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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 50


Quote by Dirtygirly
Swear by Sony Ericsson here , Nokias are for people more concerned with ringtones than reception

Me too i would'nt have any other phone now days, i have a W910i at the moment, tried the iphone when they first came out, personally i did'nt rate it that much and it lasted less than a week before i changed it, the N range in the nokias to me are just rubbish, i've had two different ones and both battery lifes did'nt last the day out, which is no good at all really lol
i think this is a 'how longs a bit of string' question
We have met some really nice and caring people thro swinging that we are proud to call friends, not just people after sex but real friends and we have also met some real arse holes that just want to turn up, shag and leave and only care about what they are getting out of it, theres good and bad in all walks of life...... im now off to the loo to have a think lol
Quote by benrums0n
Do you not think we should have this kind of media coverage of folk dying from malnutrition instead.
Perhaps we could have an OK /Living TV feeding station or a well built somewhere needed with the cash thats going to ensure poor old Jades kids get to go to school with rich kids who will probably despise them.
Of course I care that she's dying a horrible death just as I care about the other 55 million.
I simply dont understand why this persons death brings everybody out in waves of sympathy. For the record I didnt understand the Diana/ Mother Theresa/ nonsense either.
Real tragedy in my view involves suffering and death that is preventable.

a lot of the coverage she had agreed to, shes getting paid a lot of money for her story by different papers and mags, and im not calling her for that if i knew i was going to die i'd want to provid for my children after i had gone as well, which i guess is whats shes doing, i don't agree with them taking pics with her or anyone eles without their agrement tho, thats just a invasion of your human rights i think, but thats something that will sadly never change
Quote by bouncy332
rather random but :thumbup: i like to think i'm still young but deffo got more than my fair share of a fuller figure :bounce:

bouncy xx gggggggggrrrrrrrr you look gr8 on ya profile ggggrrrrrrrrr
steve x
never said i didn't hun anyone who knows me will tell ya i love my figure love every inch of my wobblyness :thumbup:
yep i will vouch for that, i've know this woman a longggggggggg time and she has always come over to me as being a happy confidant woman, you can just tell by watching her she has no hang up at all, anyone who says you can't be a bbw and happy should meet this lady ;) not sure about the still being young bit tho bolt
Quote by kentswingers777
Bottom line and cutting out all the crap, she is only 27 with two young kids.
She must be going through a nightmare situation, where the end result will be an untimely death. Leaving behind the two kids she obviously adores.
If anyone cannot show a bit of compassion for that awful situation, whether you know that person or not, is quite frankly, a very poor show.
I have come across all kinds of attitudes and opinions on this forum, but none have made me feel more angry and saddened, by the fact that seeing a person going through this, cannot show an ounce of compassion or sympathy.
I am amazed at that to be honest.

yep and i totally agree with that but even below that bottom line is that fact she was told to go back for re testing over 3 years ago after a smear because they found abnormal cells, had she gone back straight away the chances they would have sorted the cells before they got to the cancer stage and she wouldnt be a 27 year old woman leaving two kids behind you, knowing that fact i can not feel sorry for her, im sorry but i can't, how can a mother ignor such a thing? why bother going for the smear in the first place if your just going to ignor the results? sorry if this offens everyone but don't sit there crying cause you don't want to leave your kids when the fact your in this situtation in the first place is because you put yourself there, of course noone can help getting cancer but if you get a letter saying theres a chance you have, you don't ignor it ffs other wise you have noone to blame but yourself
Quote by splendid_
if he had her they will know from a examination, you can't someone without living signes, we have played in different rooms on many occasions and this has never entered into my head, and its never happened to us or by us either, the truth usually comes out in the end smile

Ummm and what signs would those be ? I believe you think that and violence are the same thing. A threat of violence is as likely to cow someone and is as much as is a physical strike or actual violence. I maybe wrong and you may be implying something else entirely.
yep i fully agree with that but im guessing, and obviously i could be wring, that if they swingers and doing sep room her husbands going to be in the next room in which case i, like most women i would have thought, would fight tooth and nail if they knew their hubby was in the next room to help them, in which case there will be signs, just my opinion tho ;)
Quote by Peakcouple
We have often done separate room swinging in homes and in clubs, and sometimes separate room sleepovers in the same house. We just wouldn't do this with anyone we didn't trust - we have a very strict rule that no means no at any time during swinging. If anyone did try then the other one of us would be close enough to call out.
We were talking to a couple of friends in a club last week, and were told by the woman that she'd once been approached in the orgy room by someone she didn't fancy, and had said no. The man had replied that if she was in that room he was entitled to have sex with her, and she couldn't say no. She walked out. Sadly there are some evil men out there!

