Hi there
Does anybody know of dogging locations/websites for France and Switzerland? Did a search on the web but not really much luck.
Quote by kentswingers777
yes i think respact is earned, anyone can be in a possition of respect, a mother, a teacher etc but that don't mean you have to respect them just because of their possition, they have to earn that off you
Quote by Peanut
Not sure how you think of it as apples and pears. They're both computers doing the same thing in the same basic way.
Incidentally I should point out that I'm neither a PC nor a Mac 'fanboi'.
The other myth that needs debunking is the fact that OS/X does crash... regularly. Admittedly it doesn't crash as much as Vista, but it's not far off the same as XP. It may not get BSOD but it does crash in its own inimitable way.
Personally I prefer OS/X to any MS OS, but ultimately if you take away the OS you are left with a very expensive PC that is monopolised by Apple.
OS/X's superior stability hasn't got all that much to do with Apple. It's the FreeBSD superstructure that holds it up. Similarly if you install Linux/KDE on a PC you have an OS that is as reliable as OS/X and has all the strengths and on a hardware platform that is more than half the price.
So what Mac users usually wax lyrical about is OS/X, not the Mac itself. Once you take that out of the equation there are no real life benefits of spending out on a Mac.
Once Apple finally give in to public demand and release a PC version of OS/X (rather than the hacked versions) I'll be first in the queue! Until then I'll continue to use the best tool for the job... which currently, for everyday use (the use I put a computer to anyway), is the PC.
Quote by foxylady2209
We went to the Lakes for a week and walked about 10 miles each day, stayed in a Youth Hostel. Made our own meals, washed our own pots and made our own beds and ate soggy cheese sandwiches and drank Dandelion and Burdock from the bottle.
It was HEAVEN!!!!!!!!
A few days in France/Germany using the language - great. Skiing - LUXURY.
Quote by Steve
Hehe ??
I fail to see anything funny ....
Quote by kentswingers777
After all the talk and no action of this and past Governments, have they got this right this time?
For me this artical is bang on the money, and I feel that you should not get something for nothing.
The artical may not appeal to all but surely something should be done to either help or force these Mothers back into the workforce......What do others feel. Stay on topic please.![]()