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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
Bisexual Female, 50


Quote by mandsgame38
calling on lady advice please,,,,
have any of you ladies ever had such a massive orgasm that you are instantly getting very intence headaches????

mands you showoff! :lol2: kiss
Hydration is key - make sure you drink plenty of water before, after, or even during if you have to. This is particularly important if you squirt/gush. Just by coincidence I got what you describe yesterday but it was because I am poorly. Sometimes I do get a feeling of pressure, not quite pain, not intense and passes quickly. Bloodflow gone mad, I am sure!
Quote by thatguy2
Just a very simple easy to understand way of doing it please.

First go here and press the "Enable" button.
Then go here and press the "Submit" buttons. cool
Quote by Joewally
Do you really think you will win the lottery?

I already have! I won about £30 lol
Quote by Marya_Northeast
I have as good a chance as anyone else

This is correct... but a good chance it isn't, the odds for winning the larger amounts are stupendously bad.
As far as gambling goes, the lottery is a bit daft - it requires no skill and relies on our collective daydreaming. "Never lose hope", they say - that's exactly where the lottery's popularity rests on. I would like to play more, there is some satisfaction in "trying your luck" and thinking you stand a chance (a chance in hell, maybe ;) ).
Quote by load19
something that smells like verbena or bergamot, either one....and aqueous cream, although like you hate the sensation that it leaves

Heya load! :welcome:
I am quite curious about the non-conventional approaches here so... questions.
Derek, do you really never ever use anything but vinegar?
foxylady, did you try out the water-only hair washing on long or short hair? I've had a couple of friends and acquaintances who had also tried this and, just like you, they went back to shampoo for no reason they could remember of!
Quote by awol
Having been born with a face only a mother could love and a cock only a err no I won't even go there - I loath to show anything on cam sad

Aaaw... And what do you do when you finally meet someone? :scared: ;)
When on camera, I regularly get people whispering to tell me that I look bored/miserable or to request that I smile... Most of the times, the reason why I look like that is because I am concentrating on something (like reading stuff that people have written in the chat) or thinking about something (that people had written in the chat) or sometimes feeling horny (because of things people have written in the chat or shown on camera)!
So in the middle of chatting... random strangers whisper me to tell me to "cheer up" (even when I have been laughing a moment ago), people are monitoring my smiling activity and keeping me abreast of the changes as if it were some radio traffic report... wtf? Do others get this? Do men get this?
For the lexilagnic among us... keeping a note here of any new words I come across. Feel free to add your own!
For today:
Quote by Cubes
Hmmm... someone been sending you messages with a blank title? confused

Now 2 red boxes smackbottom
And yeah, where do I swap these for redheads?!
I've got 1 (red box) message I can't click to open... now how's that for a torment! lol It looks like this:
Quote by bayboy1664
Hi Theladyisaminx
If I have grabbed hold of the wrong end of the stick then please accept my apologies my intention was not to single you out personally but to try and make a more general point. I suppose it did not help that it was after two bottles of wine and a few rum & cokes drinkies last night so my language was not as precise as it could have been.

NEVER reply to forum threads after you've had bum & cocks rolleyes
Quote by Waterpistol
Edit: Slightly off topic, but also on the subject of nutjobs and accommodating, I also once managed to find a girl who tried to keep me prisoner in her home and wouldn't let me out until I'd threatened to break her windows to escape!
I think I might be a nutter magnet! rolleyes

Wow! This reminds me of my husband emailed me a month or two ago. Gotta love insane ladies!
You might be a nutter mugnet? Quoting from your profile:
Looking for Miss Wrong ;-)
Definitely attracted to the bad girls
Teehee! Only a tiny *twist* and you've crossed over to full-blown nutter territory! (don't ask me how I know haha). It's the risk of your tastes.
Quote by DeeDan
I want them to understand I'm experimenting and broadening my horizons, how do you say something like that?