i have experienced such things myself, i had a man say to me once after i said no to him "i've paid my money i have the rights" :shock: sadly some guys do think when goiong into clubs they paying for sex rather than the accomodation, as i always say to them, i may not pay as much as you but i still pay to come in too in not a hooker!!
if he had her they will know from a examination, you can't someone without living signes, we have played in different rooms on many occasions and this has never entered into my head, and its never happened to us or by us either, the truth usually comes out in the end smile
What makes me laugh is how a year ago no a single person had a good word to say about her, the papers hated her and took every chance they could get to pull her down pysically and mentally, the public didnt like her, noone i knew ever said oh i saw that jade in the papers today nice woman lol.....she was loud mouthed, arrogant and self opinionated to the point of being offensive, now all of a sudden its poor jade, brave jade.....and this is from the people who only months ago wouldnt have stamped on her if she was on fire, she still the same person why does having cancer all of a sudden make you likable? if i had to be dying before anyone had a good word to say about me i'd sooner them keep their pity thanx smile
depends on what they have done, some people don't deserve a secnd chance or to be forgiven, if they have done something that bad you simply can not find it in you to forgiven them chances are they are not worth your forgivness anyway
ive played with a few men that ive had to ask to stop cause its just been to painful due to their size
Quote by LegsandDinky
God just you just hate these women who put BI female on the profile but you try talking to one in the chatrooms, haha lol its like pulling hens teeth.
Haha just had one again this morning on server 4 beach room hahaha.
Oh this is Eve btw and yes I am a very Bi fem who will chat to girls lol.
have fun xxxx

so let me get this right, if a woman says shes bi she has to talk to every other woman who trys chatting to her or shes fake? :shock:
yep can see where your coming from lol ;?
maybe your just not what shes after ;)
Quote by Johnndebs1
only joined 2day and went on chat room beachbar and my partner was insulted more than once thought this would be a good site but now im having second thoughts . mad

i actually find this really hard to believe, im female and have been using the cam rooms since they opened and i think i have only ever had 2 people in all that time insult me, and i have seen many women on cam and hard any ever get insultsed, infact the guys are usually to busy trying to get them naked to insult them, so to join the site and get more than one insult as a female on your first day your either very unlucky or just attantion seeking lol ;)
i have to admit i don't agree with hitting children, we all have our own opinions and this is just mine so i am in no way right but in return i'm not wrong either, but i have 3 children and can honestly say hand on heart i have never raised a had to any of my children, i love my children and the though of inflicting pysical pain on them is something i just can not do, now thats not me saying everyone who has hit their child does not love them as much as i love mine, im not that up my own arse lol i honestly think if i hit one of my kids it would hurt me more than it would them confused i suppose we just all feel different and thats just how i feel about the subject smile theres always alternative ways of getting thro to a child rather than smacking them, i usually take thing away from them that are important to them, like mobile phones which are every kids life line now days lol infact my middle daughter has said to me a few times when i have taken her phone off her as a punishment "can't you just hit me instead?" lol see to her one slap is better than a week without a phone so to me i'm hitting her where it hurts the most and thats the best way to get thro to them
only thing that really made a difference here was the schools, they was shut for four days last week cause of the weather and on the one day they did open decided to take them swimming confused
i do it all the time, on a daily basis after moaning to my kids about something or another i think to myself "oh god i've turned into my mum" :shock:
Quote by hell1970
im only an A cup :cry:

but your only a skinny little thing (ment in the nicest way lol) if they was any bigger you'd fall over every time you stood up lol
Quote by fabio
if one good thing does come out of this, it should be a discussion of the lowering the age of the first curvical cancer pap smears...
in england and wales it is 25....
in scotland it is 20.....
if they had done it earlier then maybe they may have caught it before it got to this stage
I don't begrudge the jade coverage in regards to this... as she has said it not for her, it the money she is earning for the children
my mum went thru cancer... was 12 years in remissionm and it came back... I couldn't imagine going thru it at all....

