I think it's wise never to take anybody's ad or reply as Gospel truth.
After all, how physically fit is 'physically fit'? Royal Marines six-pack or just able to run for the bus without keeling over? And how VWE is 'VWE'?
If an ad is silly enough to specify 'nobody over 35, I'd be silly to admit that I am 36, if I could pass for 34 in a dim light? Is somebody really going to demand my birth certificate?
Personally, I always take what I hear on the phone and read in ads and PMs with a very large pinch of salt. You never really know until you meet. Good point, Judy.
At the resk of being comprehensively beaten up by Pololady (are you a bit bored today, PL?), it's worth mentioning a couple of things.
Not everybody who claims to be a couple or a lady actually is. What persuades men to pretend to be female... I dunno - electronic cross-dressing, I suppose. I wish I could say that it's easy to tell the frauds from the real things, but it isn't. Anyway, we real men have to live with it.
The second thing is that there are a lot of couples and women out there who are as clueless as some men. They don't really know what they want, or at least they don't say... their ads show plenty of enthusiasm for sex, but no discernible personality.. they can't even be bothered to run their ads through a spell-checker... they put ridiculous limits on the men they want to see - virtually encouraging men to lie... and they are so terrified to timewasters and perverts, they play email ping-pong.... or go in for long lists of questions.... or want to swap endless pics.... or play webcam fun, until they manage to convince themselves that the man is genuine.
Oh, sorry about the moan - I've got my tax return looming over me and life sucks...
Yup, going for a walk in your kilt with a braw east wind gusting around your Trossachs...
Soon it'll hurt so much somewhere else, you'll forget all about your headache :twisted:
Bet CandB wishes he hadn't asked...
"Here, wear this love. Everyone will think you're either a trannie or on the game." :twisted: