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5 days ago
Heteroflexible Male, 76
0 miles · Brighton


Quote by Participates

Hi I love the thought of swinging naturism and with this hot weather was wondering if anyone knows of any sites in the south and maybe would like to meet up

There's a naturist caravan/camping park in the west country where likeminded individuals will gather from time to time. I'm afraid the details escape me at the moment, but I did find it myself via an online search.

Quote by pmac1966

Why when someone logs on to chat say hello nobody has the decency to acknowledge them, or is it just me no one replies to, Thoughts or opinions please

Don't take it personally, just keep going and be the polite and civil person you want others to be.

You'll soon break the ice, but keep in mind that the vast majority of peeps in a chatroom are not going to chat . . . well they might wake up for a few minutes when one of the girls gets her boobs out on cam.

Quote by banditorange

Looking to try new things

If you want to meet people on this site, then the chatroom is your vehicle, and if you are prepared to go on cam then your prospects are greatly multiplied. Total anonymity is not attractive to swingers meeting a guy for the first time.

As the mods, and others, will point out, getting to a social (check out the forums) is also an excellent ice-breaker and worth the initial effort.

The clothes that turn me on are those now discarded and in a heap on the floor beside the bed

Quote by Pink_Lizzy

well I'd love to try it

It can be sampled by using a dildo + 1, and it can also be surprisingly sensual for the male partner (maybe that's just kinky me)

Quote by Silversurfista

Anybody interested in setting up a mature Brighton and Hove Swingers group to chat online and meet in the flesh in a kind of swingers social get together and / or speed-dating?

We used to have occasional Brighton socials, arranged via the forum. Attendances did vary, but the occasions were few and far between, and few are willing to take on the task of organising the social.

It merely requires a suitable pub/bar to accommodate us and a willingness to liaise with potential attendees (not all will turn up, and some will seek to find out the destination and lurk in the background anonymously).

The destination, unless a ticketed event, should not be revealed publicly in advance. Mods will advise.

Quote by happy_couple123

Ok, we have joined today looking for a little fun. I have uploaded a video....... BUT..... is this site just single males looking for a shag...... Im looking for something different

There are all sorts of people on this site, including genuine seasoned swinging singles and couples. Many of the "single males" are often married males, but it's reasonable to expect that they are after a shag, or at least some form of sexual interaction, not always just with a woman. The chatroom is the best place to familiarise yourself with members to begin with, then try to get along to any social so as to meet people face to face.

Wishing you a good un Loz xx.

I's gonna be in London either side of Christmas weekend, but got no real plans as yet. Shall pop along to Notting Hill and spend some hours wi' family, but other than that it's gonna be whatever comes up, and I'm sure something will, even if I have to turn on the porn.

I'm expecting to be travelling to Winchester occasionally, no date fixed, (have a kid at uni there) and would welcome the chance to meet other member(s), and to stay overnight if possible. Not necessarily looking for someone to play with, and always only if mutually agreeable. Sofa to sleep on in a friendly home is fine.

Getting there and back (to Brighton) in a day is easy enough, but I just thought it would be a shame not to meet people and to stay over if possible.

I am well known on the site. Damn, I shouldn't have said that. 

Waiting for chatroom flak now.

The forums have gradually slowed to a virtual standstill since they were re-formatted some time ago. When there were fewer options, with regard to where to post, the whole thing had a fresher look to it. Fresh posts, even the uninteresting ones, have become rarer, and many have lost interest, I suspect because there is seldom anything new to respond to, and if there is anything new it has to be sought out rather than popping up in front of you. Posts and readers are dwindling, so it's just not the same, and it's difficult to foresee any imminent improvement.

Since posting the above, it seems the forums have yet again been re-formatted, and are now even less likely to attract either new posts or readers, and I myself will be a less frequent visitor.  If I cannot see the topics at a glance, then I doubt I shall be interested in scrolling in the hope of finding something of interest. 

Sorry Herts' I wasn't around to respond when you posted.
This actually wasn't that sort of stage at all, although the sacrifices are almost always made at some point. The climb was towards the finish, and it was every man for himself over the final 7 or 8 km. Gerrans actually clung on to the climbers and managed to win the stage by a very narrow margin from Rohan Dennis.
Just copy and paste from my blog/ forum posts : I know just a few of you like these.
This is a tricky stage, but it all hinges upon who, if anyone, can get a gap on the few steep gradients on Corksrew. I've had a little punt on Gerrans, 11/2 with Ladbrokes, and hoping that breaks are closed down. If it comes down to a sprint between the guys who got over the climb then Gerrans wins. It's not that simple, but then if it was I probably wouldn't be a fan.
I tend to avoid buying pork pies these days. I do like 'em though, and I have eaten some nice pork pies, and I'm sure you can still find a good traditional pork pie.
I can't point out any particular product to you, but perhaps I can throw some light on recipes. Most pie meat will come from the extra lean cuts such as the cheek, or head meat in general, so from there it's going to need a fattier meat to add some flavour, and to stop the whole thing from becoming too dry.
The forums have gradually slowed to a virtual standstill since they were re-formatted some time ago. When there were fewer options, with regard to where to post, the whole thing had a fresher look to it. Fresh posts, even the uninteresting ones, have become rarer, and many have lost interest, I suspect because there is seldom anything new to respond to, and if there is anything new it has to be sought out rather than popping up in front of you. Posts and readers are dwindling, so it's just not the same, and it's difficult to foresee any imminent improvement.
I have no idea what the trannie scene is like in Glasgow, but I'm sure it's fairly vibrant. I'm spoiled for choice down here in Brighton, where you can't go shopping without seeing transgender folks going about their everyday business. Use the search facility and factor in your location; I'm sure you'll find someone close enough to you who will at least be able to share some info. Another alternative is to place an ad in the relevant section, or open, or join a specific chatroom.
You've been a member here for years, as a single guy, but unless you're prepared to share this with her, and talk to her openly, then you could be in difficulties.
The easiest start, in answer to your question, would be to just set up a cam session, where you can both remain anonymous, and do whatever you wish.
Other than that I reckon a decent club would be preferable to dogging. I don't recommend dogging to anyone who hasn't tinkered before, and certainly not as an introduction to swinging for an unconvinced lady.
Another way is, and I assume her consent is given every time, find a voyeur to either entertain you at his place, or to come along to your place or a hotel. There are plenty of voyeurs about, but be cautious, there are also plenty of guys who will just be whatever they need to be to get close to a naked woman.
Quote by skinny
I say i'm lookin' for a friendly couple, well just so long as the fella's friendly, cos him and me can go for a pint while his mrs gets on wi' tidying up my flat. We'll bring her back a bag o' chips. Apply at once because there's only one slot available.