she was told 3 years ago she had admormal cells after a smear, she chose to ignor them, thats why its gotten to this stage, pseronally i can't see the point in going for a smear if your going to ignor the results, if your not going for any follow ups why go for the smear in the first place? dunno
You know what really makes me laugh about all this, but before i do i want to point out this is in no way my opinion of her she never really did anything that effected me so she never bothered me one way or another, but what i do know is that she was constantly in the papers and mags being run down, moaned about over and over about her over bearing personality, loud mouth and offensive attitude, noone liked her, noone had a good word to say about her yet now all of a sudden they all being sympathetic and to be honest a little two faced, shes still a offensive gobby cow shes just a offensive gobby cow with cancer now, don't be hypocrites!!
put the time, date and area your having the gang bang and post it on here......... you'll get replys lol
i hate my boobs they bloody horrible, i never take my bra off even during sex and yes i hate my stretch marks too (but find it hard to have sex fully clothed some sometimes they get out lol) i seriously wonder sometimes how i mange to get anyone to want to meet me, im afraid i'm one of the women who firmly believe men do want 21 year old size 8 blondes with big tits and a smooth firm young stretch mark free body and no matter how many times i hear people say no all men like that i still firmly believe they do, just most will settle for women like me cause the above women don't use these sites lol
Any cosmetic surgeons out there???.......i shag for boob jobs lmao
i personally would'nt meet anyone without seeing them on cam first, have met to many in the past who have sent out pics that are that old they look sod all like they do now, i don't think they should be compulsory tho, its upto the person if they want to use one, i would'nt meet someone without one tho
Quote by hell1970
:shock: then :giggle:
I'm bisexual. I like men and women. But just as I wouldn't shag a bloke purely cause he wanted to shag me, I wouldn't shag a woman for the same reasons.
Chemistry. For me it's all about chemistry. I want to fancy someone (regardless of gender). I don't want to meet a girl, just because she's bisexual. How ridiculous is that?
My mind changes quicker than the weather and is often helped to change even quicker when there's a bad attitude attached to the person in question. I like friendships. If it leads to some nookie then great. If it doesn't then that's okay too, I have a new friend.
Eve, no offense to you but just because you're bisexual it doesn't make me want to talk to you or to shag you. I want to like the people I chat to. I want a spark or to see what they have to say for themselves and whether or not they make me laugh. The same goes for blokes.
I've not looked at your profile so I really can't make any opinion but based on what you've written above but it's made me not want to look at your profile. :undecided:

that sums up jus how i feel about this too
didn't you know that if you swing your supposed to just shag anyone who asks?
do i have to teach you lot everything? lol
Quote by sara-john
best excuse ...... 'my wife found out and wont let me come' this from a 'single' guy

i've had a better one than that, i was meeting a single guy and on the day we was meeting me called me up and asked me if i'd meet him another time because he'd just had a offer off another women he really wants to meet but she could only make that night, so would i mind if he met her instead and we met the next night lol
cummon 10 out of 10 for honestly lol
Quote by desiass
I have been asked by three couples from this site for a meet during the last week? Would you beleive it, not one single couple turned out to be genuine. I certainly do feel like naming them and shaming them so that other geuine people do not have their time wasted by them.
The most unfortunte thing is that one couple promised to meet me in the gay village Manchester and told me what they will be wearing and the time they will be there. I got their at the correct time and waited for a further one hour, but no sign of them. I tried to call, but each time the phone was answered by a machine. I travelled 50 miles each way.
Another couple I had invited back to my place, also failed to turn up. They did not have the courtesy to give a quick call to say SORRY.
Last and least the 3rd couple last night invited me to their place in Staffs, As I got off M6 junction 15, i got a txt message saying..... absolutely sorry just have had some unexpected guests, I txt back, that I have almost arrived and I can wait for a couple of hours until the guests leave. I got no reply after that...fuck sake I have almost travelled 100 miles to get to you? Please be honest...

maybe they was being honest, sometimes things turn up last min so you cant always meet, me personally never class anyone as a time waster if they let you know befor hand they cant make it, even if it is last min, after all we all have family and it must come first, one day you may have let someone down last min for a genuine reason smile
No shows on the other hand are just all part of swinging, some times you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince :)