Are single women included in the offer? Just asking...
Not helpful you're too far away, sigh, but the thought is there...
I thought this was stickied.... for a geek this is embarassing!
BUMP A xxx
I'll have an ice cold viognier please bar tender
1. Marquis de Sade
2. Primo Levi
3. Phaedrus (from Plato) for erudite optimism
4. TS Elliot
Keeping order - Pacman, he eats you if you don't answer
Edited once, forgot how to spell
This is my favourite from today, check out my profile, and actually my eyes are grey, in my photos they are photo shopped out with large startling neon blobs... ahem
morning amber wow you got blue eyes may l ask which part of the uk you are
See above, bored, rantting...
Ruddy dongle!
Amber seeks intelligent and fun play mate m/f/mm/ff etc all good!!
Tempt me out (not looking likely!)
AV x
Ok I know I can be indiscriminate what with my flirting and all, but REALLY:
HE as the male part of a couple met me about 3 weeks ago, they were lovely, but I thought I might have been a bit much for her first time with a girl since teenage years (why me ffs) rolled with it all was ok.
To not even remember me is a slap in the face with a wet fish, GOD, I need to do something if past meets can't even distinguish my name
Hi bi fem, not in Cambridge area, sorry! AV x
If I'm having a meet then my preference is for there to be penetrative sex if everyone is interested, and if it's a guy, with a girl then it's also pleasant when that happens!
I don't think that it's completely necessary for there to be fun, I've met some gentlemen that have had difficulties for various reasons with reaching that point of firmness, and I've always been discreet.
There are ladies who do not want to be handled in such a way either (so to speak).
If I meet I like to be penetrated, if for any reason it doesn't happen then there's no point in worrying about it, there is always a second chance and there are other things to do!
Not sure I actually answered that...
Feckity Fuck....
What happens if the Gremlins are fed after midnight (shudder)...
I'd be happy to open a London social chatroom and will do once the dongle is back online (on T-mobile and limited between 4pm and 12 midnight.
Also happy to answer any questions here or via PM.
I think something relaxed and easygoing would be a nice thing to do, either in an open bar in central london or in a private room if there are enough people, maybe try this one first and then if it's successful organise a private room for a second one?
I just think it would be nice for people to get together and to say hello, given that this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen much in London.
Amber xxx
PS - Please send me a brief PM with munch in the title if you want to be added to the list.
A x
ALL are welcome, glad chaucer didn't scare you off! A xx
hye loverd, thou here my bone
thjat madest middelerd and mone,
and man of mirthes minne
trusty king and trewe in trone
that thou be with me saughte sone
sooile me of sinne
fol ich was in folies fayn,
in lithere lastes i am lain
that maketh myn thriftres thinne
that semly sawes was wont to sain
nou is marred al my main
away is al my winnne
Hi All,
I think that it's about time that those of us inhabiting the fairer softer southern climate got together to say hello!!
I'm greedy and I'm doing it on BOTH days, come on, MWA HA HA HA
Evil amber opens pandoras box for TWO days.
Come along and have fun tell me which date!!!
This is open to all, my plan is to get everyone together, open some wine and then we have a chance to put faces to names etc. I've lived in London for 8 years so if you need advice on transport or hotels please let me know.
If you'd like to attend please PM me with the title 'munch' and I'll add you to the list.
Ambervixen :evil2:
Andynotts (Saturday)
Politegent79 (t or s)
Chafford Male
(I think that's everyone! - let me know if either or both - one hoopes - days work for you and I'll update the list - what fun - so excited this seems to be working!!!
The event will be in a central London bar, probably either Victoria or Kings Cross for ease of access, but I'm flexible on venue.
YEAH - this is fun!!!! Amber xxx
Hopefully others would like to come along!
Happy hunting Amber xxxx
My current favourites from this weekend:
1. Why is your handbag on your cooker (late night last night) I was stripping at the time, clearly not very convincingly!
2. Whilst sitting in my garden - are you in jail?
I'd rather like a red catsuit, maybe rubber would be better than pvc as pvc renders you rather perspiring! Not sure about being tied to a tree though, that would take a bit of convincing!
I thought it was a bit pointless to start with but actually it was a good idea.
What gives? Is it gone? Is it disabled? Is my laptop disabled?
A ?:doh:
Hi all,
Having a naughty weekend with my lover seaturtle and we'd like a couple to have fun with.
If in the london area and game message us we're online with my profile so come along and say hi if available.
both happy to say hi on cam, well i am at least haven't asked mr s, so if free say hi and hopefully let's have naughty fun a xxxx
I'm going to the f club tonight, hangover subsided sufficiently, wondered if anyone else is going to be there?
A x
I was asking for advice and ideas, I am taking a leave of absence, but I don't want to 'leave', there was a thread that said that in 'anger', I'm looking for advice and tips, please? I was getting disappointed, I'm not alone, I was wondering where might be going wrong, these are rules for Amber, not rules for general playing!
I had a regular lover from the site over tonight and he also get's random emails, pointless things... I'm just trying to see where I might improve, where I might get better at this.
The gist of this is that despite writing a detailed profile and going through what I think are respectful and discretionary / friendly routes, i.e. trying to respond to all emails, trying to be safe, I still make mistakes.
I try to be polite, and I know that we all get time wasters, and I'm trying to cut them out.
Just because I'm single and bi and 'attractive' thank you by the way, doesn't mean that I can't make mistakes or learn how to go about the whole thing in a better manner?
I expect a guy to put the same amount of effort into grooming that I do, and I don't just mean makeup and hair etc (though that's not a problem!):
Everything scrupulously clean
Shaved is great, trimmed is fine also (dependant upon your preference - a jungle is NOT happening)
Underarm hair gone or trimmed (that's a preference, as long as you're cleanr I don't mind body hair under the arms)
Very clean teeth
If you go the toilet, you clean yourself, thoroughly
Nails shrot and clean and smooth
I think it's a sign of courtexy to those that you meet that the least amount of effort you can make is to be groomed, smelling nice and clean from top to bottom?
I mean, us ladies even have to shave mid wax (ouch!)