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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:36 pm Post subject:
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:36 pm Post subject:
Jeez it was cold, but then I did ride 50 odd miles on me hog !
Thanks Marcuso for making me so welcome, it was a great night and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting people - hi to Euan (is that how you spell it ?), Waddy (jeez he's tall (that's 38 m8 !)), Essex, the Mutleys, Alison & Juliette (I think !).
Looking forward to more, once I've thawed out that is !
x personal accountant and human abbacus !
Also wanted to add my thanks to Marcuso for his cracking party and to all the people that made me laff till me sides hurt and made a newbie feel like the king of the world MA !! lol
As is the way , too many too mention and I am also crap with faces to names when I've had a few (and I had 1 or 2 more than a few)
Chhers everyone, specially those in the "comedy corner" nudge nudge wink wink.
I lived in Aylesbury for 6 years and returned up north 2 years ago. It is a fairly quiet place but there are a few decent places to go it just depends what you are after.
I could go into detail but feel free to email me if ya want specifics .
This one happened in England about 7 years ago.
A 37 yr old man went sky diving in an effort to raise money for charity, at about 15,000 feet the man pulled his rip cord, with no effect. Due to his intensive training the man remained calm and reached for his emergency 'chute. This , unfortunately, also failed to open. Plunging to his apparently certain death the man said his prayers and waited for the big sleep. As he fell an air current moved him slightly off course where he landed on marshy ground without so much as a bruise.
To celebrate his absolutely miraculous escape he decided to take the the entire party, fund raisers sky diving experts and pilots to the nearby pub for drinks on him. Where upon he was killed outright by a speeding motorist, whilst leadin the pack over the road to the pub.
You may cheat death once but it gets you in the end and when ya numbers up ya just gotta go,
Despite what "people" may say .................the treble is still un achieved. Its the league, FA cup and League CUp.
As I Blackburner I am not too far from pie country and would to come along and be involved. I think I could show all you crust munchers how its done too.
Not sure what "IT" is but at least I would try my best smile
Much as I hate Munich and everything associated with them, I actually think they will do the arse on Sunday. Either way the red filth cant catch us sitting prety in 4th spot. Come on you whites !!!!!!!!
PONCHOS ???????????????????
I thought that was what Clint Eastwood wore in his spaghetti westerns ????????
Pontius ??????? I dont know , I cant read or write, in fact I am almost totally illagitamet.
(not only that but I cant spell)
NEILINLEEDS ! ya middle name is Lanky ???
I KNEW ya wanted to defect to the red rose but didnt realise it went back a generation biggrin
Leonardo Da Vinci ! okay he never flew but he invented the helicopter eons before the wright brothers learned to crawl, gotta be worth a shout !................................whaddya mean AVATAR not aviator ?????????
Just to add to EnglishChris99 post..................the US judicial system is even more antiquated than our own. It is still illegal for women to smoke in the streets of New York as of a law passed in the 18th century, so its not surprising that in some parts you can marry your beasts of burden. confused
I'll pay for him to have a huge red rose tatooed on his chest with the words "Oh Lanky Lanky, Lanky,Lanky,Lanky,Lanky, Lancashire ! Underneath.
There cant be that many calories in semen , after all, look at Marc Almond ! He was the originol "pint and a half" person ! and he is still like a rake !
Yeah the programme was about which is , apparently, different from beastiality.
It is more common than we are lead to believe (apparently again). but it is still viewed as the ultimate and is too extreme to even be discussed in all but the most obtuse of venues. This of which, isnt one. Most people are (rightly) afraid of the subject as it is such dodgy ground, second only to , and you take your life in your hands (and your prospected jail term) for even discussing it.
Remeber having a morbid curiosity is no excuse, a la Pete Townsend.
The general rule of thumb is roughly 24 hours from being taken orally, tho this can be influenced by matabolism and also mobility, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle it can take longer to "work its way thru". I have no idea which chemicals are involved in the variety of taste in semen, but some are absorbed and processed by the body quicker than others, such as alcohol. A large part of the fluid that is semen, contains fructose so a higher sugar intake results in a higher fructose level and therefore a sweeter taste "apparently". Fructose is the form of sugar most commonly found in fruit so this would make sense with fruit making a more pleasant tasting semen.
To go back to the origional point, my first few sexual encounters all swallowed so I assumed this was the norm. Later I found that it was roughly 50% swallowed and 50% didnt take into into the mouth at all, only 1 girl spat, which I found strange as if its in the mouth its already been tasted so why spit ? so it must be as much the consistency as the taste with it being likened to the thickness of mucus or liquids like Gaviscon (YUK)
Like a previous poster I always give a warning as, if I was someone who gave BJ's, I personally would never have it anywhere near my mouth and the mere thought of a snowball makes my stomach do somersaults.
I think that its wrong to expect someone to do something I am not prepared to do my self but being a typical male never complain if a girl likes to do it.
Also gotta agree with the "chilled wine" BJ and the warm tea BJ thats such an added bonus to the sensation biggrin
Hiya Marcuso,
Just a quick post to say we just had a quick chat in the room about me coming to your bash.
