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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
Bi-curious Female, 45
0 miles · West Sussex


you should try
great site to upload to, amd you can also change the size of the file, for example, web publising, 15" monitor, large screen, etc
i couldn't keep it to myself any longer and, recently, i told a couple of friends, one my work mate, the other is a lifelong friend....we were talking about the weekend and when they asked me, i said i was having sex with a girl from Coventry....they said my wife would kill me if she found out so, looking as serious as i could i said..."no she won't..she was doing her husband"..after a while, when they were sure i was being honest, they both said more or less the same thing..."you lucky bastard"
i think people that know us, more or less have an idea, but only those two know for sure!

La Coruna, northern Spain...amazing place, day or night.
It is the real spain....if you ever get a chance to see it, yo will not regret it...very close to portugal too!
would love to mate!!!
Maybe even share the cost of getting a studio and models for the day?
Just a thought...if you use photoshop I will happily send you some tutorials
Quote by Lost
I don't think what this member did was really reportable new2 unless you've got evidence to prove that its a single guy actively misleading people, and how do you really really prove that? You did OK it seems to me in sussing ot out enough to satisfy yourselves that this was a jerk off situation. Like someone has alrready said the phone number exchange was a little early maybe?
Whoever says that finding good playmates is easy has got to be having a laugh. Sometimes its just so difficult to sift through the mud to get to the gold. When you do though it makes up for the crappola. Good luck guys and trust in those instincts of yours and once alarm bells start ringing reign back. If they're genuine then they will put the effort in to let you find out. :thumbup:

That is the do you prove something like that...After reading some of the comments you guys made,I trie dto call the number he gave Gail and guess what???? no answer!!!
Hello mate...maybe we should get together one day and do a photoshot...I have been into photography for a few years now and I would gldly share soempictures with you, give you advice etc...please get in contact if you are interested
I have a Canond DSLR with a number of lenses, both prime and zoom, tripod external flash gun, monopod a few other bits and hobby is photoshop editing..looking forward to hearing from you or any1 interested in posing for portraits
We were out driving one day when we saw my wife's dad's car on the side of the road, so we stopped right beside him and Gail put her window down.....a few minutes latter, knowing that the conversation was over and due to the fact it was raining, I put her window up from my side....Gail just sat there, looking at the glass and then said.."how did it know?"
I have never laughed soo much for so long....never seen her so embarrased either, once she realised what a silly question that was!!!
I was watching a game of football and at the top of the screen you could see the score 2-1 (aggegate 3-2) my daughter asked "what team is playing against aggregate?"
Quote by fem_4_taboo
if you have god cause to think a couple is a single, a female is a mels etc then report them, its everyones duty to weed out the fakes.
he probally wanted you to leave a voice mail so he could join other adult sites as a couple by faking he was a female when having to leave a message on those sites to get verified.
no photos, no further chat, no accepting of bull shit excuses of , i dont have a camera, dont have a cam, cant buy a cam, cant work these computers very well, etc etc.
xx fem xx

That is a very good point, do we report someone? Gail wouldn't do it, she is too nice and always believes there is good in everyone, but I really hate being taken for a ride.
Quote by Sarah
I hope you cancelled the invite to your gallery as well.

Yes I did...I was not sure it would work by just deleting it, but that is what I did anyhow!
Quote by Smooth2
As has probably been sai but here goes again. Yes, both sides have to exercise caution but on the other hand both must appear to be friendly and willing to take just a small risk as someone has to make the first move. It seems here that you were prepared to do all the correct things but they were prepared to give nothing. Only one polite answer.....bye bye.

And bye bye is what he got..
Quote by fluff_n_stuff
My sister, when about 3, was asked her name. Her response was 'Ratbag' (because that's what my dad often called her). And she was also the one who replied to the question 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' with the simple words 'A boy'! As far as I know, she has dropped that ambition.

My 9 year old is at that stage too, for Xmas she wants a football, A real one not a Girl's plastic ball...
She once asked if snails have a little table inside their house?
Quote by GnV
No, I think you were more than reasonable and fair.
This smells decidedly fishy to me. My guess being that he is not in a couple at all and just got off on your wifes attention. To be so evasive over something as simple as sending an album invite smacks of something not quite right.
Welcome anyway, not everyone is so demanding you'll be glad to hear.

but an invite to your private album wouldn't go amiss :rascal:
You got it...for being the first to reply!!!
A few months ago, my daughter asked me something that to this day makes me laugh....She is 9 years old and wants to know one day, just out of the blue she asked: "Daddy, when you were young, did you know Jesus?
Don't you just love them, lol
Can you remember stuff your kids said to you and made you laugh so hard that it it actually made your stomach hurt?
Quote by Cubes
Facebook have an AUP the same as most other sites. IMHO something like that is not acceptable behaviour for kids of that age and should be reported/deleted.
That said, I haven't let my 10 y/o anywhere near having a Facebook account, even though all her friends seem to be on there. rolleyes But then again she hasn't got a phone either - until she starts to go places without trusted adults I don't think she needs one.
We recently got told about a case where a youngster's Facebook account had been "hacked" and someone was posting indecent messages to all his friends. I blame the parents myself.

That is just the easy way out...blame the parents for everything...You can be the best parent in the world and you can teach them right from wrong, black from white and front from back, but once they are outside, out of your reach...they will mix with the kind of people you tell them not to, //because you told them not to. How do you control that? These kids are "cool", and yours will want to copy them, and act like them.
Internet is just a part of the problem, but I have to say, a VERY big part!Don't allow them Facebook? no matter, there is always Myspace and thousand or so other sites for them to discover..and they are just as bad or worse.
Quote by Kaznkev
Certainly should have told the Management !!
John & Shel

True,but not only was i *ahem* busy but felt a bit like it would not gone down well as his partner was rather popular,if it hadnt been greedy girls i probs woud have said something
Just cause hiis partner is popular does not give him ethe right to be fully dressed if it is against the rules...surely.
As for you being otherwise engaged, lol, should have gone to Management later that day. They would want to stop that from happening again! wouldn't they??
Yesterday my wife was chatting with a guy on the chatroom, (one half of a couple). At first he was really nice and mentioned that they were tired of time wasters, so would my wife allow them to see our private pictures to make sure WE were a couple,. My wife did this and asked for their pictures in return...fair enough, right?.
He then said that the only way they could be sure was if my wife called and left a message. Gail once again asked him for the private album invite, but AGAIN he said they were tired of sending invites to call him and leave a message...At this stage Gail said that I would call him when I got home, but only if they allowed us to view their pictures....more excuses and more questions, etc, but no invite was ever sent..He had the nerve to say WE are not real, cause she would not leave a message on his mobile.
She sent him a text, but that was no good to him....
My question is ...are we too unreasonable?
Should she have just told him to get lost after his first refusal to see the pictures?
Any advice or opinions would be gladly received, thank you
To to make this clear...The photographic service I am offering is FREE OF CHARGE.
I would pay for the DVD's and posting of items
Semi pro photographer from West Sussex, would like to take pictures of your meets. I will send you every picture in a slideshow playable on computer and DVD. I can also make dvd movies of your fun evenings.