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of course you believe in censorship! We all do, it's to the extent that differs. Just think about child pornography or any pornography as examples (raising the question of course 'what is pornography?')
Quote by Riotandantony
So our "democratic" governement has just banned Dutch MP Geert Wilders form entering the country to present his film - luckily its available on the web, the National Secular Society's weekly newsletter has link to it - amongst other things, it features the hanging of gays and execution of women in moslem countries.
This is not acted out propaganda - its news that has happened in the real world - it seems that the governement does not value the democratic rights and free speech we have fought for over the centuries.
What a complete disgrace.
Yours in Anger & Anarchy !

okay.... this is where the government can't win
they use the same piece of legistlation to keep up holocaust deniers, and record artists that have said stuff about gays being killed, and louis farakarn for example speaking at events..... but this guy who is up on charges of inciting hatred in his own country, but should be aloud to incite it here instead...
damned if they do... damned if they don't
Yes I have seen it, but with free speech should come responsability...It is in no way a balanced piece of film and I have sure I can find pieces of the bible, or the old testament for example and take them out of context......
would that be acceptable as well?couldnt have put it better myself fabio biggrin
I don't believe in censorship ; whether its rappers like Ice T & Bodycount having their song "Cop Killer" withdrawn from sale or Richard Dawkins criticising parts of the bible and creationism, controversial, and yes, sometimes "offensive" views must be heard by the public in a democratic society.
Whilst I don't agree with everything Geert Wilders has said, I don't agree with the Home Office that he is a threat to public order, he visited this country in December and absolutely nothing happened, and the film was still shown at the House of Lords in the week and there was'nt even a single moslem protesting about it, let alone any violence.
But lets say for the sake of argument hundreds of moslems had rioted or attacked people, would this still be grounds for banning free speech ? I hope not as this is just giving in to terrorism.
My message to moslems is ; Commit Apostasy now ! Throw away you're veils & burqas - you have nothing to lose but a boring life !
Lazing in front of a woodburner.......... dark nights, curtains closed!
Or.... hot sweaty evenings, open doors and windows...
So do othes have more sex through the winter? Is there a better way to keep warm?
this is mr jb, mrs jb will have an entirely different opinion on this but.........
I'm part of a large family, and proud of it. The idea of beng regulated in any way is frightening!
I'm against some of the benefit system. This country is being punished enough already with the drain of pensions, unemployment benefit, sickness benefits etc. Why is it that benefits are paid in such a way that the more children a family has the more money that family get? The larger family, if in council accomodation, then gets bigger houses (but doesn't move out of the bigger house when the family eventually move on!). The family tends, sweeping generalisation here, to decide that working for a living isn't worth it so stays on benefits. The children don't have a worker as a role model so lack any ambition and eventually rely on benefits themselves. The children of families at the lower end of the social scale (government statistics here) use more of the healthcare in a region, lag behind in education - it's a downward spiral.
Yet I'm one of four.
Some excellent responses to this one already. Here's mine.
Freedom of movement within the EU is part of being in europe as a partner. The 'immigrants' are generally european workers, free to move and work wherever they wish. Without immigration most of this country would grind to a halt. Eastern england relies on mainland europeans for crop gathering, most major cities have mainland european care workers, hotel staff, catering staff, hospital workers etc. Should we send them all 'home' and let our industries fail?
Thatcher set the ball rolling all those years ago. Privatising utility companies (now generally foreign owned), privatising nationalised industries (selling cheaply to joe public companies already owned by joe public - what a scam that one was) and introducing compulsive competative tendering that eventually became 'best value'. T
There are some excellent history books about modern europe. Perhaps I could suggest some!
Quote by kentswingers777
I am not at all militant, and I am not a member of any union.
I believe in the right person for the right job, what ever their nationality, but what is happening now is not right.
There are two many folk in that area that are already can be trained to do those jobs, even if its costs a little extra to do so.
We are now living in difficult times that can be hard to deal with, but by good leadership by all the powers that govern the world today, things will be good again, but I for one do not see that happening quickly.
I will boldly type...
British jobs for British workers!
Lucys post.

