Yes I'm back... the invite to the swinging party was a paid affair!! so i thought I'd give it a miss.. being the tightwad i am.. might do it in the future though
Debz, you're so wrong saying i'm mad.. it's not fair!!! If you don't take it back, I'm going to find the worlds biggest lilypad and hide there forever!!
the bit in the last thread about me nearly losing my fingers.. is totally true!! and only a complete fuckwit such as myself could possibly do such a thing.. but out of adversity , comes , well most of the time more adversity.. but at least i've learnt how to wank with my left hand!!
hours of fun
Good to be back, and I'm going to ask for invites for nights out and stuff.. and yes I'm still a swinging virgin!! poor me
lots more emoticons in future threads!!
Hey all,
It's been a long time,
I shouldn't have left you
without a strong beat to step to
think of how many weak shows you slept though
times up
I sorry i kept you....
Oh my god , It's that halfwit nut ohfk again... nearly lost my fingers ,giving a health and safety demo..on yes you guessed it.. how not to lose your fingers!!!
How are you all???
I'm back and this time , there's gonna be fireworks!!!! no really there is! really
Was very touching wasn't it sarge!! I'll climb back under my lilypad now!! bad toad!
I'd love to come , I'm a bit of a newbie and slowly showing my face around..
could give a lift to 3 people anywhere between manchester and stoke..
I was chatting to the friend that happened to, the other night, purely by chance , and she definitly did all the right things before meeting him..
I reckon wsihmaster got it , wedding ring etc.. or maybe he was just a complete shit..
A lot of men will lie through the back teeth, to get what they want,(not neccessarily sex, just anything) and then pretend like it never happened , I know , I have a few ex friends , who broke my trust.. and i could never forgive them for it..but the penis rules brain is a common trait in most men too..
Hopefully she'll put it down to experience.. and not let it put her off.. We are not all like that, and i guess some women have similar triats too.. I don't know her well at all, but my advice to her , as she seems a smart cookie, was If the alarm bells ring in your head for any reason , then there is probably a good reason for them going off..
Be aware and listen to your head , as most men can be easily found out!! we're none of us that bright , when it comes to carnal pleasures!!
You are all so nice .I've decided to add 3 to sexystephs hug count!!
Strange world we live in, a little knowledge goes such a long way, like back to the top of the thread!! oops
But thanks, I'll remember that.... bad bad toad!!
Aren't you all supposed to be taking the piss..go on .. I'm a big boy now .. I can handle it
Leaves the door open for rampant mockery.. I did say i wasn't very bright!
Ok, Firstly thanks .. thanks sgt bilko for unlocking post and yes I'm a little nuts, but hey it's a pretty mad world and only the strange survive..
I do feel a bit silly as 1. the blatant moving up of my post should have read something like
"blatant moving up of post in operation" aren't i a bad toad! then at least those who used to watch dangermouse would have at least the slightest inclination as to what the f***
i was prattling on about
2. the original post was titled WTFLBMW hence the quote from eager slut.. which was an acronym i was going to keep running but thought it was(a) not very funny and( b)not very funny so that was scrapped
postscript about the poll was in my defence the only thing i probably got right.I put a poll in the box marked poll and when i sent it, it wasn't there , so technology is to blame!!
However in conclusion these inane ramblings have served 2 worthwhile purposes
1. my chances of finding a swinging partner(the whole point of the post in the first place) have just greatly plummeted to somewhere very very low, below the earths crust
2 I'm so bloody embarrassed at making a complete gobshite of myself.. theres a fair chance i won't make another post for a very long time indeed!!
Thanks for listening , you are truly wonderful people, where as i have to take solace in the fact i'm just a handsome stud , with the brain capacity of an eight year old.. let the pisstaking begin :idea:
How quickly my ex girlfriend dumped me, when i texted her saying how much i would love to taste her sweet sweet "AUNT"
Well it was obviously littly tongue in cheek moi!! but, I actually did put a poll , only a silly little one on a post on let's meet up , but I'm not sure where it went, Help , little ol' not to bright moi!! por favor
Get back up! Bad toad.....
Even by nicely rearranging my pubic hairs to spell the the word boo! you still caught me out !! I'm keeping an on you Kelly milf!! :shock:
I'm working on a signature!!