Are you guys still having problems?
If you have been experiencing a white screen when opening the chat room over the last week, it may be due to some additional security features we added to the chat room recently. These features are, unfortunately, incompatible with the techniques a minority of ISPs use to attempt to optimise your browsing experience.
To access the chat room with these security features disabled, there is a link below the "Enter the Chatroom" box, called "Open with additional security features disabled". This should allow you to access the chat room.
I've stopped it from showing the news, I agree we don't really need it at the moment.
This should now be fixed, if you continue to get problems please let us know.
Apologies for this, I've just released an update which should resolve this problem if you would like to update once more.
Can you not zoom out in the Logitech settings then?
I put in a quick fix for iPhone which seems to have caused this. I've taken it out now so should be back to normal.
Sorry everyone, we've had some technical issues with this and we're going to have to disable this for now while we look at them.
Has this happened again since Tuesday?
The members list problem is most likely due to an optimisation we made yesterday which seems to be affecting a few people. Could you please let me know what browser/browser version you are using? Also, does it happen in every room you join or just some?
The room ownership problem however is now fixed.
Due to popular demand, the escape button feature will be coming back today!
As Elliot is in bed, I have updated the bug list in the first post with the latest status. We still have some more bugs to fix before we can go live.