I used to agree with that sentiment as well but...with apparently nearly every new job created over the last couple of years, going to immigrants, and the current climate, my feelings have changed full circle.
We have far too many immigrants here, who are looking for work, and now the economy is sliding downhill, it can never ever be right to give British jobs to immigrants that have just got here.
The current strikes will escalate, and it is all well and good Bottler Brown saying it is despicable and against the law to strike, but most of this is his and Labours " open door policy ", over the last seven or eight years. Remember when those idiots said they reckoned only would come here? It is more like 4 million and that does not include the ones that have " sneaked in ".
Britain CANNOT sustain such large numbers. Schools cannot nor can hospitals. They are all being put under increasing pressures to cope, but how can you cope when large numbers of kids cannot even speak English, in an English school?
Something has to give, and as Flower has already said, the BNP is on the march in large areas. That is a frightening prospect, that a party so far right could get something at the next election. But British people en mass have had enough, and the strike will be the end of this Government, the blame lies solely at their door.
Quote by Dawnie
will they bring cherie back?

I hope so because she she should never have been kicked off last week
Quote by Sarah
It is a big shame he is going

No its not, his time was up and its been up for a couple of weeks. It was making a mockery of the show booting others off and keeping John in.
Isn't it an entertainment show? Well he provided as much entertainment as all the others put together. Check the viewing figures!
If the judges wanted just people that could dance, or had the potential to become dancers, then he wouldn't have been invited on in the first place.
I won't be watching this weekend.
Quote by blonde
John Sargeant is brill, fab, fantastic, wonderful and a sh1te dancer! :giggle:
I hope he wins!!! :rude:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

well said that mega intelligent brainboxy type with spectacular taste!
provident personal credit charge in the region of 190% APR, through Argos it's 220%. If people want to send them a message then simply don't use Argos or Homebase(Home retail group companies).
These companies prey on the vulnerable and unfortunately they work within the financial services act. We get the companies we deserve since the wonderful deregulation of the late 1970s.
Hey all, this is a plea.
It's an entertainment show, isn't it right to back dear John Sergeant? worship He's the reason I'm watching it.
Or should it be taken seriously?
Quote by couplefunuk
Yeah - what a great idea that was. Lower interest rates. Don't bother making sure the banks pass the cuts on to people with mortgages. They (the banks) were quick enough to cut savings rates in line (less than 24 hours) tho and screw those of us trying to save over.
Labour - the biggest fuck up of the 21st century

was it the labour party that abolished credit controls and caused this screw up? Item below is copied.
In 1973, Heath (conservative) suspended Competition and Credit Control.
When Labour came back into power, inheriting Heath’s inflation, James Callaghan (labour pm) went to the IMF and borrowed money to defend the value of the pound, which by this time had taken a hammering. This they did. They also brought down inflation without causing a recession. The electorate thanked the Callaghan government by turfing them out of office and putting Thatcher into No. 10.
The nightmare began. Thatcher came in to power with the intention of bringing down inflation through controlling the money supply. Raising interest rates would do this. This would create a recession, but the long-term benefits would out-weigh the short-term cost, and if the manufacturing industry would bear the brunt of the recession, so be it. She didn’t care. Manufacturing was old hat. Manufacturing was also the base for the craft unions and where support for Labour lay. Who cared about them? Emphasis shifted away from manufacturing and towards finance, a shift that was to be financed by North Sea Oil. The City of London captured the imagination of the Conservative Party, and in time, the Labour Party as well. As a result, Britain’s manufacturing base was reduced to almost nothing. Northern England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland wallow in depression while the economy in the South East of England, where the financial industry resides, continually overheats.
This is a world recession, don't blame this government.
calculators and modern cars.
My first calculator was enormous, about the size of a paperback novel, and shockingly expensive. It could do the basics and that was it. Only a few years later they were giving away credit card sized machines with petrol.
And modern cars! Bliss. Automatic choke, electric windows, warm, quiet, comfortable, safer, very fast and relatively economical.
Quote by Deviants
1 why do people say '110%'? No stupid, 100% is a maximum and it's usually uneducated idiots that use such a statement.
Take it your not a maths teacher then 110% = 1.1
2 why do men stress that while it's ok for girls to be partially bi, they are straight (this is where 110% etc. often comes in)? Are they so homophobic? No guys, we're not questioning your masculinity here and remember a cock is one of the worlds best playthings so go with the flow!
Maybe it's because there straight? this homophobic word gets thrown around all to easily on here, more preference if you ask us
3 why do people put ads in with such bad spelling, textspk, grammar........I could go on here! It's the teacher bit coming out.
Maybe they had bad teachers at school lol
4 ok, winks have been done but I still don't know why they're used.
If you change your options you'll never notice winks
enough said, but come on all and let's hear what else pisses people off.
People who whinge just for the sake of it

