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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Vienna


Hi there
Does anybody know of dogging locations/websites for France and Switzerland? Did a search on the web but not really much luck.
Happy New Year to you folks, too. All the best for 2009. Live long and prosper. biggrin
Quote by kentswingers777
yes i think respact is earned, anyone can be in a possition of respect, a mother, a teacher etc but that don't mean you have to respect them just because of their possition, they have to earn that off you

You are aware that you are CLASSING people? Respect has nothing to do with your position in life. Everybody deserves the same amount of respect to start with. What they do with it is a different thing but again, that has nothing to do with life achievements. I won't respect Reinhold Messner more than my father just because he has climbed all in the Himalayas. Neither would I respect my boss more than my colleague or the person at the till in the supermarket. I can admire people for achievements but that again has little to do with respect.
My opinion:
Like everything in life, respect is GIVEN. It is then everybody's own duty to make sure not to lose that respect.
Another nice song is
"Dust in the Wind" by Kansas

You guessed it, I like the remake by Sarah Brightman better again. biggrin
One of my favourite tracks is
"Tu quieres volver" by Gypsy Kings
There is, however, a way more beautiful remake of it, sung by Sarah Brightman.
I had it on random and came across some lovely Latin music I didn't remember I had bought. redface
Yo Soy Cuba (album) by Sexteto Tradicion
Hehe I am glad you didn't take my comments personal. After I had posted them I did wonder if they could be interpreted wrongly as aimed at you rather than songs like that in general. redface
I am just no friend of explicit language in public. smile
I didn't actually manage to view it for too long. It always eludes me that people feel they need to drop their level right to the bottom on their way to fame. No doubt this will be rather popular amongst teenagers who find it cool. I find it lame at the least. Sorry. But then again, I also don't like the song Horny. lol
He saved the world, how could he not? biggrin
I like his quick reactions to problems. The issue I have with that, though, is that not necessarily all of these ideas are thought all the way through. Some things go more by "looks good, feels good, must be good" without looking at long-term effects. However, as mentioned, he doesn't fluff around much. Trial and error is one way of dealing with the issues and that is what he appears to have chosen.
We all know what can happen within a week! :shock: We could forget all about Christmas and stuff, ya know? :twisted:
If you can remember most or all of these, then you are old!!!!!!!

How rude of you. lol
I am sorry to be totally biased but have you ever tried chocolate from the continent? There are tons of companies in Austria/Germany/Switzerland alone that make better chocolate than the two mentioned companies. I personally don't like the products of either company. Both are way too creamy. Hence my verdict is none of them are 'best'. :P
Quote by Peanut
Not sure how you think of it as apples and pears. They're both computers doing the same thing in the same basic way.

I was referring to the price comparisons you were drawing. You implied an excessive extra cost for everything related to Mac, which is wrong. You can't compare Macs to low level PCs and cheap gear.
Incidentally I should point out that I'm neither a PC nor a Mac 'fanboi'.

I didn't take you for one either. Merely pointing out that your view were a bit extreme. I presume they were extreme by choice, trying to emphasise that the CHEAPER option is to buy a PC. You are right there. However, you forgot to make clear that it is only cheaper if you don't want the same sort of quality. This may not be important for all, but I'd prefer to know at which point I'll be cheaper and at which point more expensive. Macs can be cheaper than PC products, too. Yet they aren't actually worse than those more expensive products. This is the difference of the meaning of a balanced review that appears to separate our opinions.
The other myth that needs debunking is the fact that OS/X does crash... regularly. Admittedly it doesn't crash as much as Vista, but it's not far off the same as XP. It may not get BSOD but it does crash in its own inimitable way.

I agree that in certain circumstances the Mac can also crash. However, I'd not put the frequency anywhere near that of XP. The crashes on a Mac usually have to do with the mount demon. In Windows nearly any more complex application can cause a system crash.
Personally I prefer OS/X to any MS OS, but ultimately if you take away the OS you are left with a very expensive PC that is monopolised by Apple.
OS/X's superior stability hasn't got all that much to do with Apple. It's the FreeBSD superstructure that holds it up. Similarly if you install Linux/KDE on a PC you have an OS that is as reliable as OS/X and has all the strengths and on a hardware platform that is more than half the price.

Hmm, I don't want to be offensive but I do not think you see what you pay for when buying a Mac. At least I buy more than just hardware with a pretty OS on top of it. I buy compatibility to ensure that I don't have to constantly worry about clashing components and their respective drivers.
You are right, the core stability comes from BSD but it takes more than that. DOS was pretty stable in the late stages but Windows still crashed more often than not. Aqua also crashes but rarely. The last time I worked on Linux was earlier this year using a version of SuSE 10. KDE still isn't as stable as Aqua and I didn't expect it either. If I wanted a maximum of stability I'd get Slackware again. But the trade-off is new functionality, which Slackware doesn't offer due to focus on stability. I wrote half my thesis on a Slackware box. Linux has great features in its window managers but unless they have improved vastly over the past ten months, they aren't as stable as Aqua, or some features don't work on some graphics cards etc. I used to be Linux 'fanboy' if you want to call it that but today I only use it to tinker around. For nothing would I trade back from my Mac for regular work.
So what Mac users usually wax lyrical about is OS/X, not the Mac itself. Once you take that out of the equation there are no real life benefits of spending out on a Mac.

