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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 73


Quote by RickyandMaria
hi Girls
Do you find after meeting and having great fun with a guy, you (and husband) decide to meet up again with the same guy, cause he was good fun, and the next time he is just so selfish??......This has happened with almost every guy we've met.
Have you found this girls?

No. We've been a threesome for more than a year and a half now. I don't want it to end. It's like being married except that there's three of us. I would like us all to live together.
Mollie xxx
I'm with Celestria. Well not literally,
At weekends when my bed is full then I wear nothing. Well, that's what you would expect, yes?
But when I sleep alone, which is most of the week, then I wear one of their tee-shirts. It hs to be one they have worn and it hasn't to have been washed. If I have to, I raid their laundry baskets. But sometimes when they have gone home - they have been dismayed to find they can't find their shirts.
Mollie x x x
Does anybody know about paste eggs. It's pronounced pace eggs.
My number one is from Cumbria. He resists that. He calls it Cumberland.
Now, apparently. Your mum boils dozens of eggs wrapped in onion skins and this staiins the eggs in varigated colours.
Then you choose your eggs and you smack one against your opponent's egg with a small wager on "your" egg. Eventually there is only one uncracked egg left and the winner collects.
He says it is played at home and in pubs up there.
He says it is an Easter game. I've not seen it in Lancashire and I never heard of it where I grew up.
It's called "dumping".
Mollie x x x
My comment is entirely irrelevant.
I have known two or three Spanish guys with the name Jesus. Do you know the names of his brothers (the original Jesus I mean)? Or his sisters?
Now what sex is River Phoenix? And there are lots of others. That Tiger Lily whatever and others seem to have been taken from seed catalogues.
What happened to good old Andrew and Margaret and David etc.
Or even Mollie?
I like being called Mollie. Moll Flanders. Gansters' Molls. When I was a child I knew a cat called Mollie. But right now I only know one Mollie. Me. There is a Molly here. Could we form a Mollie (Molly) club?
Mollie x x x
Quote by sexyann57
I,m currently trying to learn french confused i can say the words in context and can understand conversations smile but can i get the accent right :doh: , somebody told me once that the northern accent was,nt made to speak a foreign language and i,m beginning to think thats right :small-print: when i,m speaking my sentances i sound half yorkshire and half scouse redface :giggle:
( not that theres anything wrong with these accents ) innocent

I tried to learn french, without much luck - but my accent wasn't bad. My tutor told me to practice by speaking english with a french accent, gets you used to the sounds without having to think about what you're saying. But I don't have much of an accent to start with so that might make it easier.
A freind of mine speaks Welsh with a Brummy accent. Sounds very odd!
That sounds like good advice, ! the trouble is i,m not very good with accents even speaking english surprisedops:
But i,ll give it a try lol
I'm not good with quote boxes, ok? And sorry if I'm bringing back to life a thread properly gone.
I do believe that a "Northern" accent is an advantage if you are learning German. Posh english uses vowels which are actually two vowels. To a southerner "A" sounds like aa-ee, yes? I think it's called a dipthong. To a northerner and a German it just sounds like "aa". My northern boyfriend speaks German better than me and he has sometimes been mistaken for German by Germans.
I think I'm probably elderly by many standards here. I have a split personality on this. My instinct is to say age and looks don't matter. And they don't if all that's on offer is social intercourse. In my club tonight I'll talk with anybody in a social setting.
But for the other sort - I can't imagine a sexual relationship with an eighteen year old. Honestly I can't imagine he would want a relationship with me. We have to have shared experiences, yes? We have to be able to talk. Relate to each other. Be able to talk. I don't mean "During the War", I just mean shared experiences.
I think I probably wouldn't want anybody younger than my children. People younger than my children I would probably feel maternal about.
Looks. Always an attraction. But you soon forget what people look like. And see what they ARE like.
But who knows?
Mollie x x x
Quote by blonde
Its far more complicated than you would think. kiss
Last but not least you need to declare your unearned income (rent paid) to the tax man ....... you will be liable for tax on it.
Believe me ............ its a nightmare .......... if you have any other way of paying your bills.......... dont do it !!!
Good luck :kiss:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Not a hijack. Something similar.
My grown-up daughter (only the two of us in the house) makes a contribution to the house-keeping. Is that taxable? Mostg adult children would expect to do this, yes? Justy family business, I hope. Somebody else sugggested I shuld pay tax on her contribution and it worries me a bit
No, not lost marbles, lost mind or lost anything.
It was exactly the same here a few minutes ago. Brilliant sunshine and snowing. Only for a few minutes
Mollie x x x
I so want to help.
My last cigarette was 21st November 1980. I never gave up. That morning I just put off having a cigarette until lunch-time. Then I put if off until tea-time. Then I put if off until bed-time. Then I put it off until the morning.
I never gave up. I just kept putting it off.
I do hope you can do it. The advantages of giving up are immense.
Mollie x x x
Quote by Sassy-Seren
when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor.
worship :worship: :worship: :worship:

If I lived there then it would be three million and one
There are great disincentives to saving. I'm a victim of that right now. There are benefits I could claim but can't. Benefits that are available to people who never saved.
But even so - there is great comfort in knowing that when, eventually as it will, the shit falls it will slide off because you have something to handle problems.
I'm a saver. I'll sacrifice a bit of now for a bit of tomorrow. Security.
Mollie x x x
Problems don't go away. They have to be solved. It's my opinion that we have to identify them and then deal with them.
But having said that - sometimes we just have to let them go. A partner leaves us? Then we just have to let it go. A few days of oblivion and let the pain die. There will always be somebody else to come along.
Your house burns down? Now you've got real problems especally if like me you don't have insurance.
Robbie, like the rest of us, I hope things come right. Time truly is the great healer. Take time.
Mollie xx
Yes, sorry about that. I was just so overwhelmed that I didn't realise the limitations. I have acquaintances of many nationalities and when I write I try to use as much of their own languages as possible. So far no Danish.
I thought - here I can check my own translations. But on reflection the truth is that it is best to do it on my own. But it is nice, yes?
I haven't tried putting "Fuck Off" into it. I'll do that now.
Googling something or other - I can't even remember. I have found the emost amazing site.

