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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 45


I think that body modifications are a rather specific trend. The frightening thing is that in order to appear 'alternative' people are making rather extreme choices. I would be considered 'altered' in that I have five piercings and two tattoos (large ones), but they are discreet and specifically for me. None are for fashion, well one ear piercing was curiosity and quickly came out. It does effect your ability to be employed. It's like anything in life, if you will be happy with it in 20 years go ahead, but even for me, and I'm open minded, a hole in your cheek? That's just wierd... but if it makes him happy who am I to judge? What would a woman 150 years ago have thought of me for having a huge phoenix tattooed on my arse?
There are a lot of good online free ones.
I recommend or
Wide selection - full length movies that stream for free - not tonnes of pop ups (aside from fake hi let's chat / shag computer generated chat windows on tube555)/
Just a suggestion - there is good free porn online!!! As an avid fan :twisted:
Hi Miss Very,
I have been to a few clubs on my own as a single woman. It can be daunting but it can also be a lot of fun.
My best advice would be to check out the club reviews on this site - they are a helpful starting point. If you like the sound of any of them then get in touch with the club, they are used to people being new and nervous and any club I know of would be delighted to have a single woman present, and will treat you with respect and kindness.
If you are going on your own, then my advice would be to go on a night, for your first visit, where it is a couple and single ladies night - as there won't be single men there on their own, so you will be in company of other single women and couples either there on their own or looking for women and or couples.
It can be a bit pressurised to go on a night where there are single men present when you are on your own, that said I have been to events like this and had a great night, but I had been to clubs with friends quite a few times before.
Finding a guy, girl or a couple to go along with is a good idea, but further advice is to meet for a drink with that person(s) somewhere public on the night first, in case they can't make it, or you don't feel comfortable or are just too nervous, this will save you the trouble of finding them in the club or vice versa (most clubs do not allow mobile phones inside the club).
More random advice is to bring flat shoes for the end of the night, condoms, a good map of the location and to take the number of the club with you on the way there!
If you don't know the area ask the club to book a taxi for you, they will know reputable local firms for a single girl.
Above all else - ENJOY, it is a lot of fun, and it certainly broadens the horizon.
Amber V xxxx
Hi All,
I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this, but I have been made aware by friends in the LGBT community that there is currently an attrocious law being passed in Russia to make the word 'gay' and all it's associations illegal. I know that this doens't relate directly to swinging but it does speak about a shared ethos that people should have the right to live their lives in whatever way they want, without shame.
This is an attrocious violation of basic human rights and a transgression against any sense of common or moral decency.
I thought as members of a liberal society, regardless of your personal persuasion that we would all support the rights of consenting adults to do whatever on earth they want to do.
Here is a link to the petition to sign opposing it - it is slowly having some impact but this has not hit any media that I have seen, and trust me I read a lot.
Please sign the petition to show your support for equality. As a happoy and proud and out Bi woman I personally would really appreciate it.
Please spread the message as well.
Thanks for reading - here is the link:

