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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64


Well I like being outdoors and I have naturist tendencies so although I do tan I tend to wear a hat as my face gets too much sun. When I have nothing on I do not mind being hot but wearing clothes and getting hot is not good so the shorts get worn whenever possible. If I am about town then I tend to walk on the shady side until I can get loose.

call me a cynic but i dont believe that any man can totally desexualise nudity. im not sure about women. infact im pretty sure most men who go to naturist beaches /clubs etc do so with sexual intent.
so i find the fact that parents are willing to put their children on display like this pretty disturbing.
Firstly people misuse the word naturist (which is a back to roots lifestyle thing) and nudism (which is a liking for not wearing clothes). People use the words wrongly and sometimes for the kudos that they have chosen a naturist lifestyle when they haven't.
Sorry, but it is possible to desexulise nudity - there are many examples of art that show naked bodies and yet are not sexual. I know several people personally who are able to distinguish the two. The problem is that we generally only see anyone naked, other than ourselves, when we are having sex and not at other times. The association of nakedness with sex becomes the norm. Having seen my children and others naked didn't make me want to get off with them so why should it with other people?
As for sex on the beach, I have no problem with that but I do have a problem with people doing it on designated naturist beaches as naturists do not have other places to go. People seem to think that sex on a naturist beach is ok but it is just as illegal there as it is anywhere else. This is resulting in naturist beaches being shut down and soon we will have none. We only have a few miles out of the 3000+ miles of our coastline for genuine naturism why does it have to be a sex playground too?
As for putting children "on display" that is not the point. Naturist children grow up to be the better adjusted about their bodies and body issues because they grow up with bodies of all types and I mean all types. When you consider issues such as the highest european teenage pregnancy rates are found in the UK you can see we still have a lot to learn from the continentals as a previous correspondent wrote. Having just read a book concerning our modern and worsening approach to body image I am not surprised at the original comments but I would ask you to consider this. We are not as culturally developed as we might be if we consider the body as only a machine for sex and not a mechanism for carrying your brain in which we appreciate sex and other things in life such as loving our children?
Sorry, but I found it funny. It might be funnier if you knew the people involved and if you see it through to the end?
Shay (broad sense of humour)
Sorry I missed you. Also sorry you didn't seem to get any replies.
Perhaps we will get lucky next time?
best wishes,
Surely the Mods could give a stats analysis if they wanted?
What would it really tell us? Old people have sex. The oldest person I know to have had sex was 78 and had a big smile on her face to prove it. Her husband looked a bit sheepish - aaahhh!
So do not give up on it yet?
I think it is a question of knowing who you are and what you want. To do that you have to experiment and sometimes go with the mood.
I treat everyone with respect and am prepared to go 50-50 at the start but if you are receding I will be growing to fill the space. If you are pushing I am happy for you to do what you want to do as long as I aprove of it. I think it is important to be clear, especially if you do not know each other very well and send good messages.
I don't think there is any need for anyone to be totally dom or sub, although some people seem to be made that way. (and some of us are badly conditioned to think that way). I like the idea of expressing when you feel like it and accommodating when you want to accept someone elses lead. That way you get the best of both worlds and if you are lucky a nice balance between you and your partner(s)?
Be what you want to be Venus (or Mars biggrin !)
(sorry I am replying to your posts again - they just seem more interesting than the others at the moment!)
For guys I think it is the question of odds. We outnumber everyone else and so few are looking for single males in return. You can put your best effort and lots of time in to make contact, describe yourself etc and it comes to nothing so many times that it becomes tempting to find short cuts and also to spread your net a little wider.
Once you make contact of any sort there is a thread of conversation and it is easier to focus on the thread and communicate. I hate one line chat ups but the point is they get the ball rolling or not without putting hours into a gamble?
I think it is also a way of making friends if not lovers
Venus 68 avatar -sometimes avatars are perfect - just art.
Well if you are interested in my profile I am coming over to Swindon area next weds and could visit the Gowers naturist areas before or after next weds. That would put me in teh right zone for a drink to see if we get on? See what you think?
best wishes,
Citroen Berlingo large load area - my old one had a full length sunroof but I couldn't persuade anyone to stand up in it with our heads out the top. biggrin
Tailgate was useful when it is likely to rain. Can't have rain stopping play?
It is an official naturist and nudist beach see the BN website!
That doesn't mean it is for sex though it seems to be the norm with most. When are we going to realise that using these places for sex means that they get closed down and attract a lot of police and local authority attention. Then we have less places to go as naturists.
If we are to get to a stage where all beaches are clothing optional we need to find venues - like - doggers do - that are out of the way and for the purpose of sex.
Please do not hijack official naturist beaches for sex - find your own beach? These are hard won small stretches of beach with literally thousands of miles of other places which can be used for sex?
White sticks with red bands (perhaps they have faded?) are to show they are deaf too I think?
It used to be part of the Highway Code ie it was in the book. So how many drivers out there?
We need a highway code for pedestrians now!? rolleyes
I would echo the sentiments regarding pavement etiquette standards declining. I have two suggestions for that - one is that people are equatorially bigger and the other is the fact that shopping is not a chore so much as a leisure hobby and people think they can just 'lounge' on the pavement.
It was just as bad when you are pushing a pram. Being of imposing height and presence I just used to stare at transgressors until they fell over the chair or damaged their ankles.
Full sympathy with walking your friend I have done it on country walks on many occasions - she turned out to be very able going over the styles but have you ever tried to get teh blind dog over the style? It honestly didn't know what to do. Lifting a very large and heavy labrador over was no fun at all either!! lol
Hats are good alter egos, like shoes. I have a collection of hats I seldom wear unless fancy dress comes along. I have warm hats for necessity in winter and a broad rimmed outback style hat for naked activities outdoors in the summer!
Perhaps you are too eager to please people - learn to shut the door - so that you don't resent your own feelings later?
If a guy came to the door and said "I want £100" would you do it? Find your own way of just saying no, whatever the justification.
Just sent you a PM, no a pm, not a Prime Minister! Hope it helps though I am just guessing at the problems so if it needs more help just let me know?
Depends on your 'comfort' zones and whether you are prepared to go beyond them, doesn't it? rolleyes
I think most of started out with kissing being the only thing we would do with someone and then look at us now! If willies were twenty five feet long no doubt someone would be getting the best of both worlds biggrin
I would guess that anal would be least favoured as it has more health/taboos associated with it?
I think most things can be overcome if you want to override them but I am happy that most people go to the point they want to be and get enough of it too.
Well if the photos of Sue are anything to go by the sights would be a must do trip for a willy-ing voyeur if you are south Leicestershire? I am 40 mins away!
Would love to come and play but can not accomodate until probably 2009 - I can take advanced bookings!
Absolutely, if you are given the responsibility of looking after the child you have been given the responsibility to make sure it behaves responsibly.
After all that is what you do the minute your child passes through the school gate?
Just make sure that what you say is justifiable and balanced?
If the parent does not like it that is their problem - we should not lower our sights on behaving responsibly. We should all be brought up to respect other people unless we have reasons to think otherwise, surely?
I do not think you are boring - though I dont know you! rolleyes
This is common for people with kids and is a good sign that you are balancing them out. I think it shows that at this age you are showing great responsibility to your family, to your job and probably to your swinging friends too? With responsibility comes a burden but then you need to have time to take the yoke off your shoulders and have a bit of you time - swinging if you like? cool
When you are young you have few if any responsibilities and you also don't know what you are getting into so it is all fresh and exciting but you were probably stupid at times too?
I am entering a phase of leaving the responsibility behind again with just myself to look out for and going into new territories - hopefully I wouldn't be so stupid this time but be willing to explore, be risky and be more individualistic.
When you look back at this phase you will know it was worthwhile to put your shift in. Just don't lose sight of "yourself" while you are doing it or you will lose the plot altogether. A female friend of mine did that whilst being over responsible for her family when relocating life/house and gave herself a breakdown. Look after yourself and keep yourself on track - you are worth it as it says in the adverts!
best wishes,
We have had kids arrive and announce they wont eat certain things because their parents don't like the culture that the food originated from. It's fairly easy to eradicate poor thinking like this - don't be PC, just explain why they are wrong and their parents are wrong. Who needs friends who are not prepared to think and that are not prepared to see that all humans have faults?
If you are not part of the solution here, then you are part of the problem, surely? confused:
This is a blatant example of making a story out of nothing. What did the original report say? Nothing, that is why it was not accurately reported. It is just the newspaper putting a twist on it. Easily reported sound bites by people that do not care.mad
Just highlights a big problem - how many journalists are chasing too few stories. Have you aver considered how many reporters/ news programmes are about with the expansion of radio, 24hr TV News and the internet? Add to that the fact that every journalist wants to get the next big scoop to send their careers soaring and you have a recipe for making stories out of nothing.
It is no wonder that we have such a negative culture in Britain at the moment and where people are more suspicious that supportive of each other when we are bombarded every day by this kind of rubbish.
Sorry, end of rant!
Can happiness can only come from the escape of negative influences?
If you are genuinely looking for a nudist beach