As far as I can see it translates anything from anywhere to anything from anywhere.
I'm good at languages. I'm not boasting. I am.
I can give any budding language students a very small number of tips.
Learn the verbs. Every sentence has one. "To be" and" to have" are the most important ones. For the others, it might be surprising how few you need. A dozen or so will get you conversational.
Vocabulary - by which I mean mostly knowlege of nouns, is not so important. You will learn the nouns you need and forget the ones you don't. And I haven't thought too much about it but all those little words - prepositions and whatnot are pretty well interchangeable. It doesn't really matter which one you use.
I like learning to converse in other lbnguages. I never feel stupid when I get the language wrong and most people are as eager to help as we would be helping a foreigner here. I think I have made more friends here and there just by letting them help me.
Mollie x x x
I'm good at languages. I'm not boasting. I am.
I can give any budding language students a very small number of tips.
Learn the verbs. Every sentence has one. "To be" and" to have" are the most important ones. For the others, it might be surprising how few you need. A dozen or so will get you conversational.
Vocabulary - by which I mean mostly knowlege of nouns, is not so important. You will learn the nouns you need and forget the ones you don't. And I haven't thought too much about it but all those little words - prepositions and whatnot are pretty well interchangeable. It doesn't really matter which one you use.
I like learning to converse in other lbnguages. I never feel stupid when I get the language wrong and most people are as eager to help as we would be helping a foreigner here. I think I have made more friends here and there just by letting them help me.
Mollie x x x
I couldn't resist this. Sorry.
I have been lucky to have crossed the International Dateline three times. This was the first.

Sorry it's a bit faint. It says "Ship's clocks were PUT FORWARD 24 HOURS during the night
There is a day in my life that never existed. 13th February 1990
The next time I crossed it, I also lost a day but a couple of months later I crossed it from West to East and I lived the same day twice.
Mollie x x
I couldn't resist this. Sorry.
I have been lucky to have crossed the International Dateline three times. This was the first.

Sorry it's a bit faint. It says "Ship's clocks were PUT FORWARD 24 HOURS during the night
There is a day in my life that never existed. 13th February 1990
The next time I crossed it, I also lost a day but a couple of months later I crossed it from West to East and I lived the same day twice.
Mollie x x
Hello Kate.
I don't know why they think it's a madhouse here.
It all seems perfectly normal to me.
But welcome.
Mollie x x x
I've posted this somewhere else. And I'm not sure it's relevant to this thread but it might be useful.
My ordinary landline phone rings. As soon as I answer the phone goes dead. 1471 gives the calling number as an 0870 number. It did it this morning and it has done it maybe hlf a dozen times in the last two or three weeks.
I have never rung it back because I read somewhere that it can be a ploy to get me to ring back and incur huge phone charges.
Just a thought. Just an experience.
Mollie x x x
I counted how many to go and there were ten.
I counted again and there were fourteen.
I nearly posted in Wild-Rose's thread and realised I wouldn't be helping.
Don't give up - you can do it, you know you can.
Mollie x x x
Quote by frogster

Of course there will always be the unobtainable, for example “Using a credit card to pay for petrol” . But hey… we have to start somewhere….
So what do ya think.... BUF confused: :?: :?: :?: :P biggrin

Oh my word, that struck a chord. Much of France closes for lunch but supermarkets provide petrol on credit card. WE HAVE NEVER, EVER, been able to make these machines work. Queues build up behind us. friendly french men to help, nothing works. So if we need petrol at lunch-time, we just wait.
Network printers, drop-down menus. Keep them. But if you can help us use Credit Card Petrol Machines. Oh my dear, you might be rewarded.
Mollie x x x
I was tempted to tell you about my oral exam about a month ago. Well, I can resist anything except temptation so here it is.
My dentist prescribed a most unpleasant drug.
Mollie x x x
I'm surprised I havn't been deleted. There was a post which I tried to reply to. My post wasn't locked. It just vanished.
Somebody, sorry - my heartfeltt apoligies for not remembering who you are. - asked about somebody who had disaperared from here. I made a comment in public. Here, ok? In this forum.
My comment wasn't locked - so that everybody could still see it. I just went into thin air. I disappeared completely. Let me repeat. Maybe. If I don't vanish agaiin. My comment wasn''t locked. It was just removed. Nobody, including me, has any idea what I said.
I don't dare give you a paper trail but start with something here. ME.
Mollie x x x
But Bilko,You did the same , yes?
Blue-ain`t seen no posts from her since site was updated/changed?????? icon_
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Sgt Bilko
Site Moderator

Joined: 10 Dec 2003
Posts: 8140
Location: SH HQ
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:33 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Blue left to start a new site!! icon_ icon_ icon_ icon_
Sgt Bilko
Shit, I wish I could do them boxes
Does anybody make any sense of all that before if get deleted?
Mollie x x x