***Newsflash*** Elizabeth II isn't really the Queen...oops !
Quote by Joewally
I went to Anfield (Liverpool fc) last night to watch an awful match, and observe an impeccable one minute silence for the quake victims.
Somethin we're told that anfield always ovbserve exceptionally well...
Quote by john469
Surely the Japanese guy that has just won the Bondi Beach surfing international, on a kitchen table, can give his prize money to the relief fund?
Quote by Max777
Can someone enlighten me how a man in a wheelchair can be a violent protester?
Quote by Dave__Notts
Can someone enlighten me how a man in a wheelchair can be a violent protester?
Quote by medway_garage
Did someone mention water cannons;
QUOTE;This man had his eyes ripped out by a water cannon in the protests in Stuttgart against the construction of the Stuttgart 21 train station. The image is taken from Der Spiegel, and has done the rounds in Germany, but is not well-known here in Britain END OF QUOTE
Quote by Dave__Notts
Can someone enlighten me how a man in a wheelchair can be a violent protester?
Quote by Dave__Notts
Sorry but I must have missed it.
medway_garage, what is your position on the protesters? Are they carrying out criminal activities (destruction of property) and should be dealt with by the law?
Quote by Bluefish2009
To be honest Browning. Churchill was just a politician so I do not give two hoots about what they done to his statue.
I do agree with you about the cenotaph and the Union Flag. That to me is the same as a graveyard and the desecration is uncalled for. I hope she is charged as the lad who urinated on one in the summer and she gets community service like him.
Quote by Max777
Ok,seeing as we are arguing over newspapers lets have a look at some of the footage from the protest which didn't make it onto our very balanced media ;
Quote by Bluefish2009
Ok,seeing as we are arguing over newspapers lets have a look at some of the footage from the protest which didn't make it onto our very balanced media ;
Quote by Bluefish2009
Ok,seeing as we are arguing over newspapers lets have a look at some of the footage from the protest which didn't make it onto our very balanced media ;
Quote by GnV
So no one has yet CONdemed the 'feral' acts of the 'Bullingdon elite', mmmmm the smell of hypocracy is very strong around here![]()
Anyone fancy a flutter,Ladbrokes now have odds of 5/2 on there being a General Election next year, wonder how long it will take for a vote of no confidence in Cameron, can't be far off![]()
Here's some more wood for the toilet Boris.
Quote by Max777
So no one has yet CONdemed the 'feral' acts of the 'Bullingdon elite', mmmmm the smell of hypocracy is very strong around here![]()
Anyone fancy a flutter,Ladbrokes now have odds of 5/2 on there being a General Election next year, wonder how long it will take for a vote of no confidence in Cameron, can't be far off![]()
Here's some more wood for the toilet Boris.
Quote by GnV
I'm sorry medway. Where's the picture of David Cameron pissing on the statue of Winston Churchill or the one of him taking a steel bar to a Police horse.
Perhaps you have one of him chucking a barrier at Police Officers or breaking into the Treasury with a concrete block. Perhaps kicking the shit out of a Policewoman or trying to break the glass window of the Royal Rolls Royce?
No? None of those sort of pictures?
Ah well.
Nice try.
Quote by GnV
There can be no justification for attacking the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall; There can be no justification for attacking the Treasury Building in Whitehall
Quote by neilinleeds
Having said that, never let it be said that the Mail is incapable of a fine bit of satire when it really, really tries. And no doubt, an editor near you is desperately trying to reconcile the aspirin causes cancer / may not cause cancer after all / is miracle wonder drug thing as we speak? :P They are truly almost beyond parody? ;)
Quote by Ben_welshminx
I am interested in this daily mail story. Does anybody have the skill to search for and find a few links and post em on here?
Quote by GnV
And cash!
Quote by Kaznkev
"hey kenty, wanna come on holiday with me?"
"yeah, why not browning, where we going?"
"how about yemen or maybe pakistan near the border of afganistan kenty"
"WTF!! your mad browning"
The whole case is a disgrace, they should not get fuck all!
They were not picked up off the streets of britain, they were in terrorist hotspots from all around the world.
And thier not even british!!
Quote by GnV
By the way Browning,before you post again how about checking your spelling as well as your facts !
Quote by browning
"hey kenty, wanna come on holiday with me?"
"yeah, why not browning, where we going?"
"how about yemen or maybe pakistan near the border of afganistan kenty"
"WTF!! your mad browning"
The whole case is a disgrace, they should not get fuck all!
They were not picked up off the streets of britain, they were in terrorist hotspots from all around the world.
And thier not even british!!