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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
It is very tempting for Karen and I to try to come along, even if it is a Saturday (diif for us) and that initially I thought it was Luky's birthday ..... Apart from at last meeting Loo, it will be good to see Bass and Fallen and Vicky again, as well as a few others to whom I have only chatted ..... So may we be included? wink
Warming the Bed
Surely space dust was just slightly crystaline sherbet as found in more powdered form in sherbet fountains, bitter lemons and refreshers.
Today's sherbet lemons as found in petrol service stations and the like, no longer cut the mustard, to mix the metaphors. The likes of sherbet fountains I am sure can still be found in the few old-fashioned sweet shops that still sell sweets loose from jars and are now more commonly found at seaside resorts(?) like Margate.
Thus endeth today's piece of useless info!
Warming the Bed
Well that being so, K and I clearly have strange tastes ...... as opposed to being just strange, to which I will own up ... lol!
Warming the Bed
For whatever reason, many women are strangely coy about their age; men may lie, but are generally not so fussed ..... or at least that is my view.
For my (and K's part), we would almost certainly not see anyone (couple) younger than an arbitrary 27/30 ...... but similarly, some young(er) members (unwise choice of word)would not consider playing with a couple like us whom they might consider in to be in their dotage ..... We aren't, or at least don't think so!
Overall, I don't think age per se matters ..... being able to laugh and communicate does; physique and apparent age is often a matter of luck.
Warming the Bed
K is certainly more than happy to swallow, and we are both equally at ease snowballing or me licking her dry once I have cum inside her ...... Amazing how many men find that thought disgusting, though 98% are more than happy for their gf or whoever to partake of the experience.
As to the taste of semen, an awful lot depends on your diet or even on what you last ate ..... From what i can determine
makes you pee smell vile but if anything makes the semen sweet.
Too much, I think makes semen taste salty
K doesn't want to know ... lol!
Insufficient water intake
Semen may well taste bitter.
Can anyone else add to our knowledge?
Warming the Bed
"Humming" sex toy shuts airport
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A vibrating sex toy in a rubbish bin sparked a security scare and shut a regional Australian airport for almost an hour, officials say.
An emergency was declared at the airport in Mackay, 500 miles north of Brisbane in tropical Queensland state, after airport staff heard a strange noise coming from the bin, Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio said on Monday.
"It was rather disconcerting when the rubbish bin started humming furiously," cafeteria manager Lynne Bryant said.
Police evacuated the terminal and were about to call in bomb experts when an unidentified passenger came forward to identify the contents of a package left in the bin.
A police spokeswoman said the package was identified as an "adult novelty device".

A good way to start off a stormy Monday morning!
Warming the Bed
I started this thread because it is a subject about which I feel pretty strongly. There are also several tangental issues, such as the (non)continuance of violence by the children of violent relationships which would probably make as thought-provoking threads as this one ..... but at another time.
A few contributors have accused me of arrogance or similar. While this is singularly unjustified, I am happy to accept these slings and arrows, for that is one of the perils of sponsoring debates on such contentious issues as this one.
Warming the Bed
Quote by VenusnMars
Instead of asking `why do women (or men) choose to stay with abusive partners`, we should be asking `Why do people choose to abuse`, for it is the latter who need to take the responsibility.

Venus..... While your question is perfectly valid, it is entirely different from the one posed.
I shall dwell on the other issues you and others have raised and will respond probably tomorrow.
Warming the Bed
I`m not saying that all victims can not recognise that thier situation is not normal, they merely do not recognise the strength within themselves to break this.

