Hi Guys
I was hoping for some ideas if you don't mind. I want to do a bit of roleplay with my guy ( he is all up for it) and I was wondering what type of "tasks" do you get the sub half to do. All ideas considered, thanks x
I'm off to thailand tomorrow ! :happy:
I'll be scuba diving off the Surin or Similan Islands hopefully.
What a shame, how old was he? Can't have been that old
yes, he deserved the text just for sending you home, please tell me he at least called you a taxi?
This Should be interesting, anyone else watching it?
Never mind the snogging, I'm just focused on the on gtting through the front door, don't mind admitting I'm shitting myself. :shock:
Thank you for all your suggestions, some I recongized and the rest I'm really curious to hear.
Does anybody know I good website where I can hear samples ?
Also, how do I re-charge the battery on holiday without my laptop?
Thanks everyone xxx
I would suggest a good home kit, even at £200 it will probably work out cheaper.
I have tried this on my bikini line and I had 3 sessions at £90 a go and the therapist gave up because it wasn't working as it should. You have to have very dark hair as the light travels down the pigment and into the root.
By the way, its not for the faint hearted!
I'm sure I'll be the first of many to say the shawshank redemption.
thanks razor, is that a website? I'll check it out xxx
I'm going on holiday soon and normally I don't bother taking any music with me. I'm on the road driving for 4-6 hours a day so I get to listen to plenty of current music via either CD and the radio.
However, I am taking a newly purchased ipod away this time (if I can work out how it works !!) and I'm looking for ideas of some music which perhaps I haven't ever heard or something I haven't heard for ages. To give an example , I heard Vienna by Ultravox today in the gym and that has been added to the "must have" list.
So guys - what is on your must have list ?
(oh, if anyone has a cheap but legal way of uploading suggested tracks, I would appriecate your help)
probably - lost in translation
I watched most of it in an effort to understand it, but gave up on the film before I gave up the will to live!
Anyone else find this or am I just stupid ? :cry:
I was once told by a male friend that the male species are programmed to focus on all the delicious parts of their partner's body so unlikely to have any attention span left to critically look for inperfections. However if you start pointing them out you completely break the spell.
Not a single soul on this earth is without blemish, be proud of what you've got.
Does your wife know what your planning?
I had a serious bout of depression a few years back and was refered to a counsellor which was the best thing that could have happened.
She helped me deal with the baggage I was carrying from my childhood,and the nasty divorce my parents went through. She also taught me the importance of exercise to help manage any future episodes. It really works for me, and it doesn't have to cost anything, a good power walk can do wonders, or if you join an class or take up a sport you get the added extra of making new friends.
I hope you find a way to manage it :therethere:
I just can not believe the parents have anything to do with this, for two reasons:
1) They went all out to create as much media attention as possible, if they had Maddie's body hidden somewhere, that would make it impossible to move her in a hire car 20 odd days later without being seen by a family member, police officer, journalist, local.
2) Didn't they ask for the british police to get involved in the investigation and ultimately it was their forsenics who found this blood sample?