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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 109
Straight Female, 66
0 miles · West Midlands


Missy Elliott .................Work it,

Thought it said  "are your frilly knickers wet yet"             Still to this day sing it when i hear the song smile

:high-smile::high-smile: Happy 40th spanner, hope it's a gud un :high-smile::high-smile: drinkieshump
F Rom faire?t creatures we de?ire increa?e,
That thereby beauties Ro?e might neuer die,
But as the riper ?hould by time decea?e,
His tender heire might beare his memory:
But thou contracted to thine owne bright eyes,
Feed'?t thy lights flame with ?elfe ?ub?tantiall fewell,
Making a famine where aboundance lies,
Thy ?elfe thy foe,to thy ?weet ?elfe too cruell:
Thou that art now the worlds fre?h ornament,
And only herauld to the gaudy ?pring,
Within thine owne bud burie?t thy content,
And tender chorle mak?t wa?t in niggarding:
Pitty the world,or el?e this glutton be,
To eate the worlds due,by the graue and thee.
have a great day xxxxx love ya always
well thanks for that,im a little wiser now.
o and cubes ......i have a dongle. wink
any computer geeks out their can tell me the difference between the old quad core(Q9550) and the new (core i7 920)?
Quote by brucie
you have all confirmed what i already knew. thanks.
i managed to get over my disappointment with a tit wank yesterday evening.

keep your chin up and remember......a wank is a wank....even if you do it yourself. wink
Quote by Mr-Powers
We use to reply back to people,then we found that most took offence,that they weren't our type,so we thought fuck shouldn't go above your station in the first place!

you get mail? lol :lol:
Quote by woohoo
Updated my twat nav Tamtam to the latest maps and software very easily.
In fact if ah kin dae it anyone kin lol
It even shouts at me to "slow doon ya wank cos its a 30" :lol:
All I will say is, Goggle is your buddie rolleyes

whats he say ?????? :shock: :shock:
Quote by meat2pleaseu

The best way is to look for a satnav forum and post on there.

Quote by meat2pleaseu
not done it on a binatone but have a , it has lots of useful info and resources

you'd quite like some of the geekery on there, including windows mobile hacks and satnav on your 3g/gps phone hacks :mrgreen:
i gave it a look ,its a grate site :thumbup:
i have recently got a sat a binatone and the software is a bit crap.i read somwhere that you can install tomtom software on it ?has any one done this or know of anyone who has?
:high-smile: HAVE A BRILLIANT 30TH BIRTHDAY :high-smile:
Found this interesting pic on the web....
Anything u wana tell us confused: :?: :?:

Luvs ya loads bolt
Quote by meat2pleaseu
No idea about webcams really (although you'd think being a camera geek i would, but i'm rambling now) but it looks a bit expensive at £30+.
Try this one, similar spec and it also does night vision, all for £12. Ebuyer are pretty good to deal with too, i've spent about £1k with them this week alone (although it's not my money)

its frame rate that do it for me,and like cameras good quility glass lenses. but thanks for your reply.
im thinking of buying a new webcam im looking at the philips spc1030nc, has anyone got this type?and can anyone tell me where i can buy one local ? we live in westbrom,iv seen then online but would prefer an over the counter purchase.
"gossip"is just the way information is passed,We all do it but only consider it "gossip" when its about ourselves. TBH its not somthing i worry about,i always hope sufficient people know me well enough,to judge the facts fairly and if they need to,come ask me if its true or not.
if one person thinks somone is bad,its just their opinion,if a lot of people think the same,then their may be some truth in it.
We take what we know and listen to people we trust.
Then form our opinions.
in our life time we meet some great people,
but sadly not many turn out to be true friends.
we where blessed when we met you pete.
happy a true friend
xxxxxxxxxxxxx loves ya loads
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st,
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee
have a great buff day and keep up the yam yam lesons rolleyes
Quote by fabio
Tell you what now, this is becomin a absolute joke, yes it was my party every one on about, and its left a bad taste in the mids room, me personally i don't give a shit what other peeps think, u weren't invited so what it's gone, move on, get a feckin life.
What i don't like is people talking behind my back, like i said before, you got a problem say it my face.
Now the cam issue, ffs, when it is on every one is looking at it, but blow me down, they all complain there after, wtf.
Turn yours off then don't look, lift that finger press that button, it's that easy,
mine was on yes, but i left other peeps to go on sh that nite, i was too pissed ffs, so if cam was on they put it on, who signed on in there diff names.
Now i aint gonna ad to this any more, sick of it all, all this for peeps throwin there toys out there prams, grow up, ffs. A PISSED OFF VODDIE !!!!!!!

and again with the greatest of respect, if this was a mids room issue... should it have not remained a mids room issue and it been sorted out there in house.... rather than bringing it somewhere where 99.9% of the people would not have known what the bejesus happened and now made it seem a lot bigger than it is?
people in the forum may feel a lot different to those in the mids chatroom.......
its an issue a lot of people have had to deal with, not just in the mids. how do we get an opinion if we dont post ??? whats the forum for ???
Quote by Mr-Powers
As a single male I don’t expect to get party invites. What I find strange is the party host's need to broadcast their party on cam to everyone else. If you as the host have all your so called ‘real close friends’ at your home then why not enjoy their company and turn off the cams, why the need to broadcasting to people who are not your friends and have no interest in who is at your party. All you get is perves who sit in anticipation of some action watching a bunch of strangers in a room
Or is the cam on to show all others how popular you are and how many mates you have. Having a party is one thing. Having a party and rubbing it in others faces on cam is another and its that that makes those who didn't get the invite question your so called friendship.
Keep the private party private and no one gets upset

we have parties and we somtimes have the cam on,why should we hide in a corner ??? this site is for peeps who enjoy all sorts of diferent things, it strikes me to many people would censor the site rather than just switch of their cams,its funny though how some people that have posted have done exactly what this post is trying to stop.
if we went to a party and found out the cam was on...we would probably leave...having a cam on might rock some poeples boat...but we are looking for discretion.
we always ask first before the cam goes on
so what if someone says no?
do you ask them to leave?
they would be aware of wher the cam was picking up, but no one has said no yet.
Quote by londoncouple69
As a single male I don’t expect to get party invites. What I find strange is the party host's need to broadcast their party on cam to everyone else. If you as the host have all your so called ‘real close friends’ at your home then why not enjoy their company and turn off the cams, why the need to broadcasting to people who are not your friends and have no interest in who is at your party. All you get is perves who sit in anticipation of some action watching a bunch of strangers in a room
Or is the cam on to show all others how popular you are and how many mates you have. Having a party is one thing. Having a party and rubbing it in others faces on cam is another and its that that makes those who didn't get the invite question your so called friendship.
Keep the private party private and no one gets upset

we have parties and we somtimes have the cam on,why should we hide in a corner ??? this site is for peeps who enjoy all sorts of diferent things, it strikes me to many people would censor the site rather than just switch of their cams,its funny though how some people that have posted have done exactly what this post is trying to stop.
if we went to a party and found out the cam was on...we would probably leave...having a cam on might rock some poeples boat...but we are looking for discretion.
we always ask first before the cam goes on