Err, I can't quite see your point here. Are you saying what Mercedes drivers really rave on about is the engine? If you remove that and put a Ford engine in it becomes a Ford? It is the whole thing. Just look at MacOnPC. They cracked it but it never made it to full compatibility. Yes, it is MacOS that we discuss here versus Windows but it'd be odd to remove the actual computer from the equation. Your argument is still "expensive PC" because you compare discounter ware with Macs. That's like comparing a Fiat 500 with a Ferrari - Fiat makes both.
Once Apple finally give in to public demand and release a PC version of OS/X (rather than the hacked versions) I'll be first in the queue! Until then I'll continue to use the best tool for the job... which currently, for everyday use (the use I put a computer to anyway), is the PC.

I would take a wide berth if I had the room. To me it is the flawless compatibility that makes all the difference. That is what I pay for - happily. ;)
I hope you don't take offense on my comments. There is no intention to be offensive. My opinion is very different to yours and depending on point of view, both of us are just as right as we are wrong. My emphasis when buying a computer is simply a different one than yours. I have a Mac to work and a PC to play games (on XP) and tinker with Linux and Vista (both in virtual machines). There is currently no work that I can think of for myself that'd require me to move back to a PC. That said, it obviously depends on what software your company uses.
Quote by foxylady2209
We went to the Lakes for a week and walked about 10 miles each day, stayed in a Youth Hostel. Made our own meals, washed our own pots and made our own beds and ate soggy cheese sandwiches and drank Dandelion and Burdock from the bottle.
It was HEAVEN!!!!!!!!

Now THIS is team building! I loved trips out into the forest, doing biology 'research' at lakes and in the sticks. We learnt so much about the environment we were living in yet the cost was absolutely minimal. Without the usual amenities, it was also up to us to 'build a team' so tasks could be performed successfully. Good old times. silly
A few days in France/Germany using the language - great. Skiing - LUXURY.

Well, I went on a ski trip to Austria during school holidays. It was organised by the school as one of the school activities. However, my parents wouldn't pay for it either and I didn't even expect them to. I got myself a job during summer holidays and earned the money needed. What I am trying to say, such trips do have their merits but they must be on a voluntary basis.
I am in agreement with sixfoot. I am using both, work with both and can't really agree all that much with Peanut, sorry. Can't compare apples with pears.
That has changed. Old Macs did have IBM PowerPC processors in them that were faster in floating point calculations but slower when it came to integers. However, the majority of home use involves more integer calculations. So as a result Macs appeared slower. This has changed. Macs now ship the same CPUs as the PCs you can buy, assuming they have an Intel CPU. So they are no longer slower. Memory has also been addressed. Having said that, Macs do need a tad less memory and always did. They don't have to fight a bloated operating system. It is all done a bit tidier and less CPU- and memory-hungry.
Quote by Steve
Hehe ??
I fail to see anything funny ....

The only funny part was the 'bad Steve' because, assuming you read the article, you conveniently omitted that the author distinguishes between those willing to work to set a good example of work ethics for their children and those who do not try. According to your words, your partner is going to try, so she clearly does not fall in the work-shy category. You are right assuming that some people may label her as such if she doesn't find work fast but you can always defeat that with 'she is trying'. ;)
Hehe bad Steve. There is a big difference between those who actually want to work and those who don't bother trying. ;)
Cripes, I just typed six pages of response and timed out. :cry:
So here the short version:
If you are considering the purchase of a laptop, GO MAC. I used to have both, PC and Mac laptop parallel for many years and would never buy a PC laptop again, ever.
Otherwise, if you want to place the computer in your lounge or bedroom: GO MAC. They make significantly less noise, use a lot less energy because most components are laptop components, even in the iMac. Electro smog is a lot lower than with PCs for that reason also.
If you don't want any compatibility issues: GO MAC.
If you just want a really cheap crate that does the job: Go to the discounter and get a cheap PC.
Quality comes at a price but Macs are no longer over-priced. They are very good value for money.
Quote by kentswingers777
After all the talk and no action of this and past Governments, have they got this right this time?
For me this artical is bang on the money, and I feel that you should not get something for nothing.
The artical may not appeal to all but surely something should be done to either help or force these Mothers back into the workforce......What do others feel. Stay on topic please. wink

I am in full support of that, too. In New Zealand, girls did often the same. Have a child or two and happily drain their living off tax payers. In Germany that doesn't quite work. While there are still means of getting by a working life, it takes a bit more than raising a child or two.
The effects of what he is proposing can back-fire in a way. You may see more native UK citizens NOT having children and immigrants contributing a higher percentage to population growth, which is what takes place in Germany. However, leaving children as an excuse for not working isn't really an option. You potentially risk one parasite raising another -> "It works for me child, try it."
- Eyes
- Smile
- Movement
- Speech
- Body
In that order. If I don't like their eyes and smile, I don't care about their body or how they move. Graceful movement is also an important factor to sexiness for me. I have seen a ton of quite pretty girls who walk like farmers. Equally, being able to articulate oneself helps a lot. I haven't added intelligence in this list because it plays into some of the factors. Yet, a person can be sexy without being the smartest. Sexy and real attraction are two different things. I can appreciate a sexy 'bimbo' but I wouldn't feel attracted to her. (excuse my French)
We stopped buying our parents 'material' presents a long time ago. Well, for most part anyway. What we do is get tickets to theatre shows and concerts.
As for kids, I usually bring them something from my (many) holidays. Cool t-shirts and things like that work well because they can't just go to the next shop and get them.
I already took cover when I read the title. Reading some of the comparisons makes me want to enroll for memory clearance. :shock:
It really is very painful and you should only consider doing this as 'an act of love' if you want your love to leave and find somebody else. wink