However, if you are looking for a sex beach, surely anywhere will do?
I liked your description and it is a nice time. I often go out in the early morning for a run and a skinny dip for that reason and I am not really a morning person.
However, curling up on the sofa and a glass of wine looking at the view from my house are evening pleasures.
Lunchtime snoozing under the umbrella
Night time in the summer sitting in th egarden with a glass of wine (again?) biggrin watching the bats and savouring the smells and calmness.
Hello, enjoyed the shots but try ephotozine (free) where my brother and I post shots. You can choose what to put into an album and whether you would like comments or critique on the photos you place. Further to that you can ask for people to take copies from the site and edit them for you for interpretation too.
And it is free
There are many themed photographers on site and so many examples of different genres -worth a look.
Last night I drove past Pink Green near Studley, could be popular with gay men or women who like open spaces?
Well it never bothered me that I hadn't had sex in a car until a year ago. I had always got out of the car or went home for sex. But you know how these little ideas grow like acorns and now it is on the list.
Having seen the smile on the man from the Halifax backending the girl on the prow of the ship looks like another acorn....
On top of a mountain is another ( would settle for a large hill with 360 views) or on a trig point - now that could set off other ambitions there are thousands of those to bag.
Well the ad is fine until he calls his partner sweet cheeks. At that I fell about laughing at teh nickname as he looks the typical flustered husband. biggrin
Then I realised that the kissing men would be ok for middle england until he calls him sweet cheeks - then they know what he is doing with the mayo? Not that I would know if gay men use mayo but it would be the assumtion?
Good ad really and it wont put me off eating it.