With that, Venus, I thoroughly agree, and have done throughout. However, I would disagree with another part of your post, for I am sure there are least some or even many who will decide for whatever reason, that they have more to lose by leaving the relationship than staying. The rest of us may think that is nuts, but if it has been a conscious decision (choice!) then no more to add.
Tune Essence .... Of course this thread (or my bits) are full of generalisations, but that cannot be helped.
I would however take some issue with you about co-workers not being aware of a victim's plight, for we had just such a situation a couple of years back in our own small company. I can't remember exactly how the support was forthcoming, but it certainly was. I am pleased to say that eventually the victim did indeed break free, and now seems (I still speak to her from time to time in the town) much healthier and happier for it, so I assume she has not fallen back into the same or similar trap.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day, it is still the victim who has to admit and deal with the problem.
Warming the Bed
A much more pernicious situation may arise where there is only one breadwinner in the family ….. yes, I’ll be sexist and decide that is the man!
In this scenario, particularly where the couple have decided to live together (marry) at a fairly young age, the girl will already be potentially vulnerable, and not really of her own making.
It is now the man who holds the aces by way of the economic pursestrings (Misschief’s post on page 3 highlights this). There is a chance that if he is allowed to, he will slowly and maybe not entirely intentionally start to abuse this position..
To nip this potentially explosive problem in the bud, requires a conscious decision from the man and/or for the girl to stand up very early on. This does not or should not mean physical or verbal violent confrontation, but rather the girl making her fears and views known to her partner ….. and both staying aware thereafter.
Warming the Bed
To avoid any imminent brickbats, I shall repeat once more that I am fully aware that I am putting forward a very simplistic view of a complex problem, but I believe the principle holds nonetheless.
VENUS ….. Your analogy to electricity is very much more valid than Easy’s re Special Forces’ resistance to abuse, for they assuredly have no choice in their situation.
For all that Venus, would you (and others) accept that we do not live in isolation or in a vacuum? That being so, by merely mingling with others in society even in such mundane situations as in the supermarket, the victim will be made aware (conscious), but quite possibly choose to ignore, that her (allow me to be sexist please!) situation is not the acceptable norm.
Therefore, unlike electricity, the situation can be “seen” and so, at least theoretically, a choice can be made …… However, as I stated a little earlier, it may take a long time or an outside catalyst or a number of other factors before it actually dawns on the victim that she has such a choice …… Whether the victim then refuses to acknowledge even to herself that she has the choice is another matter.
I know that is harshly or even unfairly put, for it presupposes to some extent that even at that stage, the victim has sufficient mental and emotional strength to break the shackles.
But to move on …. see next post
Warming the Bed
I have been away overnight and am staggered by the (generally) sensible and sensitive response that my thread has provoked…… When I have had time to reread everything and got my further thoughts together, I will post again.
In the meantime …… When constructing the hypothesis, I was fully aware that I was taking a very simplistic approach to a very complex problem, and indeed I stated as much ….. Nevertheless, I will still maintain that the victim has a choice whether or not to remain in a violent relationship.
I equally accept that it may take a long time, an outside catalyst or a number of other factors before it actually dawns on the victim that he/she has such a choice …… But more later, with luck today.
Warming the Bed
He didn't abuse me but he walked all over me. One thing he did do for me was say "If you act like a victim, you'll be treated like one". I dumped him. He was right, though.

Thank you Marya ..... One of the points I was making was that, though it is surpisingly difficult, it takes very little change in mental attitude to realise that one is "allowing" a certain situation to continue and that one can then "choose" to do something about it.
I have nevertheless not worked out why so many women will "choose" to go from one violent relationship straight into another.
Warming the Bed
Vix .... I chose the word "allow" very carefully and intentionally.
Heather ..... On the basis of what you wrote, and on reflection, would you now consider that you "allowed" yourself to be abused, and that "not loving enough" was merely a rationalisation or similar/worse.
Warming the Bed
In very simplistic terms, men abuse their womenfolk to compensate for their own inadequacies and/or repeat what they have learnt from their childhood domestic experiences.
However, today’s education system no longer promotes subservience to the male through the notion that girls should only be taught to be homemakers or typists (secretary is generally a misnomer). That being so, why do so many women still tolerate such animal behaviour, or worse, blame themselves for its occurrence and/or change one partner for another of similar bent?
Just as taking the initiative or being assertive in business requires a very small change in mental attitude, so surely is refusing to be the victim in a violent household.
Comments from both genders will, I hope, make for an interesting and thought-provoking thread
Warming the Bed
While women may be slow(er) to arouse, I thought it was introvertible that a woman can orgasm far more often than a bloke.
That apart, K and I often tease to the brink, let down and arouse again (and again?) until orgasm is either inevitable or unavoidable or just too damn tormenting not to allow ...... K often needs at least mild restraint if she is not to fight her way free and grab rhino, her very fave but seemingly irreplaceable vibe.
By the way, may we commend the pyrex glass dildos, horribly expensive though they are? ..... We reckon they are magic, not only because of their contours, but because glass retains hot and cold for quite a while ..... but do be careful that you don't apply when too warm (serious ouch!!)! ........ Caveat - do not mistakenly buy acrylic; much cheaper but really not a patch on glass.
Warming the Bed
This is certainly not a very pleasant op, but that you need to have it is without any question whatsoever if you are to avoid very serious probs and pain as time goes by.
Do you by any chance have health insurance?
If so, there is a good chance that you can (a)claim all costs and (b) pick the top guy and hospital in the field.
My own view on dentistry is to go private every time ..... At least you have some control over the quality.
Warming the Bed
I am very sensitive about my pubes.... It's bad enough my cranial hair waving goodbye at an earely age without so much as a "by your leave", without self-destructing the little bit I have left elsewhere.
Warming the Bed
Quote by Calista

I'm not sure that I would allow another to dominate me with regard to swinging, I need that trust moreso as I have been a punchbag previously and so I guess that is where I struggle to see the two (BDSM/Swinging) intermingling personally. I'm never ruling it out but will really need to know the person well and have them understand my background.

Calista - What is YSWIM? Definitely an acronym I have not previously encountered!
The last part of your post highlights at least part of what I would have been writing about people (nearly always women) being verbally or physically trashed by their partners. Unfortunately, all too many repeat the process time after time, and worse still, blame themselves for its occurrence.
With regard to being sub in a swinging scene, I thoroughly concur, for trust can only be engendered through knowledge of the other person and is a prerequisite if the danger of abuse is to be avoided ... or for that matter, the experience to be enjoyed.
I find it unsurprising that you enjoy being sub(servient) in your sex life while being assertive at other times. Rather flippantly, it can be described as a change being as good as a rest.
A long enough post for now, methinks
Warming the Bed
Surely there are many many couples like K and I who thoroughly enjoy the sub/dom play and actuality in a moderate way. Are we dom/sub or switch or neither, in that half way through the evening (or even afternoon) we are quite likely to swap around?
But even in the above mild scenario, trust is essential, for what may appeal one day does not the next and it is imperative that one party does not allow him/herself (note that phrase) to become the punchbag for the other.
I could expand considerably on the last bit, but unless asked (unlikely!) I shall refrain.
Warming the Bed
Just don't confuse being relaxed with getting shagged senseless the night before .... lol!
Warming the Bed
Sorry to disagree with some of you (yet again!), but I don't think the ability (mutual consent) of a couple to swing necessarily indicates a stronger relationship than that of a couple that chooses not to; nor for that matter is it likely to strengthen that relationship, any more than having a child does.
Indeed, there is a tenable argument that in a couple that swings, there is a greater likelihood that one or other partner will find themselves becoming emotionally attached elswhere.
Warming the Bed
Assuming your nerves are not preventing you sleeping, then there are a couple of very simple exercises to calm the nerves and slow the heart beat.
Inhale deeply through the nose for a slow count of 3; hold to a slow count of 3 without tensing up; exhale slowly and completely to a slow count of 5 until the lungs are completely empty........ Repeat exercise for about 5 minutes, if time allows.
In a quiet environment, for preference lie flat on your back, perhaps with the head supported or, failing that, sit in a comfortable chair. Hands should be flat on the floor or resting on your thighs. Close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing every single muscle in your body, starting with your toes and feet and work your way up the whole length of the body, finishing with hands and fingers ....... If you combine this with the first exercise, you may even find you have dropped off to sleep.
Get your partner to give you a proper(!) back and neck massage using suitable realxing oils. There are plenty of books on technique, but if being massaged by a bloke, make sure he is not too heavy-handed - a common fault.
There are several other exercises, but I guess this will do for now, but the aim is to slow the heartbeat and/or to take the tension out of the body..... Hope this is of help.
Warming the Bed
The Camel trusts he will give no one the hump by adding his two-pennyworth, even if it is slightly off-subject.
Though I have been a member here only a few weeks, I am impressed by the overall friedliness of the members and the even-handedness of the moderators (camels don't creep!). I used to be a member of another site whose chatroom and threads slowly degenerated to arenas for personal abuse. It is refreshing to find that here, even though freedom of speech is permitted within prescribed limits, responses to contentious posts are often or even usually constructive and thoughful.
Warming the Bed
JUDY ..... I read your post, twice actually, and though I don't disagree with what you say, surely if the victim publicises his/her distress, that is pure oxygen to the perpetrator? ..... He has (almost) certainly provoked the reaction sought.
Warming the Bed
I don't mean to be contentious, though I am afraid that is part of my nature ...... I am truly surprised that members are surprised or hurt or insulted (as in this case) when someone sends them an e-mail or similar expressing disgust or distaste or whatever ...... To me it would be just water off a duck's back and certainly the person should not be pandered to by reacting in any way.
Warming the Bed
Gosh! ..... So many lasting memories ....... Travelling from London to Harrogate on the Mary Queen of Scots, one of the monster steam engines hauling pullman coaches; my first taste of really fine wine on the lawn of a rather fine restaurant by the Thames; watching Concorde's first flight (and still watching it every time it flew over) ........ So many more great memories to make me smile or even laugh, even if they were scarcely world-shattering
Warming the Bed
Hmm! I must be one of the "annoying twats" for I don't ever seem to get any grief in there ..... obviously I just get ignored!
Warming the Bed
F1 Grand Prix, Heather? ...... Think I'ld rather stand on a motorway bridge and watch the traffic; every bit as thrilling ..... But m/cyle racing ..... now that really is exciting stuff to watch' not least because they really can overtake each other without going into the pits.