You don't really need to explain much - a lot of people come on here to explore their desires and even more to push their boundaries and the boundaries of others. You probably think that being inexperienced or even "not knowing what you like" is a negative point but I guarantee you there are plenty of people out there that are very keen on this... innocence, for lack of a better word. First times mostly suck anyway lol - that's the beauty of meeting someone casually, whether a good or bad experience you can have it, ponder on it, learn from it and then pack it away and move on. Key is as LB said, being honest about your situation and what you hope to achieve, so those that don't fancy experiments stay out of the way :thumbup:
What's wrong with the "rabbit caught in headlights" look?! (other than that "deer" is better haha). Projecting self-confidence is great, but a touch of vulnerability can also reel victims in :P
Quote by Smooth2
Has anyone else been surprised/shocked by the difference in size of any product?

I had a really strange moment when... I took out an old packet of rolled pastry sheets out of the freezer to use with the new ones I'd bought - and not sure why/how I noticed that the product weight had changed! So you still got one sheet, of similar or same proportions... but for some time I had needed three sheets instead of two and didn't realise just why until that moment! I thought my taste had changed. Not sure how the weight change related with the price though, I don't pay enough attention dunno Which is why this makes me gawp:
Quote by Cubes
This one might be worth checking out for that sort of thing:

But please remember it's vanilla so you might not get a shag! :giggle:

Really! Are you on there Cubes? lol Always amazed at wealth of different ways people's OCD tendencies can manifest!
Quote by PinkyP3rky
Sloppy kisses are a big no no..

I like wet kisses the best! lol Frankly, when desire is there it is all good - apart from a single thing, people shoving their tongue as deep as they'll go, straight off to begin with. OK I know people are keen to demonstrate their passion, but there is no reason to be so heavy-handed about it!
For me if first kisses feel awkward it is a sign of either not enough attraction or not feeling comfortable enough with each other dunno In the latter cases I prefer to delay kissing, ie. do it as part of the main (oral? heh) sex rather than as part of foreplay.
Smooth2, I think you need to worry less about the technique and concentrate more on the sensations and projected feeling - esp. since you bothered specifying this was in a "dating" type setting :thumbup:
If I can't kiss I don't want to be in your revolution! passionkissinnocent
Quote by skinny
Ya know you could just hang out at a nice bar and let yourself get picked up....I know it's kinda old fashioned, but it still works lol

It's a lost art skinny - you should consider giving us newbies lessons :lol2:
Quote by greenbook
I did have a look at the groups on here and it does seem to be a bit of a wasteland for fetish related chat, thats what got me to ask this question.

Just to let you know, I have never known a group on here to contain any current discussion. Try the chatrooms also, I would be interested to hear how you fare there :twisted:
I will come back to reply to the rest at some other point.
Somebody I was talking to the other day said I looked like "a bath bomb type of woman" - I'm not! For me, it's a bar of soap and the scratchiest bath mitt known to mankind. I know harsh soaps are bad for the skin, but I just can't stand the sensation that most liquid soaps, shower gels and cream soaps leave - feels like it's not quite rinsed out. What do you use?
Quote by greenbook
One of the things that I have observed is that whilst swingers often highly associate BDSM with sex, someone in the BDSM scene doesn't necessarily hold that view but that doesn't mean that both cannot share areas of commonality.

Hi I_am_joy, you are quite right, people in the fetish scene can 'play' (As they call it) without it being sexual, sex can be part of the mix but doesn't have to be included. I suppose that is one difference between the two, you couldn't have swinging without sex lol
To say that both scenes are widely misunderstood and misinterpreted by those outside it would be an understatement! The fact that people from one camp will misunderstand and query the other... is just a little sad and unfortunate. I guess all is not right in the world!
I will have to disagree with the bit I put in bold. An equivalent statement would be "you couldn't have BDSM without pain" - just because something features so widely that it becomes a defining element doesn't mean that it is a prerequisite. Curiously, those that are into the social side of swinging (and there are lots of them here in the forums!) can and do spend relatively vast amounts of time socialising rather than playing - so no, "naughty fun" need not be a priority here either! (a phrase whose vacuity still makes my stomach churn, by the way).
Of course everybody approaches swinging for different purposes, and sure there are a lot of people drawn in because they want to get their rocks off in the least complicated way. But from what I have seen, for the more dedicated, "lifestyle" swingers, this is about enjoying the company of others - in a multitude of ways including sexually. At its best it can be a very positive, liberating and life-affirming experience - it's not all mindless rutting you know. hump:lol2:
Quote by greenbook
What I am seeking here has yet to be answered

