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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 44


Everyone has said all I want to say. Neil was just such an amazing person. I'm still sad after hearing the news so I have no idea how his close friends and family are feeling.
I'm now actually stuck for words. The world has lost a truly great person.
I've said it before and I'll say it again (not that anyone listens lol) but sometimes we all need to remember there are actual people behind the username/avatar.
I've said things in the past that have upset people (not on purpose) and vice versa because you kinda forget that people have feelings and emotions and they're real....not just some opinion, view or computer.
Sounds a bit stupid but if everyone remembered that people have feelings and everyone's views are valid (even if you don't hold that particular viewpoint) then the whole world would be a better place IMO!
...../me slinks off under her rock :lol:
I never did this....up until a few months ago when a rather large package caught my eye redface
Now, I'm drawn to them....especially men in crotch-hugging jeans surprisedops:
Quote by markz

We hardly ever get it down here....I'm moving north,lol

I haven't seen that for a long old time!
One guaranteed way to stop me posting is to "persuade" me to post! lol
I hate feeling like I have to post, like I'm not a valid member if I don't post. That, to me, is utter rubbish. There are many many people, on all different sites, who don't post regularly...or post a lot then have a break...or whatever. I don't justify why I don't post, 'cos there's nothing really to justify. It's my choice.
I lurk quite often now, on all the forums I'm a member of. If I have something to say, I'll say it.:lol: Quite often I don't have anything to say. I just read the forums most of the time.
In my opinion, you can't force the site to be busier or cater for everyone. Some people may like how it is now, some don't.
All forums/sites have a natural cycle. Things usually pick up and then in 6 months or so, someone else will do a thread similar smile
No snow here....There was "Big" rain earlier today and then it went freezing but no snow sad
We hardly ever get it down here....I'm moving north, just for the snow lol
I found the ads on google as I wanted some no strings fun.
I then found the forum and everything spiralled from there!
Have learnt a lot, have made some truly fantastic friends, have had a few bad experiences but learnt from them, had some amazing sex with amazing people and generally its mostly been good smile
Quote by __random_orbit__
I haven't been on the ads here for quite some time but in the early days I used to respond to some....the ones that just caught my eye. They were well written and told me something about the person....bulked up, sort of thing. Not just "I want a shag, my cock is 10" blah blah.
I actually think ads, in general, have got better. People seem to take notice and know how to word things better nowadays.
It is frustrating waiting for a response I know how the single guys feel lol

My goodness... I didnt know you were on here...
:hijack:Hello, How are you?:hijack:
Is it bad that makes me laugh everytime? :lol: redface
I'm a lurker...mostly ;)
I haven't been on the ads here for quite some time but in the early days I used to respond to some....the ones that just caught my eye. They were well written and told me something about the person....bulked up, sort of thing. Not just "I want a shag, my cock is 10" blah blah.
I actually think ads, in general, have got better. People seem to take notice and know how to word things better nowadays.
It is frustrating waiting for a response I know how the single guys feel lol
Water, rain, the sea, the sun....actually, lots of things, too tiresome to list lol
This is going to sound incredibly stupid redface
I've pondered on this one for years lol
Spiders (not that I like talking about them or even thinking about them!) - How do they get from one place to another with their webs?
I mean: I've seen loads of spider threads/webs horizontal (for instance, across a get a face full of web) do they do it?
Do they leap from one bit to another, trailing their horrible webby stuff?
I know they can get to other places once that first "bit" is spun. I know they can kinda jump downwards and then travel upwards via the web but it's the horizontal thing that gets me.
Gone shivery now, talking about the little sods!
surprisedops: :oops:
I haven't posted for er years? lol But I've popped in and read stuff occasionally.
Good thread Tune kiss
I have seen similar threads in my time, on this and other swinging and non swinging sites. IMO it's good to air things a bit, reflect and respond.
Things are never what they used to be. Sometimes that's sad but other times it's for the good. I guess the only way to get the same "feel" for how things used to be is to try to inject a bit more of the "old feeling". No idea how that could be done but I remember "the good old days" and look at them mostly with fondness but things do change and I guess it needs to be embraced but also if it's not to your (as in general) liking then maybe try to change it?
I don't know, maybe I'm talking crap and maybe I have no right to be posting about this, seeing as though I haven't been active in er...ages :lol:
I live near Southampton!
To be quite honest, it isn't the most "swinging" city!
Hence why I travel miles and miles to see people! lol
But there is a small Southampton contingent, I'm sure they'll seek you out at some point!
I was nervous to begin I've seen the list I'm scared!
I went to a piercing place the other day, on impulse I decided to get my nose pierced again. (All above board and council verified etc)
The pain from that was bad! Made my eyes leak and my nose sore for hours afterwards.
Beforehand I was contemplating my nipples being done.
No way now! Not if it hurts anywhere near as much as my nose!
To be fair, and make me seem like a bit less of a wuss, the woman pierced it a little too high up so the needle couldn't go through properly, therefore the stud being a bit too long and jabbing into the other side of my nose!
I'm shocked and saddened, I really don't know how you must be feeling.
I met Newt last year, she was such a lovely woman, and you Mids, a lovely man.
My thoughts are with you.
Take care
Happy (belated) Birthday, Missy.
I'm sure you'll look beautiful in your new corset!
Is the party still going on somewhere? lol
Has all the booze run out now?
Why are all the lights off?
Thank you for your best wishes.
I'm doing ok...much better than I was!
Thanks again kiss
Quote by PoloLady
Even though it is pretty much off topic.......
In what way do you think some swingers think they are better than vanillas?
(edit) also what shock do you think they will have?
I don't think I am 'better' than a vanilla person - but I do think I am a more open minded person than some guy who thinks women who shag are slags. In fact I don't think I could associate with someone who openly expressed an opinion like that with such derogatory terms.

