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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 54
0 miles · Merseyside


Quote by Calista
He does want me to surprise him, and I only want to get him to do light hearted stuff, nothing too heavy i.e. licking my boots, feeding me grapes etc only abit more imaginative lol

How about making you a surprise pudding, you pick the ingredients and he has to make something. Treating you to a pamper night, ie running your bath, pouring water over you and then drying you/rubbing in moisturiser (massage).
You could make him do it in a set way (ie specific order) to make it more challenging to him.
oh, cooking a pud, thats a brill idea, he will like that. Thanks hun x
He does want me to surprise him, and I only want to get him to do light hearted stuff, nothing too heavy i.e. licking my boots, feeding me grapes etc only abit more imaginative lol
Hi Guys
I was hoping for some ideas if you don't mind. I want to do a bit of roleplay with my guy ( he is all up for it) and I was wondering what type of "tasks" do you get the sub half to do. All ideas considered, thanks x
I'm off to thailand tomorrow ! :happy:
I'll be scuba diving off the Surin or Similan Islands hopefully.
Quote by mdr2000
its about children choosing a name for there toy, and if calling a teddy mohammed is so frowned upon and anyone working there (your words) should know this then why didn't the children that live there know this?

Do children born and raised in this country know you have to apply for a license before protesting near parliament?
Imagine if a foreign teacher took a class where a political debate took place, which resulted in a vote that said teacher would protest about something (animal rights for example). The teacher, unaware of the law, then protested. Now, stupid as the law may or may not be, should this teacher be let off for being ignorant? Should the children be held as more responsible than the teacher by dint of their being born here?
Surely the issue at hand is about an adult making a mistake for which the adult is responsible. Trying to now shift the blame to the children seems a little, well, disingenuous.
And I can't help but wonder if this is raising so much fuss because it's a white British woman. Would it even have been newsworthy if it had been just another Sudanese teacher..?
Its called being interested in the welfare of a British National....
Something you obviously couldnt give a flying fuck about
Its rare... but I agree. I would also hunt down every single Sudanese official watch them like feckin hawks and even if they so much as dropped snot in the street i'd arrest and humiliate them and then deport them too...
Britain is a laughing stock because of things like this.. Whatever happened to national pride..
They all love our feckin money our aid our soldiers and our benifits etc etc etc... Bollo*** to them I say!
Let the feckers hang when they need help next time...

I have to agree with you totally Mike and sometimes I wonder if our goverment is slipping something into the water supply to make us all so apathetic. In the last 10 years over 3000 new laws have been introduced, is there even one person on this forum who can name them all ???
That aside this woman has not broken any laws she did not name the teddy , the children did. And as for inciting racial haterd, for F**ks sake mad
Final point, the school was a christian round school, why were muslim children being sent there if the parents are such devote muslims?
The whole thing makes me sick and I think the SAS should be sent in as she is being held illegally.
yes, he deserved the text just for sending you home, please tell me he at least called you a taxi?
Never mind the snogging, I'm just focused on the on gtting through the front door, don't mind admitting I'm shitting myself. :shock:
Thank you for all your suggestions, some I recongized and the rest I'm really curious to hear.
Does anybody know I good website where I can hear samples ?
Also, how do I re-charge the battery on holiday without my laptop?
Thanks everyone xxx
Mad as a hatter
The guys who used to make hats in the victorian times softened the felt over mercury and this sent them mad with prolonged exposure.
Same happened with light house keepers, as they used it the keep the lights cool.
and yes I do listen to radio 2 ! biggrin
I would suggest a good home kit, even at £200 it will probably work out cheaper.
I have tried this on my bikini line and I had 3 sessions at £90 a go and the therapist gave up because it wasn't working as it should. You have to have very dark hair as the light travels down the pigment and into the root.
By the way, its not for the faint hearted!
Quote by noladreams30
Okay... have my mp3 on 'random' at mo and these are the last few songs I have listened to:
Rio - Duran Duran
Kayleigh - Marillion
Friday I'm in Love - The Cure
Laid - James
Little Red Corvette - Prince
Crazy for You - Madonna
Superstition - Stevie Wonder
Smooth - Santana feat. Rob Thomas
not sure if any will make your list, but hey, I've been singing along!!
Noladreams30 xx

Wow, know most of them, and I'll check out the rest , Thank you lol lol
Quote by fabio
I don't have songs on my mp3 player.... but i do have loads of different podcasts on various subjects on mine... sex, swinging (there a really good podcast done on swinging done by this couple in america in the scene) then i have my bbc radio podcasts... and loads of other bits and pieces and subjects.......