lol :welcome:
I think any overlap you find will depend on how you define "the scene". I can only speak from the vantage point of... a relative newbie that hardly belongs to either. I think, if anything, the BDSM crowd are more sincere about/committed to sexual deviance, and the swinging crowd are more focused on hedonism.
There is a small amount of people on here that are truly devoted to D/s, quite a few that will play that way but would not quite identify with it, and a lot that even though they play that way, they either put it down to sheer experimentation or else totally fail to recognise/downright deny that their practices fall in the BDSM spectrum. Then there's the really straight ones smile (if only I had a pound for every profile that said "no pain, WS or weird stuff"!).
Overall I'd dare say that swinging communities as a whole hold on to a little of the old-school modus operandi, but on an individual level there is plenty of variation (and thank fuck for that :lol: ). So just pick them out! At the end of the day, there are enlightened people (sexually and otherwise) to be found in either set (just as there are plenty of narrow-minded bigots about, again in either set).
Quote by M1ssVery

Profile 1: Hi im Cindy I only meet with my partner
Back button
Profile 2: Hi Im Jane I only meet with my fuck buddy
Back button
Profile 3: Hi Im Bobbetta not meeting alone anymore

Prfile : Hi I'm m1ssvery. wave
keep the faith
You're obviously not real. You can capitalise and correctly use apostrophes.
Quote by Throbber
I too was zapped by

...your avatar! Wooo! :crazy: love it biggrin
Quote by MidsCouple24
Nope having friends is not a string because a real friend does not impose on you, a real friend does not expect anything from the friendship, a real friend is just a friend - no strings

:thumbup: and that's the truth!
I have read everybody's replies and pondered some more, and now think NSA has not to do with lack of emotion so much but with accepting the other person(s) exactly as they are, and the situation as it is - not as we'd like them to be.
To follow on from where skinny left, perhaps neither of you has a particular need or desire to fuck that way. My husband also has no interest in D/s, but I do so he will occasionally top me, just to satisfy my need. It can only go so far: after 13 years he still finds it amusing that I'd get off like this, and though I think these days he enjoys it, for the most part he is merely going through the motions rather than really getting into it. Also, he refuses to abuse me verbally, spit on me or slap me on the face - this is through conscious decision rather than inability to carry out these specific tasks. He enjoys these things only collaterally, so if I were the same there would be hardly any reason to do them ;)
Quote by tweeky
Ive always known who I was and what I am capable of. Have never had to go on a massive journey of self exploration.

I'd like to know the secret of your simplicity smile
Quote by DM_Couple
we NEVER hear from them again. NOTHING, not a word

DM you sound like you are attracting a lot of picture collectors (I don't blame them *drool*). Maybe consider limiting your public pictures to a couple/very few, just as a tease/preview, and be stingy with your private photo invites (or indeed put face pics in different folder so there is yet another tier of privacy). Another done thing when actively looking to meet couples is to arrange a phonecall between the women - this requires more commitment than writing a few online messages and often clears out true intentions.
Quote by DM_Couple
Unless we missed something?

The unbeatable gossip value? lol I am also an on-off SHrep user, the jury's still out. But I do like reading comments others have left, esp. the juicy ones (don't necessarily mean sexual content, sometimes a comment is very inspired and says more about the person than what the person has to say about themselves).
The more time I spend talking to and meeting people who are into/after recreational sex, the more this paradox is starting to hit me. Many people say no-strings but actually mean "all on my terms".
I have come across a lot that seem unfit to even attempt to implement the NSA principle, usually because their own desires/goals are too strong and they are too eager to fulfill them - at the cost of stepping all over others' desires/goals. On my single fem account, the vast majority of people speaking to me are looking for NSA sex but can't even manage an NSA chat, to begin with. Feom those that do one better, I have a few online friends, playmates etc. who, possibly despite their best intentions, become overbearing or too demanding of my time&attention or have a strong idea of how I should be distributing them. I have also heard many many stories from single guys who had met with women (some with boyfriends/husbands) on a casual basis but later had them getting more and more emotionally attached.
NSA sex means having casual sex without getting involved in a full-blown relationship or being subjected to any sort of expectations, social or otherwise... so IMO it should also mean that everybody is allowed to do what the want, with whom they want, when they want it. Can there be NSA when expectations are riding high?