(You will have to copy and paste this into your browser).
Thanks Amber xxxxxxxxxx
I hope Liza is doing well - I will definitely organise another one in the summer - take care AV xxxx
I will organise the venue on Wednesday and then email out the details. I am in the middle of trying to complete two assignments - well I am on the second one - so I've been swamped by work and studies.
Thanks for all interest expressed so far Amber xxxxx
1. Panic I have too many emails that I have yet to respond to (been too busy lately).
2. Ignore emails (for now...)
3. Check forum
4. Pop into chat room
Paul, do your best - not attending a swinging social with a certified mad Irish woman on Paddie's day - shame om you.
Passionistas - only get out clause is the fact you are abroad - suggestions welcome xxx
Pink - I sincerely hope people will come along, I know that myself and Jay will be there - so we'll see what happens!
Lil - what a pessimistic view!!! Though a worrisome one! I just thought it would be a good way to see if people in the south are willing to meet up and say hello - it is in this instance just a friendly social - though I am hoping to hoodwink some southern friends of mine to attend!
smile x
I have to admit that I don't quite get your point either. You have, by the way misquoted the years and made an erroneous reference - which for me proves how petty and irrelevant it is to 'nitpick' with posts.
I do not 'drag out' this particular scenario of my life, I mention it very rarely when I think it might be beneficial as a cautionary tale, which in this instance seemed relevant.
You are welcome to your point of view s3xyl3xy, I am just unclear as to what exactly you were trying to point out.
As others have noted, the details are essentially the same. I did not, unlike you go back and check my first post in detail to check in minutae the details.
This is something which happened about six years ago - and it is an upsetting topic - so forgive me for not cross referencing details. I wrote it from memory and quickly, it was an overview of a stressful time in my life, I was trying to give a brief idea of the situation.
I am sorry, this seemed like a rather personal and left-field post s3xyl3xy due to the fact that all you said was "A story that changes every time it is dragged out.... ".
I will finish writing now, but I felt the need to respond.
Random note to say that FINALLY people in the south of the country are organising socials a plenty!!! Myself included - though I have tried and failed in the past - I don't care if no one turns up, it's great to see some effort being made.
As the title says, just a random YEAH!!!! x
Hi All,
Hi All,
Apologies but I am going to have to reschedule this as I am a part of the living dead today thanks to a viral infection.
I will reorganise this for a Saturday night in April, I am really sorry to cancel at the last minute but trust me you wouldn't want to see me in this state!!
The names of those who were due to attend are below, so maybe you could email one another if you are still up for an evening out.
Sorry, I will post later this week re a new date for April/
Amber x
Start time: m.
Location: Will be sent out by PM.
End time:
Get in touch - hope to see people there.
Amber Vixen xxx
HotGuy 33
Does anyone know how to switch them off?
Even when I go 'offline' each ruddy window - forum or advert I go to it pops up again - it's worse than free porn.
All swingers are NOT ignorant Bastards - that is a rather sweeping brush with which to tar an entire community is it not?
I generally take no reply as it has not been read, or they are not interested, and move on without any issue, be it an ad or a direct contact on my part.
REAL life gets in the way for us all, I spent an hour this morning responding to emails as I try my best to, even if it is just one sentence - my profile says so - but I have a life - and sometimes I just don't have time. I can also be offline for months when people are responding to old adverts - check the date.
This is the oldest complaimt in the swinging booklet - no one is obliged to respond to anything - just because you emailed them does not mean that they are morally obliged to respond to you - if they had 100 responses and you didn't fit what they were looking for - it is as simple as that - you weren't for them, it is silly to take it personally.
It is hard to make an inroads whe meeting people and new to anything, take it easy or as has been said - you will have no responses....
BTW - Essex smile
I can always send you an incoherent one if you like?
A spring - time to wax the winter fuzz - off my linen trousers obviously.... xx
Hi all,
I think I would win this competition - here are some of my recent favourites:
1. "cunt us in babe we buk a room for us to we wunt let u down xxx" - and no it was not - it was in the afternoon.
2. "You look well nice in your photo. I would like to know more but best see if you do tool. x" - QUE - Do I do tool? That is a fetish I have not encountered...
S0 - any contenders???
:twisted: banghead
Skinny - how the hell did you get in touch with this loon, if he was escaped then did you find him at a bus stop?
Sorry, not funny and definitely scary.
I met a guy from a swinging site - who ended up dragging me back by my hair in a bar after I told him I didn't want to see him any more - I punched him and left.
On the way home he texted and called my 'play' mobile, my personal mobile and my work phone - the last two he should not have had.
He called for three days - every three minutes - then he emailed me at work and phoned my desk number.
Next day...
He turned up at my work - with a teddy and a creepy card left at reception - he was sitting outside THREE hours after I went down to get it staring at the doors. I copied the card and sent it all back by courier to his office - with a letter - clearly telling him to stop harassing me or I would go to the police.
I didn't tell him what I did or where I worked, even after two months of random meets as I am VERY cautious.
That weekend he turned up at my flat - again - he didn't know where I lived, or even what area of London - he asked to be let in - my then flatmates thought he was a random ex - I said just tell him to fuck off - he barged past two of them and into my bedroom with flowers - after I had told him in no UNCERTAIN terms to keep the fuck away from me. I got up and went NUTS pushing him out - my flatmates pushed him out the door and he lurked outside for three hours - I moved house shortly afterwards to be safe.
He had stalked me for two weeks. Was he nuts - definitely - could you tell NOOO
- He had a PHD from Oxford and was a senior correspondent for a national newspaper.
I emailed him at work with copies of his increasingly wierd and threatening emails and letters, citing his behaviour and told him that if I EVER heard from him again in ANY capacity - all the evidence was going to two papers - a tabloid - and the editor of the broadsheet he writes for.
RESULT - Silence.
People are scary and swinging can be risky, it is best to take precautions.
- Ask to see the person on cam WHILE speaking to them on the phone.
- By a cheap and disposable mobile as your 'play' phone so you can ditch the sim card if someone gets wierd - keep a note of regular and trusted contacts in a notebook.
- Always meet with someone in a public place to see what you think of them - do not go to someone's home alone without meeting them first and do not invite someone to your home that you do not know.
- If you can afford it the first time you play - get a hotel room - there will be people in the room next to you.
- I as a rule to not play with people on a first meet, I make it social and it gives me time to see what I think of them.
- If from a particular site - see if you can get someone you know or have met to vouch for them.
- Walk away at ANY point you have concerns.
As you can see my 'rules' are bourne of the above and other utterly scary/random meets.
It pays to be patient. If someone I am writing to or corresponding with gets pushy or odd before I meet them, they are deleted - if someone is odd at a social drink - I leave.
If someone I am playing with makes me feel uncomfortable - I leave.
Sorry for the essay I write way too quickly.
Be safe all, Amber xxx
In recent months I've encountered people who, because I happen to have an erection at the time, have assumed that I really fancied them....gotta be kiddin', well some of the time anyway.

