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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63
Straight Female, 48
0 miles · Wombourne


Watching my girl have a VERY good time with a SH member wink
Quote by niceandgentle
Susan Stranks was hot....but Janet Ellis was hotter.

Ok then Tool - Susan and I wondered if you and Janet would like to play with us! :P
Hmmm.....I'm not sure about that. If I got near Janet, I may want to do something with her myself with sticky-back plastic.
Susan Stranks was hot....but Janet Ellis was hotter.
I prefer the strictly amateur stuff, featuring ordinary British wives/girlfriends. I've often wondered if folks on sites like this exchange films with each other.
I've fimed my other half getting some serious 'attention' from a black guy we met on the net, but the tapes just waste away under the bed.
It seems a shame for hot scenes to go to waste.
Quote by jaymar
it's quite good for the skin tho.. reputed to have moisturising properties (not speaking from experience of course! :shock: ) not sure about it lubricating the eye region....

This was a regular joke that Frank Skinner used to do in his early stand-up days, about spitting and swallowing. He said swallowing improves your complexion.
He'd tease some straight-laced girl in the crowd and say she obviously swallowed because her complexion was so good.
Quote by Ukwineman
maybe i cant see myself redface

I don't think it's that, because I can see myself in the big list at the bottom of the main page, just not in the individual forum.
They always say it would be good to be twenty, but know what you know now, but if you knew what you know now, would you have lived such a carefree life?
Easy-going, laughed at dirty jokes, wore miniskirts and no bra to work.
Quote by Ukwineman
my settings say "hide online status" i have clicked no that means i should be visible but im not any ideas or have i got this backwards

I have the same problem. Guess it's ok as long as you can post.
I've seen thumb rings discussed often on American Bi/Lesbian message boards. Maybe it's just a US thing?
I wondered how true it is that Bi women wear thumb rings, as a 'sign'?
There was a girl in a local who was quite up-front and outspoken. I noticed that she had a thumb ring on, and commented that I'd heard that denoted bi-sexuality. She laughed it off, but at the end of the night, there was just me, the landlord (who had already played with my partner-so knew the score), my partner and this (married) girl.
I thought we were going, so I went out to the car. When my partner didn't come out, I strolled back in, to be confronted by the sight of the girls beginning a long, very sensual kiss. The landlord looked as surprised as me. It developed from there into all three of them 'entertaining' each other while I enjoyed the show.
That was her first (and only, so far) Bi experience, and it came totally out of the blue.
I prefer ghost stories to out-and-out horrors.
My favourite is called 'The Changeling', starring George C Scott.
Really spooky.
Name: Wayne Rooney
Username: Dumbo
Status: Attached (wages attached directly to partner's credit card).
Looking For: Prostitutes, grannies, female anthropologists looking for the missing link.
Activities: Wonderful abilities with my balls.
Quote by Darkfire
Tool hun you're gonna have to get rid of that avatar, its giving me Markz nightmares :scared:

Ha Ha!
Is it really that bad??
I'll have a look around. Don't want you two to have nightmares!
Quote by flower411
Mrs Flower won`t even chat in the room when she`s on cam let alone talk on the phone.
She will very occasionally look at the cam and raise her eyebrows in answer to something or if you really get her on a good day she`ll laugh or frown !!!
I know this makes people nervous and when i say to singles that they have to meet me first i can hear the alarm bells ringing !!! rolleyes
But that`s just the way she is, she likes to fuck , not talk and who am i to argue ??