Me too... BBC Radio do some great podcasts .
(PM me the links for some of your more "interesting" ones Fabs ;-))
from the bbc i subscribe to most of the radio 1 and 2 podcasts.. my fave is jonathon ross's and steve wright's... and the friday night comedy podcast on radio 4 is worth subscribing to as well......
pm coming about the "others".... lol
Thank you :shock: lol lol lol
Quote by mdr2000
A cheap and very legal way of getting tracks to your pod is to borrow as many CD's from your friends as humanly possible lol....
If I'm ever stuck for a track though I just ask the nephews to download it for me... they always seem to know a way lol.. Bless em.
A great must have track is Sultans of Swing.. Dire Straights.. lol lol
Have fun
Mike xx

Oh now your talking !!! biggrin On the list !
Quote by fabio
probably - lost in translation
I watched most of it in an effort to understand it, but gave up on the film before I gave up the will to live!
Anyone else find this or am I just stupid ? :cry:

Actually I thought lost in translation was brill so what do I know... lol
there have been films i didn't get first time round like "12 monkeys" and "the 6th sense" but i wouldn't say they were bad....
My inital reaction to the question was "anything with ben affleck in it" but that might be a bit harsh......
but pearl harbour was up there......
Then i was going to say.... "anything with jennifer lopez" in it......
which got me to...which film have both ben and jen been in.... Gigli.... a truely awful film!!!!!
I understood 6th sense !! There is hope for me yet lol lol
I'm going on holiday soon and normally I don't bother taking any music with me. I'm on the road driving for 4-6 hours a day so I get to listen to plenty of current music via either CD and the radio.
However, I am taking a newly purchased ipod away this time (if I can work out how it works !!) and I'm looking for ideas of some music which perhaps I haven't ever heard or something I haven't heard for ages. To give an example , I heard Vienna by Ultravox today in the gym and that has been added to the "must have" list.
So guys - what is on your must have list ?
(oh, if anyone has a cheap but legal way of uploading suggested tracks, I would appriecate your help)
probably - lost in translation
I watched most of it in an effort to understand it, but gave up on the film before I gave up the will to live!
Anyone else find this or am I just stupid ? :cry:
oh my god , my favourite pet hate subject !
Firstly, I hate the way they increase the volume for the adverts !!! mad However it has completely backfired because I now hit the mute button and pay no attention at all.
Secondly, whats with the "coming up after the break" crap ??? They show you the best bits of the second half of a program, then when the break is over they summarise something you only watched 3 minutes earlier???
Do they think we have the concentration span of a goldfish ???
And breathe........
Quote by anais
Your right Dawn, it must be........I got!
Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge
Many and varied sinners suffer eternally in the multi-leveled Malebolge, an ampitheatre-shapped pit of despair Wholly of stone and of an iron colour: Those guilty of fraudulence and malice; the seducers and pimps, who are whipped by horned demons; the hypocrites, who struggle to walk in lead-lined cloaks; the barraters, who are ducked in boiling pitch by demons known as the Malebranche. The simonists, wedged into stone holes, and whose feet are licked by flames, kick and writhe desperately. The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves. Some wallow in human excrement. Serpents writhe and wrap around men, sometimes fusing into each other. Bodies are torn apart. When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer.
How did i get to that level??? :shock: :shock: I have a reputation to keep up! :angel: but its going quick around here... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Is it just me or does sound like your average fetish club ! :twisted: Shame I'm stuck at Level 2 sad
I was once told by a male friend that the male species are programmed to focus on all the delicious parts of their partner's body so unlikely to have any attention span left to critically look for inperfections. However if you start pointing them out you completely break the spell.
Not a single soul on this earth is without blemish, be proud of what you've got.
I had a serious bout of depression a few years back and was refered to a counsellor which was the best thing that could have happened.
She helped me deal with the baggage I was carrying from my childhood,and the nasty divorce my parents went through. She also taught me the importance of exercise to help manage any future episodes. It really works for me, and it doesn't have to cost anything, a good power walk can do wonders, or if you join an class or take up a sport you get the added extra of making new friends.
I hope you find a way to manage it :therethere:
Well I personally would be put off by the fact you are married and there is no mention of the missus in your profile dunno
Quote by GnV
I just can not believe the parents have anything to do with this, for two reasons:
1) They went all out to create as much media attention as possible, if they had Maddie's body hidden somewhere, that would make it impossible to move her in a hire car 20 odd days later without being seen by a family member, police officer, journalist, local.
Remember Ian Huntley? Wasn't he as plausable dunno
2) Didn't they ask for the british police to get involved in the investigation and ultimately it was their forsenics who found this blood sample?
errr.. remember Ian Huntley?

He had already hidden the bodies and did not invite the level of media interest such asking JK Rowling to put an insert in the latest Harry Potter book. Whilst I'm aware there have been murderer's who have fronted up to the media ( that blonde girl who stabbed her boyfriend comes to mind ) I just don't think the McCanns are guilty of anything other than making a very stupid mistake in leaving the children un-attended.
I just can not believe the parents have anything to do with this, for two reasons:
1) They went all out to create as much media attention as possible, if they had Maddie's body hidden somewhere, that would make it impossible to move her in a hire car 20 odd days later without being seen by a family member, police officer, journalist, local.
2) Didn't they ask for the british police to get involved in the investigation and ultimately it was their forsenics who found this blood sample?