Ok, well know for a fact that some, in this scene, think that because they've shagged loads of people it makes them a stud for the male and something else for a female version. Yet these same people are derogatory towards vanilla folk who go around shagging, calling them slappers, slags etc etc.
This is just what I've seen. I'm not tarring everyone with the same brush here!
I think most people here, in this scene, are more open-minded about sex and all of its forms. Some people see that as being "better" than a vanilla, I disagree, just because you (not you personally, Polo) know more and understand what goes on, you have the attitude for the scene etc it doesn't make you better, you're just not vanilla! biggrin
The shock I was referring to was the fact that a lot of people here have stated that they find people who are derogatory towards vanilla's a bit of a turn off. Can't remember why I said it now, I did have a valid point but its gone! lol
I don't know if I'm a swinger or not. I know I enjoy different things at different times and have been able to fulfill some fantasies and hope for many more to be enacted! Maybe I'm "using" the scene, then again others in the scene are using me too. If you want to look at it like that. I prefer to think of it as having adult fun with likeminded people.
I go to great lengths to keep my "swinging" lifestyle away from my vanilla world. Partly because of the attitude some people have towards "swinging" and partly because I don't want to have to explain the past 2 years of my life to my family! lol
I have told one vanilla friend. He didn't take it very well at all. He said he was disappointed in me and thought I was being stupid and messing up my life. He asked what was so special about swinging and came to the conclusion that it's just shagging loads of people and being a slag. Fair enough, that's his opinion. My point is that the snobbery works both ways.
You get some single males/females thinking they're better than vanilla's just cos they have this "swinger" label. That's their look-out. If they're so caught up in labels and thinking they're better than vanilla's, they'll get a shock one day.
I'm not bothered if I'm viewed as a swinger or not. I don't "choose" people based on what label they have. But I am in this scene, I am open minded and I do enjoy recreational sex, doesn't make me a swinger but it does make me part of this community.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Missy - BBD didn't sit, he hoovered!

next time you see him send him round mine, i've got grass all over the carpet atm :giggle:
Grass? Weirdo! loon
Quote by naughtynymphos1
If i decide to shag some guy without a condom what harm is it doing you?

If that person has an infection of some sort, they are passing it to you. If you then go and have unprotected sex with someone else, you could be passing it to them. The circle of people affected could be huge! I know this from experience!
Quote by naughtynymphos1
as adults we know the risks we are taking and if some of us decide we want to take that risk then thats their choice surely?

Slightly off topic but....
What if your choice is taken away?
In the past I've been cheated on and there was never any condom used when the ex was out shagging his bit of stuff.
In the past, in this scene, I've had my choice taken away based on lies. We had an agreement that we wouldn't use protection with each other but we would with everyone else. Maybe I was stupid to trust someone but I did trust and I had faith that this agreement was in place. I often asked the person, "Did you use protection?" whenever the occasion arose. I was always, always told "yes".
It then transpired that actually, this person had been lying to me constantly for over 6 months.
My choice was taken away.
Some people say I was stupid to trust him. But if you don't trust your friends and swinging partners, who can you trust?
Quote by naughtynymphos1
so long as you protect yourself the best you can what others do is upto them, condoms can split or come off at any given time so noone who swings are really safe we all take the gamble really wink

Fair enough, we're all at risk. Whoever has sex is potentially at risk but there is risk and there is also people increasing that risk.
I have no problem with other peoples' choices, it's up to them what they do with their lives. When it affects others, it bothers me.
I do however have a problem with people who take the choices away, who play "god" with people's lives.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Spose i should be on the list, just so Onlyme don't lose her fekin zippo lighter again rolleyes

Like you're any help! I still lost it! :lol: