Perfectly normal,
The bombers chose to hit partically soft targets, a choice they did not give their victims , not as combatants in a war started by politicians or others, but as so called martyrs against innocent non combantants
I accept that they and others may not see themselves as I have described. That however is how I view any terrorist who deliberately chooses to attack those who have no means of fighting back. I'm sure the perpetrators would say they choose targets with the most chance of success to justify their targets. But to me, if you're 'at war' you fight the forces of the 'enemy' not innocent and generally unarmed civillians. Sorry for the rant but I too get angry when thinking of such events anywhere in the world.
Not certificated by anybody for anything
Nice Idea kiss_me,
But this time can I go above Brad Pitt and George Clooney!
Not certified by anybody for anything
Wonder if any of you kind folks can help the little lady and I? Why is it in the chatroom some of the couples have the male & female symbols next to their name, whilst others have crosses? I'm sure the reason is dead simple and obvious.... but not to us! genuine assistance will be rewarded by that warm glow you get when you've helped a pair of relative newbies!!!
Not certified by anybody for anything.
Devious, Goose I don't wanna be a Smt Arse about it but eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrm I think, for the sake of accuracy, u need to check your figures folks. :doh: snowhawk
thanks Dawn I think I've got it now. Thx for the greeting and the help
G'Day Folks,
As a newbie on SH, I've noticed that the authors of some threads on here have, at the end of the text, a 'certification' such as certified Worlds most wacky writer by P.G Gruntfutuk.
May I, as I feel that I'm amongst friends, display my ignorance and ask what the certificates signify? being new, all these sort of things are interesting to me.
I'm sure that someone will take pity, and put me right.