and why an image of someone is being burnt.
I think the children are the ones that suffer the most in the end. Seems nobody cares about impacts on them.
I thought adults should be trying to educate them. Sorry I wouldn't like my children educated in this way.
Quote by YorksRichard
Today I am mostly relaxing and surfing the inter web and trying to orientate myself on this site so I can join in fully in this community and make some new friends.

Welcome to the forums :welcome:
Turn north and two steps right you should find the chatrooms. A few tips to help you along your journey.
Patience can be a virtue
Humour can be a pleasure
A smile is often charming
The invite of sex can often be rare
To moan is good on occasions and bad on others
Good luck have fun. lol
I would like to say I am non judge mental but I know it is a natural thought process. What I try and use is tact when conversing either orally or in type with people.
Often I have found not all my judgement is negative there can be many positive judgements all going on it my head together. what I have always done within my life in many situtations when dealing with people is highlight the positives that I find as most of the time I see more of those than the negatives.
What I find is for some they only seem to have vision to see negatives which seem to consume them which can also be the way they converse with others. Which is apparent when you sometimes read and hear continued dialogue that doesn't just happen on here it can happen anywhere in life.
I also think we live in an age where it seems someone has to be blamed for things. Which drives a defend and attack mentality.
When you mixed the two of the above together you will never see a resolution.
I personally can't waste my time in battle so I prefer a resolution even if it means to cut off all dialogue with people I feel that is the best solution for both parties and let each other get on with their lives the way they like to conduct it.
I was wondering about what my first threads or posts were about when I first started in the forums so I delved back and found this earlier thread I started blimey how the years have past but the subject is the still relevant today.
So you can either respond to my orginal post.
Or what was one of your first posts or threads?
To find these just click on your profile scroll to the bottom and type in the number page that you would like to go back to. mine was 271 pages. :shock::gagged:
What do you look for in a swinging partner?
19th Feb 2008 - 7:35am
When we ventured into the lifestyle 7 months ago after many months or talking about it and researched the fors and against. We had it clear in our minds what we were looking for.
As we have been happily married for 21 years and didnt want to risk what I have already.
That was to meet a guy or guys that I connected with on all levels and could become friends with too. After talking to loads over the months we have found a couple of guys we meet and all get on really well with. Having built on a friendship, trust and respect with first. But in doing so feel this isn't always the normal way of doing things.
What are your views?
Do you have sex just for sexs sake?
Do you like to meet a stranger and keep it that way?
Do you like me need to feel a connection before you have sex with someone?
Do you feel to build a friendship could risk your relationship?
Just thought I would ask as we all have our own ways of doing things. And I find the whole swinging scene fasinating by different peoples way of doing things!
Let me know your views!
I have always had a feeling I want to visit Norway it just seems a place of peace, beauty and tranquility.
First I would like to travel along through the fjords, then drive the atlantic road then to see the northern lights.
There are many place I would like to visit but this is my 1st choice.
Where in the world would you like to visit and why?
Quote by James_Templar
James is my middle name and I'm a big fan of The Saint tv series, hence Templar!

Hello James welcome to the forums wave
I chose my name to try and reflect my split my personality.
I don't know if others feel like me.
I have always looked at the forums for years and often in the past found threads or posts that have inspired me to write threads or join in posts. It seems just lately that looking down the titles of thread names I find it all a little bit depressing that I soon click out of the forums and don't feel compelled or inspired to write anything.
Where has the fun gone from this place?
Do others wonder the same thing?
I feel I need to go on a mission to spark some life back here as it feels like a wilted flower that needs some loving.
Would anyone like to help me?
Quote by the_magik_s
Even the name of the place sounds miserable... DART-FORD lol

I think Gravesend sounds more miserable.
Or Blackheath wink
My daughter recently was telling me about an one LB baby she had seen on TV. It took me ages before I realised she meant a 1 lb baby. I don't know who is worse her or myself.
My affliction normally occurs when I type threads or posts on here.
Or I send messages or emails.
I shall go now before one slips out.
I believe there have always been many jobs that are physically and emotionally demanding within all sectors. Many of which don't provide pensions. Yet without these jobs being done for us all we wouldn't be able to survive the lifestyle we live today. Some have put their life on the line and died to provide us all. Some even demand being away from home for weeks at a time. These workers also provide taxes to pay all sector workers their pensions.
I think public sector workers are looked after and have it pretty easy in many ways far easier than all those in the private sector.
I believe all are needed to provide services that we all need and use. Why should one sector be treated differently from another?
We all pick our paths in life but we all don't expect to be looked after forever within the paths we choose. Would be very nice if we all were.
I don't want to undermine anyone's role in life. I would like to just see people think about others roles and not to always think of themselves when they have chosen their own path that gets changed by circumstance as often circumstance affects so many other peoples life all of the time when the money isn't there different actions have to take place.