Lazing in front of a woodburner.......... dark nights, curtains closed!
Or.... hot sweaty evenings, open doors and windows...
So do othes have more sex through the winter? Is there a better way to keep warm?
this is mr jb, mrs jb will have an entirely different opinion on this but.........
I'm part of a large family, and proud of it. The idea of beng regulated in any way is frightening!
I'm against some of the benefit system. This country is being punished enough already with the drain of pensions, unemployment benefit, sickness benefits etc. Why is it that benefits are paid in such a way that the more children a family has the more money that family get? The larger family, if in council accomodation, then gets bigger houses (but doesn't move out of the bigger house when the family eventually move on!). The family tends, sweeping generalisation here, to decide that working for a living isn't worth it so stays on benefits. The children don't have a worker as a role model so lack any ambition and eventually rely on benefits themselves. The children of families at the lower end of the social scale (government statistics here) use more of the healthcare in a region, lag behind in education - it's a downward spiral.
Yet I'm one of four.
provident personal credit charge in the region of 190% APR, through Argos it's 220%. If people want to send them a message then simply don't use Argos or Homebase(Home retail group companies).
These companies prey on the vulnerable and unfortunately they work within the financial services act. We get the companies we deserve since the wonderful deregulation of the late 1970s.
calculators and modern cars.
My first calculator was enormous, about the size of a paperback novel, and shockingly expensive. It could do the basics and that was it. Only a few years later they were giving away credit card sized machines with petrol.
And modern cars! Bliss. Automatic choke, electric windows, warm, quiet, comfortable, safer, very fast and relatively economical.
1 why do people say '110%'? No stupid, 100% is a maximum and it's usually uneducated idiots that use such a statement.
2 why do men stress that while it's ok for girls to be partially bi, they are straight (this is where 110% etc. often comes in)? Are they so homophobic? No guys, we're not questioning your masculinity here and remember a cock is one of the worlds best playthings so go with the flow!
3 why do people put ads in with such bad spelling, textspk, grammar........I could go on here! It's the teacher bit coming out.
4 ok, winks have been done but I still don't know why they're used.
enough said, but come on all and let's hear what else pisses people off. Am I the only one?
If women ruled the world? what do you mean 'if!' We do rule the world, quietly, and letting the men take the blame for all the screw ups.
dear Mr JB has a poorly foot and therefore thrown a sicky, poor lamb. He's now been regaling me of the joys of re-runs of Minder, Midsomer Murders, Poirot, and, god forbid, current affairs in depth with Jeremy Kyle!
So what rocks your boat? I used to adore Lovejoy (oh wow, Ian McShane is just so yummy!) and thought that a moggy thousand convertible was probably the coolest car on the planet. Ah, the sweet innocence of youth!
we reply, not all the time, but certainly to those well written with a nice profile. Winks are annoying and are lazy.
Do browse the ads sometimes too, just to see what/who is out there. Nicest way though is to look at the profile of the people in the chatroom.
and no, not 'do I smoke after sex?' or any of those other old ribticklers that people may come out with if given half a chance, I mean why do people do it?
Have met a wonderful couple, he smokes and there's no way do I have sex with someone that tastes and smells like an ashtray! I know it's a drug but now it's becoming more and more socially unacceptable. It's harmful to unborn children (retards cognative development), harmful to young children.......... brings on wrinkles (that should be enough on it's own, and yes I'm shallow) the list goes on. So why and what will make you give up?
downloaded loads of david cassidy recently, just wonderful to singing along to in the car on the way home.
Oh and he was soooooooooooooooooooooooo special.
It's goth weekend coming up and am off to whitby for a week. Have been about 6 or 7 years now and love it. If you haven't been, have a look at the website to see what it's all about.
Who else is going to be there? Who's been in the past?
right now? Am sat working and listening to the omnibus edition of 'The Archers', yes I'm probably sad but it's my only vice.
In the car cd thingy is, of course as it's the best album in the history of the world, George Michael and Faith!
We're approached by people the age of our children. How weird is that? What do others think? It's just unthinkable to me.
And size matters too! No guys, not inches in the dick department this time. Boobs! I have between a B and a C cup, (and firm!) Not 'never mind the quality, feel the width' type here at all. Quality counts. Or am I wrong? (no, of course not. Don't be silly).
What else matters?
Have had a shite day at work. On the second bottle of wine already so any thought posted in the forum can be ignored if it's bollocks.