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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 45
Bi-curious Male, 119
0 miles · Greater London


Hi All,
As recent new members we have noted the following statement when we click on our cam ",' , is requesting access to your cameras and microphone. if you click-allow. you may be recorded'"
Who is Fxy Net? This is a highly concerning statement, and it was not in the literature we signed up to by virtue of clicking yes, would you click on 'yes random bods record me'?
Now I may be incorrect but I am very observant, has any one else noted this text - i.e. you will be RECORDED - or MAY BE RECORDED - and moreover for SH staff, what does it mran - and can you publish the TERMS@ by which members ACTUALLY sign up to - as opposed to what appears to alter?
I love this site - if nothing else I might open discussion and awareness. x
Who will record us, more to the point why? Where - to what end.
If we are missing something obvious please let us know.
Hi All,
It is my Burpinadayon the 20th of March - to celebrate Jay and I want to have a social "hello" with anyone that fancies meeting up in London om Paddy's day on the Saturday the 17th of March. Care to help a mad Irish swinger celebrate Paddy's day?
If anyone fancies joining us for all or part of the weekend of debauchery, central station is Saturday the 17th in a London bar.
We will meet in town for drinks and then head to a club - a swinging club.
We can accommodate up to 4 (comfortably). If you fancy a drink, or more let us know.
Amber and Jay xxxxx
Attendees - Amber and Jay (obviously) xx
With love Amber - organiser:bounce:wave:taz::swingingchair:
Post a reply or pm with Paddy's day please xxx
Well - Amber here - I know that we would like to go, do you think socials work better when it is not during school holidays - I have no kids so it's not a ooncern for us.
Jay and I had our first meet as a couple together earlier tonight - well Saturday.
I am so made up, it was fecking lovely. Guy was polite, sexy as hell, relaxed and very considerate.
I had kinda been in too minds about swinging, last night reminded me why I love it.
Happy happy amber :~) xxxx:bounce:
Hi All,
I haven't read page two of the thread but I think blue raises an interesting point.
Three years ago I got made redundant, I was renting alone - I lived on savings for 2 months but for 4 months I had to seek government support - first and only time in my life.
The allowances for accommodation are very strangely regulated - I was given more money than my rent cost (still don't know why) - I enquired and was told that it was correct.
When I returned to work I was burdened with a £800 'debt' for this overpayment.... ????
I appealed and was told it did not have to be repaid. I don't think I deserved more than the rent, but trust me JSA is so shit that I was grateful for the extra money.
My point is that the system is wonky, the 'Job Centre' is crap and of no help, having to 'prove' that you are looking for work is BEYOND a joke - fortnightly interviews with only THREE job searches per WEEK - and no proof was ever requested.
Private landlords are aware of the current situation and so they seek DSS tenants intentionally in order to be able to charge exorbitant rates.
I agree with the cap entirely, but the goverment cannot simply shove it into place without safeguarding rent levels.
JSA should never pay more than the average working level - it goes nowhere near it at the moment - my total allowance for those four months was (annual rate) £13,500 and it was manageable.
I agree with the cap, the system is flawed and if your rent is too high you should move, regardless of where it is within your borough.
Vulnerable families do need to be protected and rents controlled and reasonable.
Mi Mr and Mrs MNorty (I think!!),
Welcome to SH, you both look lovely and normal to me.
Sexual preferences vary greatly and as the more experienced part of the dd group I have tried all shapes and sizes (so to speak) - personality, reliability, cleanliness and being able to hold a conversation are WAY more important when swinging.
I have shagged a lot of gorgeous but boringly dull men who are once only meets for me as I'd have more fun with my rabbit.
You might not be what everyone is looking for, but then who is?
Yoou are both good looking and seem friendly, have fun exploring and welcome to SY.
Amber xxx
I think that this is a tricky subject and yes it can be irritating when you get stupid emails or when you take the time to write an email and someone doesn't respond, or when someone doesn't read your profile.
If I send an email and someone doesn't respond then they are simply not interested, so no worries.
If I get a wink I ignore it (profile says so).
If I get a cockshot and nothing else - I ignore it.
IF someone writes me an email - I will always try to reply, but sometimes people are off the site for a while or might miss emails further down through their inbox.
I don't think that anyone sets out to be rude, but sometimes people don't have the time to respond, they are not interested or they just don't open it.
So if they don't read your profile, ignore it, and if they don't respond - why care?
I think that labels are nothing more than a nuisance. Sexuality is far more complicated than the standard three categories, and for me 'bi-curious' does very little to explain the complexities of being attracted to an idea, gentle mingling or a desire to try.
I agree profiles should be honest, but then a lot of people go on a sexual journey through life and are not easily defined by even a plethora of labels at any one time.
I'd love to think up new names though...
Hmmm, it's not anything that I can honestly say that appeals to me or something I can imagine being fun, but then I've not tried it.... (evil thoughts).
I do like DP though so I understand the rush you can get from feeling a little uncomfortable and also full, though I'd definitely start with a chick doing it to me first.
Amber x
Hi there,
Amber here from Devious Delights. Myself and J are very new to this site (Wednesday!!) I however have been a member for seven years under my single profile (Ambervixen).
I think that the site has changed a lot in the time that I have been a member and that it has appeared to become more commercial since I initially joined.
Having said that I do think that you get out of the site what you are willing to put into it. There will always be a lot of time wasters on sites like this and I do think that there are a lot of rather lazy profiles.
I don't think that being able to have a cam open in more than one room at once should be allowed as that might get rather confusing!
I think that the cams are there for those that want to use them and to what end they wish to use them for, I for example have absolutely zero interest in watching random men wank off on cam, however I can switch it off as soon as I open them!
I do think that the nature of single men on this site has also changed drastically since I joined on my own, however it's about trial and error.
I do think that the chat rooms are a lot quieter recently without many people bothering to become engaged in a conversation, however it is up to each member how and why they are on this site.
Hmm - that's not a very clear opinion, it has changed, in some ways for the better and in others maybe not so much, we'll see.
I do think that a lot of people see this as a shag site rather than a swinging site, but it is easy to spot them.
I think that the yawn for guys on cam wanking as a 'couple' is a brilliant idea.
What about a 'shake' function a la MSN when no one can be bothered to chat in the 'chat' rooms?
Can't really think of anything else except for interesting chat room graphics... hmmm
Hi Try2, Jacque and I would love to come to your social, happy to confirm if there is space, funlovers2010 recommended it.
We are new to playing as a couple but I've been swinging for 7 years, single profile is ambervixen.
Would rather attend than lick windows...
If we're too late I hope you have a fab time.
Amber xxx