Thanks for adding me to the list, looking forward to it smile
Cya soon, cheers
I gotta say female ejaculation is one of my all time fantasies, and anybody that can, has an extraordinary talent. I think part of the attraction is because it seems to be so rare (altho looking at the previous posts maybe that is not the case). I personally have never met anybody that can do it nor know anybody that knows anybody that can do it (if that makes sense) apart from a famous porn star that can squirt further than I can pee..
People may be shocked at first because it seems to be a rare gift but be proud of the skill you have.
I think what you have to remember is that this site is free ! And I dont now of another free site on the web.
As a single male I personally wouldnt go to another site for this very reason. Single men dont tend to get many replies to adverts and I dont fancy paying for the privilidge for zero replies.
As has been mentioned within the forum a few times the add section may not be the best place to actually meet people. I have been lucky enuff to have met a couple of single girls via the chat room and as a knock on effect been invited to a few munch/party type things as guests of them. Meeting people face to face at such events has got to be the best way to network, so potential meeting partners can "size you up".
Being a regular poster or chatroom member can sometimes be enuff to get invited to group do's, and I would suggest this route if people are not having any joy thru the adds.
Like many other (non-swinging) chatrooms I have been in, it always seems a case of biding your time and letting people get to know you as a newbie.
I lived in a rough part of Lancashire and it took me 6 months to become "accepted" in my local pub, and I think net sites and chatrooms can be similar (not suggesting this is a rought forum of course *cough)
Persistance overcomes resistance
The only other comment I would make about the adds section is that I posted an add and never made a note of the number, when somebody asked me for it I searched for myself so I could pass the number on and couldnt find myself, which was ironic LOL. I have since recovered my number, but maybe the search engine has a bug or I am just so low down the totem pole not even the search engine will recognise me . hehehehe wink
On a completely different note..........
Marya ! I cant believe ya bored with ya Bum but if ya are can I have it ??? It's FII-HINE !!!
Its a tricky one mate. Just going up to a girl you have never seen before and know nothing about and just striking up a convosation isnt easy. In my (limited) experience try to stay away from one-liners and corny chat up lines unless they are genuinely very funny and you are confident of getting a giggle. Regular bars and clubs arent really the best either as by the time you have had a couple of pints of dutch courage you run the risk of being the 10th guy that night to ask to buy her a drink when she was only out for a boogie with a few friends anyway.
Girls are a mystery wrapped in a conundrum, and usually dont respond well to "Did ya see Tyson knock fuck outta the other guy last night?" type comments that your mates would be into.
For me the workplace has always been a good environment to get to know the opposite sex but again that carries its own risks such as office gossip.
A simple nice smile can work wonders and some girls really like shy men.
At the end of the day "if ya dont ask ya dont get" and as long as you are polite you are very unlikely to get a slap in the face.
A girl saying no may bruise the ego, but when a girl smiles back or accepts the drink you offer to buy her or whatever you wont even remember how many said no to you before that.
Be nice, be yourself and dont lower your standards just because you think you are on a losing streak, remember girls can smell desperation from a hundred paces.
Fair heart ne'er won fair maiden.
Good luck.
As far as meeting a life partner or someone for a long term relationship goes (or whatever P.C. buzzword we are supposed to be using at the moment) has already been stated on this thread, its a common notion that "love" always happens when you least expect it and aren't looking for it.
It may be a cliche but then a cliche is full of truth otherwise it wouldnt be a cliche.
You are "putting yourself out there" which cant hurt. I would just say avoid being pushy. Pushiness seems to be everyones biggest pet hate, maybe more so on this site than others.
But then in the same breath I always believe that persistance overcomes resistance, just persevre. Stick around, who knows what will happen.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHH ! My kinda thread , hehehehee............
Okay here's one for ya ........
The aorta of the blue whale is so large an adult could swim down it.
P.S. great wiggle celticq
Just to add my wishes that I hope you are OK after your scuffle.
It's commendable that you went to stick up for other people but personally I think that against such odds you maybe should have thought twice.
I was a bit of a tear-away in my youth and being 6'5" and 18 stone figured I could handle myself. I never ran from a fight and won a few and lost a few, and never really thought too much of it.
A few years ago a friend of mine was kicked to death outside a nightclub in Blackburn up against similar odds to your self last Friday.
Now descretion is the better part of valour and if I am on my own I will be the first off on my toes.
I would hate the same thing to have happened to you or anybody else.
Again I hope you are ok, my friend, take care and I sincerely hope you dont have to go thru that again.
This is probably too late (which is just as well) and by now I hope you passed but incase you didnt , just before your next test.................get absolutely Rat arsed. It never fails to relax me, and white lightning is a very fast hit and cheaper than special brew !!!!
Hope this helped lol
Been away from posting for a while but count me in too. I last was in when I put my should-I-shouldn't-I get my hair cut post, well if I get an invite then ya can all judge the results for yaselves biggrin.
BTW it took so long to read thru all these posts I forgot when the date is, remind me someone ?????
As a nurse who has done my fair share of time in A&E..................if you had seen what I had seen , you would probably never eat fruit OR veg , ever again !!!!!
Wooster !
All I can say is you are doing better than most single guys so soon, so keep the faith and as they say " persistance overcomes resistance"