Yeah but who would i go for a pint wi'?
I say i'm lookin' for a friendly couple, well just so long as the fella's friendly, cos him and me can go for a pint while his mrs gets on wi' tidying up my flat. We'll bring her back a bag o' chips. Apply at once because there's only one slot available.
It's ages since I went, but it was always very hit and miss at best, and mainly frequented by men looking for men, some looking for anything.
There are a few couples on site who used to go occasionally, but I don't know if they still do. I would suggest a post in the lets meet up forum, but without giving any dates and so on; just invite couples to get in touch with a view to arranging something.
Couples session at BGHS might be worth a scout around for you, certainly likely to be some local couples there who are interested in playing.
Over the years similar threads have appeared, both in the forum and as individual chatrooms, and they are likely to become a platform for someone to declare an interest in being paid for sex, usually fairly tongue in cheek, and often claiming it to be just a fantasy. Prostitution isn't illegal in this country, but soliciting can be, and at this moment in time the site forbids most references to prostitution, undoubtedly to stay away from any legal ramifications.
On sites where sex is sold, it's usually advertised as a sensual massage, or an escort will hire out their time, and will state that anything else going on is just whatever consenting adults do.
Bi females? Dunno about that one; there's a few lesbians who don't mind shaggin' guys, or so I'm told.
Quote by Cubes
Does this help?  
That's a great video clip Cubes, I've seen it before, and it says so much.
Let's hope people look at it.  I wasn't really expecting much feedback from this post, but wtf.  Thanks for your post, it's worth putting out there; Still want to know if the woman climbing on my willy was guilty of , or the guy for that matter, so where's a line drawn?
,We're all fairly clear on the fact that  "being forced or coerced, against one's will, to participate in sexual intercourse" is .
If you, or I even, agree to get naked with a guy and play around, and give him a blow job, and he then gets carried away and forces penetrative sex, is that then ?  I mean I certainly consider this to be , but the next topic is somewhat more difficult to pin down.
What if it's a woman on the flip side, and she, after raising the erection orally, decides to straddle him against his wishes, is that ?
By the same token it could be a man sitting on the erect penis, and against the wishes of the other party, is that ?
Clearly we're talking about some form of sexual misdemeanour, but I wondered how it was perceived by people generally, and even by the law.
If anyone feels the urge to suggest that a man with an erection is automatically a willing participant, I shall answer that one beforehand, that's just nonsense, having an erection means he's horny, doesn't mean he fancies shagging just anyone.
Any glass of water by my bedside will be there for the inevitable "need to cool down" anytime after the first hour or so, depending upon how intense things have become.  I'm hoping, at that point, that nobody's been dunking in it.
It's a sad fact that most of the time wasters on the site are guys, either single or pretending to be otherwise, but simply here for the exchange of messages and info with other members.  Nevertheless there are genuine guys, just as there are genuine couples and ladies, so good luck in finding one.  There are some clubs which might cater more specifically for your requirements, and specifically some within the gay scene.
Hi Marky, and welcome to the site. There are numerous posts relating to "newbies" and an introduction to swinging and other alternative activities. The first thing you might need to do is to become visible, either by showing yourself on cam, or by attending a social, where you will meet likeminded individuals, and actually get the chance to decide whether you wish to meet them again.
The photo ads will get responses, as will the "let's meet up" forum. However, you must then make the effort to confirm that whoever has responded to your ad' is indeed what they claim to be. Unless a woman is either seen, or spoken to, or the member is well known to other members on the site, then it's as likely to be just some guy jerking off to the exchange of messages.
Quote by Bambi
What profile you two looking at?
It say's joined in 2010 (unless i need specksavers)
wave Welcome to the forums, hope your time here brings you much pleasure. x

Fair enough ... but hey 2010's hardly new either
Doh ... I've posted a response, re the empty profile, and I didn't even notice how long he'd been a member.
Quote by dee_licious
Hi and welcome,
Your profile says you joined in 2005 dunno
Hi, and welcome to the site.
What you get from the site will be much dependant upon any effort you make. Read posts and threads about profile fixing, meetings, socials and so on. Stating that your wife is interested, but having a single profile, will likely prove negative, even though it may well be true.
You don't actually need to supply much information at all, and many just enjoy chatrooms and cam watching; however, becoming known on the site will greatly increase the opportunities to meet other members.