Hmmm......I suppose I would say that if the other party new that from the start, they wouldn't be able to complain if they decide to meet. I'd say it's more of an issue if a couple's ad portrays them as equally open and 'active', but the reality is different.
Quote by 36openminded
I would say I see many more happy dustmen than I do office workers

I can't speak for your area, but the dustmen where I live earn more than most office workers, I think!
It can be a tough choice......if someone can do without the money and all that it brings, I'd say go for what makes you happy. I think that for most people, it's just about trying to get the best balance of the two, as many people these days feel it has become too skewed towards all work and little play.
Quote by Mal
They do courses on finding Escorts in Clapham?? Is that through LearnDirect?? :shock:

No, it's the Legs-Open University.
Instict plays a large part in it. We've sometimes started to arrange a meet with someone and they make a comment that doesn't fit in with other things they've said. Suddenly, I've got alarm bells ringing.
I've found it best if you spend time talking to people online for a good while first and anything 'strange' has more time to show up.
I've always been told that girth is as important as length. I think a girl would rather have a 7" truncheon than a 12" pencil anyday.
I'dfeel let-down if she didn't kiss the guy.
Seeing her kiss guys, intertwining tongues, is such a turn-on. I'd say it's as good as seeing her fuck.
I know some girls don't like to, because it shows 'intimacy', but that's part of the whole turn-on for me.
Quote by Scandal
it spoilt it if she had to talk to the guys before hand.

I arranged to see a woman whose fantasy it was to never actually see the guy.
She wanted to be blindfolded and just have me come round ...
She had a very large plasma tele, top of the range DVD recorder and her car keys were hanging up in the kitchen.
As she was single at the time I suggested to her that it wasn't a good idea to answer the door blindfolded.
True story!!
She answered the door blindfolded???
You could've been the vicar!
Maybe the lady is there, but not as 'up for it' as the husband?
Maybe the meeting is a turn-on for him, but not so much for her.
Quote by tattyxpx
:fuckinghell: you did not just say that just because a female dresses a certain way that "she's up for it" ..... did you
Or was it more... you can't be a swinger.... you don't dress right more type of thing???

I don't think I meant either!
I just meant that it's risky enough approaching a couple, but approaching a single female could be disasterous.
I was just talking about hunches and assumptions...
Quote by Kit
:shock: do swingers always shop as couples then confused :? :? :?
No way would I trawl round the aisles in Tesco's with Kat in tow rolleyes No way! I always send him on his own whilst I relax at home :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

No! But spotting that a single girl 'must be a swinger' must be nigh on impossible. When you get frigid girls who dress like can be very dangerous.
Quote by bevntony
Any particular branch of Tesco ? Can't say we've seen anyone matching that description in our local one.. more's the pity smile

Lol...I wasn't trying to be shop-specific!
I'm more of a Kwik Save guy.....No Frills.
Quote by skegnessswingers
Well we have on a few occasions seen people in Tesco's ( or other retail emporia of your choice... ) and been able to tell they were swingers... but that was more the "Had them!"
As for believing strangers to be "Up for it" .... if you ever do decide to go and ask, may we suggest you be in the common practice of carrying a selection of bandages and plasters? lol

Maybe not the best phrase to use!
No, I meant sometimes you see a wife buying bags of potatoes in high-heels, leather mini and a top with her tits falling out and you think to yourself "Hmmm, I wonder".
Not sure if this has been asked before, but I've been thinking about whether anyone has ever guessed correctly that a stranger was a swinger and approached them about it.
Sometimes I've been out shopping and seen a couple whose appearance and manner make me think they look 'up for it' but I've never known what I would 'do' about finding out.
I just wondered if anyone has gone further...thinking someone looked a ' likely couple' and initiated a conversation, found out they were right and it led to something...
Quote by bell412
If you have ever listened to joy division, then it has to be Atmosphere. (Walk in silence.................)
But, as far as bitter sweet goes, Love Will Tear Us Apart. What an amazing song and still is amazing after 25 years.
I was only seven when it was released.
Am I getting old?????????????????????????????????????????

Joy contest.
'In a Lonely Place'...written by them, recorded as New Order because Curtis killed himself before JD could do it. The bleakest, darkest song. Only 'Faith' by The Cure comes close.
Quote by spideyuk

You won't be able to use a lay-by unless you've got a straight banana!