An erection can be a physiological response to visual or physical, mental stimulation, or the mere prospect of potentially having sex could give you an erection - after all it is not there for your or their pleasure - it is there to pump out sperm.
Then, on the flip side of this, after much fooling around, masturbation and whatever, when I don't reach an orgasm they leave less happy cos they now assume I didn't fancy them,

Sorry to dispell the myth, but men do not always have an orgasm when they have sex, they can be tired, they might have something on their mind or they just might have had enough at that time, or as you say...
and that may be true although I try not to show it....but am I missing something here?

If you don't fancy someone as above you might physiologically not get an erection - and if you don't have an orgasm it might be because you might not be visually stimulated by the person whom you are penetrating.
Is it a requirement to fancy someone if you're gonna have sex with them?

I see in earlier posts skinmy you said that this wasn't your question, but it is an aspect of the question, I think that for most people (including me) it is a personal requirement for me to have sex with someone that I fancy them (discounting mercy fucks), but for others they may choose to have sex with someone they have no attraction to on any level for their own personal reason.
I do not think that it is an obligatory requirement for you to be attracted to someone or to fancy them for you to have sex with them, but most people choose not to.
I'm rather surprised you have sex with people you do not fancy - what do you get out of it? Pleasuring others, fulfilling your agreement to 'play' - I have a friend (male) who did this recently and I cannot personally comprehend it.
Sometimes people fuck for reasons completely outwith sex and attraction. Interesting topic!!
Any tips on how to survive it??????????? need help - first time trying to quit, have failed at the first seemingly insurmountable hurdle bedore!!!
AV x
Nice to see some support for this - Mr Devious and I will be there on two evenings - worst case scenario we are there alone having a glass of wine - all support welcome - please come along- would be great to meet ANYone or someone.
AmberV xxxx
UPDATE: The first date is confirmed as Saturday the 17th of March - Central London - click on this link to sign up:
Keep voting for later dates as if there is enough interest I will organise a second one.
Amber xx
Hi All,
Having recently missed out on attending the Coventry social (having asked too late) I have decided to organise a London and South based Social. I am adding a poll to find the most popular date - someomne pointed out the proflem with bank holidays - noted. So I will add some dates here and the most popular wins!!
IF there is enough popularity - I will organise two nights - so tick all that would work for you please.
At the end of the month I will update the dates available.
This event is open to all - and the list will be published here.
My plan is to arrange either a Private Room in a Central London bar or hotel (dependant upon numbers) and then potentially to head off to a swinging club to continue the evening.
I will be happy to provide travel information / hotel suggestions for those who are attending (I have worked as a PA so I'm good at these things!).
This is a no-play social, aside from what happens after is up to others!!
If there are enough people interested in staying overnight then if you let me know - closer to the end of this month then I will see if I can negotiate a discount with a central London hotel.
There is no charge for this event, however if there is a cost for hiring a room then I might ask for some contributions.
- AmberVixen
- Jay from Devious Delights
Don't let me down Southerners - it's definitely time we got together to say hi!!!
Amber V xxx :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hi Norty and Nice,
I saw you in the chatroom earlier - in my alter ego (deviousdelights) and I'm sure that I said h - if I didn't I'm sorry as I was using this tiny netbook which has a teeny screen.
The chatrooms are like any other social situation - sometimes it can be fun and interactive - sometimes it's dead, boring and people can be odd.
I've seen another post where you stated you are new to this and not sure what to expect, I'd recommend taking your time and finding your way.
The site has changed over the last few years, but you can still have fun.
In the chat rooms say hi when you enter a room, the general etiquette is for others to say hi to you.
Strike up a conversation, or just state your opinion on something that is being said. A lot of peoople seem to linger in the chat rooms and not say or do much.
The cams are there if/when you want to use them. Don't click on them if you're not interested, or if you see something that doesn't interest you switch it off.
You have to be confident and say more than hi in order to get into a conversation, sometimes people get lost in a thread of conversation and don't engage too quickly with new members in the room, the chat is fast and can be confusing.
If you don't follow it, say so - ask questions - make odd statements - most people are relieved that someone is chatting and not just deblaring the beauty of a cock or some tits!!
Hope that might be of some use.
Good luck,
Amber Vixen
I think that you have to assume the same customer rights ought to apply regardless of the product, and in fact they do. I haven't purchased toys online but I have had toys that have not worked and I have no qualms whatsoever about returning them, regardless of the reaction. I'm glad you got it sorted, and I hope your sub enjoys the egg. A
Keep private things private, and enjoy it.
If you want to play, meet other couples online, establish trust, and take it from there.
Do not exchange photos, always get the girl to phone your fem friend.
Get random play phones (I have two!) pay as you go, and ditch if need be.
Use your instincts, be careful and above all else have fun!
If you want to go on cam and be naughty and not be spotted, wear eye masks a la les Liaisons Dangeruex and always use candles, the flickering makes it harder to take still images...
Happy playing, stay as secretive as you can
Amber xxxx