no, not maths. Degree in Economics though if that should matter.
Percent is something expressed as part of one hundred (hence per cent). Am asked by children occasionally why people say this and after a discussion have had a wonderful response 'is it 'cos dey is fik miss?'
Was pissed off at the time of the post, should have engaged brain before using fingers so please let this drop now.
And yes I do overuse exclamation marks and I will try and stop it! :lol:
too old to have a whip used on me and woe betide anyone that thought they could have a ride wearing spurs! lol
Quote by Dave__Notts
Whingers dunno
No. A brain that's used, an open mind and a degree of style!
Quote by Dave__Notts
My son has gained a new friend at school last year. My son and this boy would, and still do, go from house to house to play and have tea. After a while his father invited me in and we got talking. He was telling me that he was a refugee from the Congo. He told me all about the things that went on in his country. I naively asked if it was really that bad. He didn't get angry, he just lifted up his shirt. I recognised bullet wounds. We have talked more and have become loose friends, I say loose as I know he has his own plans for his family and we will lose touch one day.
Can I do anything? I already am. My taxes are paying for this man, his wife and children to stay in this country to avoid persecution.
When I see comments in the papers about these foreigners here claiming benefits makes me angry. This guy wants to return to his own country one day. This is his dream.

JB works in this area, it's a common discussion and there's a great deal of info available. Well said about newpapers and their irresponsible comments. The jews, gypsies and other groups were slaughtered because of such attitudes 60 years ago.
We don't pay enough taxes so can't afford to support more asylum seekers. We're generally selfish, don't support our own let alone those from overseas. Trade, not aid, is a good way out yet we buy goods on price rather than fairtrade type stock (and look how we've moaned about call centres overseas yet we go for insurance that saves us a few pounds a year).
As an interesting point here, if we stop dumping clothes (collecting for charity type bags that arrive daily through the letterbox) then many of these countries would have to make their own leading to employment and perhaps eventually export due to low production costs!
1 why do people say '110%'? No stupid, 100% is a maximum and it's usually uneducated idiots that use such a statement.
2 why do men stress that while it's ok for girls to be partially bi, they are straight (this is where 110% etc. often comes in)? Are they so homophobic? No guys, we're not questioning your masculinity here and remember a cock is one of the worlds best playthings so go with the flow!
3 why do people put ads in with such bad spelling, textspk, grammar........I could go on here! It's the teacher bit coming out.
4 ok, winks have been done but I still don't know why they're used.
enough said, but come on all and let's hear what else pisses people off. Am I the only one?
If women ruled the world? what do you mean 'if!' We do rule the world, quietly, and letting the men take the blame for all the screw ups.
dear Mr JB has a poorly foot and therefore thrown a sicky, poor lamb. He's now been regaling me of the joys of re-runs of Minder, Midsomer Murders, Poirot, and, god forbid, current affairs in depth with Jeremy Kyle!
So what rocks your boat? I used to adore Lovejoy (oh wow, Ian McShane is just so yummy!) and thought that a moggy thousand convertible was probably the coolest car on the planet. Ah, the sweet innocence of youth!
Quote by deancannock
100% children should have rights. They are a human being and should be afforded the same rights of protection as any individual. You say they can't have rights because they can't think and fend for themselves. Wel what about handicapped people, they quite often have a mental age of a child. Or are we saying they don't deserve rights !!!
Now pulling a child into line is not going to violate those rights may I add. The fact is the child in this case was after attention and showing off in front of others. The teacher played straight into there hands...gave them the attention they sought and as can be seen from your own childs stance, they became to victim in the eyes of others. Had the teacher told the person to get into line or 30 mins detention was coming there way after school...and that to be extended to another 30 min detention for every time they had to tell them again..I think maybe it would have been a differant comclusion.

