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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 65
0 miles · Hertfordshire


Quote by easyease
i know one way that might make her more recptive to the idea but im not gonna give my "tricks up my sleeve" away lol

Blimey Easy :shock: How do you do anal up your sleeve? Or are you just boasting? cool
That's the problem is you are a long way from anyone else. I can imagine how frustrating it is!
What's more, if you travel a long way to meet someone, and things don't go well, the time spent travelling simply magnifies the disappointment.
Maybe you could take a long weekend which coincides with a Glasgow or Edinburgh munch might be a start? There was a thread about a month ago, which seemed to show quite a lot of interest - see
Good luck!
Quote by byron
What was odd coming out of the cinema after seeing The Two Towers was the number of people who were saying that they thought Gollum was one of the good guys!

They were probably the people who thought the two towers in question were Eowyn's tits...
I think it's wise never to take anybody's ad or reply as Gospel truth.
After all, how physically fit is 'physically fit'? Royal Marines six-pack or just able to run for the bus without keeling over? And how VWE is 'VWE'?
If an ad is silly enough to specify 'nobody over 35, I'd be silly to admit that I am 36, if I could pass for 34 in a dim light? Is somebody really going to demand my birth certificate?
Personally, I always take what I hear on the phone and read in ads and PMs with a very large pinch of salt. You never really know until you meet. Good point, Judy.
Quote by steph
About a third of the single females on the gallery seem to be growing dicks....has someone been putting testosterone in the water or is it a shocking side-effect of eating GM grops ......we should be told!! mad

Yep one page has 9 photos five of which are dick shots later on there is a picture of a selection of sex toys ------ now I know what us single females are :shock: sex toys
who wants to play wink lol
Yup, Steph - got it right in one! :wink:
The perfect woman - legs open and mouth closed :twisted: :twisted: Oddly enough, I've never met one.. :cry: Still, you can buy pretty good inflatable replicas.. biggrin :D
At the resk of being comprehensively beaten up by Pololady (are you a bit bored today, PL?), it's worth mentioning a couple of things.
Not everybody who claims to be a couple or a lady actually is. What persuades men to pretend to be female... I dunno - electronic cross-dressing, I suppose. I wish I could say that it's easy to tell the frauds from the real things, but it isn't. Anyway, we real men have to live with it.
The second thing is that there are a lot of couples and women out there who are as clueless as some men. They don't really know what they want, or at least they don't say... their ads show plenty of enthusiasm for sex, but no discernible personality.. they can't even be bothered to run their ads through a spell-checker... they put ridiculous limits on the men they want to see - virtually encouraging men to lie... and they are so terrified to timewasters and perverts, they play email ping-pong.... or go in for long lists of questions.... or want to swap endless pics.... or play webcam fun, until they manage to convince themselves that the man is genuine.
Oh, sorry about the moan - I've got my tax return looming over me and life sucks...
OK, panic over....
Don't you just love window-shopping? :P wink
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Stone me! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I think the term that comes to mind is 'diabolical liberty'. I can't think of anything better designed to encourage the pic collectors. They'll be thicker than flies round rotting meat...
I think whoever came up with that idea needs to give us an explanation - is this a serious swinging website, or just the electronic equivalent of"'readers' wives"? mad :x

...and all 4 of yours have your face on!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hmmm smile
It's still a bummer of an idea though.
Stone me! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I think the term that comes to mind is 'diabolical liberty'. I can't think of anything better designed to encourage the pic collectors. They'll be thicker than flies round rotting meat...
I think whoever came up with that idea needs to give us an explanation - is this a serious swinging website, or just the electronic equivalent of"'readers' wives"? mad :x
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
Just you hang on to that man of yours, Shaz... biggrin
...he's going to regret his generosity when other blokes like me take the piss out of him.. :twisted:

And i wonder why you would want to take the piss?
isn't generosity a good thing?
Why take the piss? Jealousy, sheer jealousy.... wink
Quote by Reikiradical
Does anyone know any venues in London (apart from swinger clubs) where one can meet interested older women?

Art galleries are the best pickup places ever invented - good for women of all ages! Bone up on your Rembrandt first. wink
I got slung out of a gallery for doing that
Your fault - people get upset if you smear the paint...
Quote by da69ve
Tolerance in my book means putting up with something wether you like it or not....i would like swinging to be accepted as a normal activity for adults.

I doubt if it will ever be seen as 'normal', in the way that couples living together is now seen as 'normal'.
I suppose it depends on how we see ourselves. Personally, I don't want to be defined as a 'swinger', simply as an ordinary person who happens to enjoy recreational sex as a, well, hobby.
It is tempting to follow the example of some gays, who want to be defined by their sexual orientation, like Peter Tatchell - that they are, first and foremost, homosexual. I think that's a blind alley. Much better, I think, is the example of Matthew Parris - journalist, former politician, plenty of interests and enthusiasms, rounded human being - who makes no secret of being gay. He just doesn't make a great song and dance about it either.
The question is, why would we want swinging to be seen as normal?
Yup, going for a walk in your kilt with a braw east wind gusting around your Trossachs...
Soon it'll hurt so much somewhere else, you'll forget all about your headache :twisted:
Just you hang on to that man of yours, Shaz... biggrin
...he's going to regret his generosity when other blokes like me take the piss out of him.. :twisted:
Quote by Burtman
Good post, intelligent comments, mature debate ........ is it too early to ask one of you red hot babes for a shag ?

