go on then suppose i can make it for a change lol
i dont even feel like it is christmas this year, even the kids have said it dont feel like xmas, i'll just be glad when its over and the new year piss ups begin lol
ihave a bix of mixed feelings about this story, to be theres nothing wrong with a naked body but i have to admit i have 3 daughters and i wouldnt like them to be walking down the street to have a naked man walking towards them, i think you have to think about children in these kind of thing, how many of you honestly would be ok with a naked man talking to your child on the streets?
yes i think respact is earned, anyone can be in a possition of respect, a mother, a teacher etc but that don't mean you have to respect them just because of their possition, they have to earn that off you
like anything its what you make it, i've never had a bad night there ;)
I agree i get fed up with my kids coming home with trip latter for verious places all costing hundreds each and of course the kids wanting to go to all of them, i very much doubt many of us can afford it even more so if you have more than one kid at the school, what really annoys me is if i wanted to take my kids on holiday in school time we get made to feel like the worlds worse parents for interfearing with their education, but if the school making money out of it its ok for them to do it!!
To me all christmas is is a way of shops making more money out of us, the time of year more people get into debt, a reason for kids to get stuff they dont really need only to be broken in the bin weeks later, most kids now days dont even know what xmas is really about, to kids its just the time of year they get toys, dont get me wrong i love the look on my nippers face when she opens her toys as much as the next person but xmas has no religeous values which is what its supposed to be about so personally cant see the point is it, you may as well spread the cost over the year and just get kids stuff as they need it.
my fave chocolate its Milka Lila Pause :P :P
i would rip the bollox of any 22 year old that came anywhere near my 14 year old daughter in a sexual way, not sure why you would even suggest being swingers we may be more open minded to this, at 14 year old the law says a girl is not old enough to be allowed to give consent to having sex there for what he did was and her mother allowed it!!! not in my house mrs lol
to me a vicar that swings is not different to a doctor that smokes! but do they name and shame smoking doctors? not that ive ever heard of ;)
if i liked the undies i wouldnt care where they came from, hell i have undies from primark and asda ffs lol obviously not my fave underwear but every now and again they have stuff in that takes my fancy
its taken that long to come out i think most people have got bored waiting and forgotten who they are lol its about time they got some new material they sure as hell need some for when they tour lol
i love xmas pud :smitten:
i just have a question, you know these quick messages people leave on your profile that everyone who looks at your profile can read? can you delete them?, because i have looked and i cant find anyway of taking them off and someone may leave something you don't want everyone reading lol