and them some arse of a parent storms into school ranting about their poor child and there's no way that they're staying behind!
Nice idea, but it's unfortunately not going to happen.
we reply, not all the time, but certainly to those well written with a nice profile. Winks are annoying and are lazy.
Do browse the ads sometimes too, just to see what/who is out there. Nicest way though is to look at the profile of the people in the chatroom.
Quote by bustylady40
As Mollman daren't put this in,I will... rolleyes
Last night in bed, I forgot his name! We have lived together for 2 years and his name just went right out of my head!!!!I have also called him (to my horror), by my ex's name.
Has this happened to any of you lot?
wogan would call it 'a senior moment'. If Mr JB ever does it to me his epitaph, as soon as possible afterwards, will read 'I had a senior moment'.
and no, not 'do I smoke after sex?' or any of those other old ribticklers that people may come out with if given half a chance, I mean why do people do it?
Have met a wonderful couple, he smokes and there's no way do I have sex with someone that tastes and smells like an ashtray! I know it's a drug but now it's becoming more and more socially unacceptable. It's harmful to unborn children (retards cognative development), harmful to young children.......... brings on wrinkles (that should be enough on it's own, and yes I'm shallow) the list goes on. So why and what will make you give up?
yep, works for both of us. The starting point is no fags and then let's go from there!
Quote by Sixfootsix
Is there a certain quality that a person possesses that gives them that sexy appeal to you?
A smile?
Their voice?
Their lntelligence?
Their body?
Their wit?
For me, it's intelligence and wit, if you've got that, then it's most of the hard work complete!
What about you fine folks?
downloaded loads of david cassidy recently, just wonderful to singing along to in the car on the way home.
Oh and he was soooooooooooooooooooooooo special.
It's goth weekend coming up and am off to whitby for a week. Have been about 6 or 7 years now and love it. If you haven't been, have a look at the website to see what it's all about.
Who else is going to be there? Who's been in the past?
Well said! Parenting is about being involved with the child/children and it's a form of abuse (honestly) to not have boundaries in place to guide that child through the early stages of their lives.
Quote by Bjlips2008
The boundaries should be laid within the first year of the child's life! Good parenting means that you have to get off your backside and actually be involved in setting boundaries and meaning them. So many people take the easier option of just letting children get away with so much poor behaviour...for the fear of possible tantrums that follow. Parenting is bloody tiring, but if you put some effort is so much more peaceful, happier and calmer!!!
I wouldn't know what to do if the child was much, much older as it seems that maybe somehow respect had been lost or the child was harbouring a lot of anger or upset about something???
right now? Am sat working and listening to the omnibus edition of 'The Archers', yes I'm probably sad but it's my only vice.
In the car cd thingy is, of course as it's the best album in the history of the world, George Michael and Faith!
We're approached by people the age of our children. How weird is that? What do others think? It's just unthinkable to me.
And size matters too! No guys, not inches in the dick department this time. Boobs! I have between a B and a C cup, (and firm!) Not 'never mind the quality, feel the width' type here at all. Quality counts. Or am I wrong? (no, of course not. Don't be silly).
What else matters?
Have had a shite day at work. On the second bottle of wine already so any thought posted in the forum can be ignored if it's bollocks.
Quote by Dave__Notts
They knew what the laws were and stuck two fingers up to it. They get what they deserve.

yet people from that country, and others, come to our country and do what they like? Do they not try to impose their laws, their religions, their intolerances here and expect to be treated with dignity and fairness?
Interesting views though.
Quote by splendid_
oh for goodness sake Kenty.. can't you just take your extreme right wing, vitriolic, sweeping generalisations and go and spout them on a forum that wants to hear this shit. ?
If i want to read a report of what the right wing are spouting today I will either read the feckin 'news'papers or subscribe to the website. I don't want to come here and see the links to 'the world according to the right'

well said!