Thanks for lightening the mood, Burtman lol
Frankly, it is not too easy for newbies to find out the ropes. Yes, I do know about the 'advice' section on the left hand side of the screen. I expect I am one of the tiny minority of newbies who's actually gone out of his way to read it.. go on, give me a coconut.. cool
... and in any case, I don't believe it mentions people should not PM each other 'on spec', nor that women actually read men's ads! And, I might add, there is nothing spefically for single women and couples - IMHO, there should be!
Quote by da69ve
But why should we be just "tolerated"....i'm not looking for approval just acceptance of what we do......

That is exactly what tolerance is! lol There is also such a thing as free speech, so people are entitled to voice their opinions of us... just as we are entitled to voice our opinions of them.
Quote by Suffolk-cpl
not while the press dictate how the mindles masses will think. As long as they use the terms of perverted sex acts, or sleazy doggers etc, the masses will think of it as bad! mad

Sorry, Suffolk couple, you're a little out of date. Some very brave swingers (Dirty David and Jojo, and Richard and Janet come to mind) have deliberately put their heads above the parapet and appeared on TV programmes, newspaper features, etc. Gradually, public opinion is changing. I said on another thread how my local paper picked up on Richard & Janet's appearance on a TV programme, and paraded them on the front page. The reaction from the local community was zilch - apart from the neighbours complaining about inconsiderate car-parking. smile
The truth is that we are tolerated - and that is all we should aim for. Looking for society's approval is, I think, a step too far.
Quote by Bloke2005
I have no idea but I can make bukkake cookies..... lol

Blimey, is there no end to this lad's talents? Someone marry him , quick!
Bet CandB wishes he hadn't asked...
"Here, wear this love. Everyone will think you're either a trannie or on the game." :twisted:
Quote by HornyBunny
If you go and have a nosy at my ad (please do), you will see that.... its well written...

I like a challenge, so I did. What did I see?
"Young enough to be viril, old enough to know better :-)"
Hmmm, what, exactly, is "viril"? Any relation to virile, peut-etre?
Hint to all techies: if your English is a little on the wobbly side, try using a spellchecker - or even an old-fashioned support tool called a dictionary! lol
Rather more seriously, and trying to extract some benefit from the funeral-pyre of Hornybunny's reputation, his ad is vastly better than some of the garbage put out by women and couples. If they sharpened up their act, maybe they would not get so many unwanted PMs...?
Quote by KenRidder
Does anyone know any venues in London (apart from swinger clubs) where one can meet interested older women?

Art galleries are the best pickup places ever invented - good for women of all ages! Bone up on your Rembrandt first. wink
Hi everyone – (sort of) serious subject here.. :jagsatwork:
I’ve noticed that quite a few ads in the women looking... and couples looking… categories specify vwe… some go to vvwe… and some brave souls demand vvvwe. No takers for vvvvwe? It’s only a matter of time, I suppose… :twisted:
I notice though, that surveys find that 90% of men have manhoods between 5” and 7”. So only 1 in 20 exceeds 7”… only 1 in 200 exceeds 8”… and only 1 in 500 exceeds .
You know, I have a funny feeling this may be news to many ladies, even the SH funsters.
Now, I don’t know how many active, str8 blokes there are on SH, but ladies, specifying ‘9” minimum’ might just be limiting your options just a tad. And if you want to be just plain unreasonable, like demanding that the monster comes equipped with a discernible personality, well… rolleyes
If you’re interested, I got my information from and
Quote by Lissa
u lot do like this thread dont u? wink
right! ill put another 1 up 2 keep u goin cool

Yes, yes, YES!!!!
Bet you say that to all the blokes, Lissa! :twisted:
Quote by RedHot
I know we've all had a jolly good moan over the last few weeks about newbies pm'ing us. There are few who have escaped the *wanna shag* brigade, but I wanted to let everyone know that there is a positive side to some of it smile
We have had zillions . . . well ok, slight exaggeration there, but loads anyway . . . of pm's from newbies recently.
Some have been absolute bollox, some not even worth the time it took to read them, but in amongst them all, we have found some really nice people biggrin
Often, they are not local to us looking to meet, or looking for anything other than to say Hi, but since they are articulate, polite and chatty is is a real pleasure to open a message from them cool
Perhaps we should restart the "pm someone you don't yet know" thread and see how many new friends can be made :angel:

Wonderful idea, T-J - you are a lady and a scholar! :D
It's a curious thing though - there are a lot of people in SH, yet only a very small minority have placed ads in the last few months. And only an even smaller minority bother to contribute to the threads in the forums.
Does this mean the vast majority ain't interested in being PMed, no matter how friendly and respectful the PM might be? confused
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I have some cheesy balls !! confused :? :? wink

Hope you've got enough to go round, sarge! smile
Quote by firelizard
Part of the enjoyment for me is the chance to see Mr Lizard enjoying himself from a different angle as it were lol

The right time to look at Mr. Lizard and his doings is through the post-orgasmic haze... until then, just you concentrate on you! wink
Quote by Its Harry
привет, надежда Вы - хорошо Winchwench

You might well be right about that Harry. We'll have to see when we meet her :twisted:
Addictive... yeah.
It's not the technology, it's the people... I've never come across such a vibrant, passionate, friendly and mouthy bunch as this. :grin: :grin: :grin:
But then, as I've said elsewhere, I lead a very sheltered life.. redface