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5 hours ago
Straight Male, 65


...and the livin' is easy.......
OK - they all tell us that we're in for a memorable Summer. Some say long, hot and dry - others say summat else.
But what encapsulates a memorable Summer for you? Is it sunbathing naked in the garden or is it a two week orgy in Ibiza?
Mine can be summed with Pimms in the garden on an afternoon when I don't care what happens tomorrow.
How about you?
Quote by flower411
Drove past a golf course today with it`s flag at half mast ....took me a moment to realise !!
Obviously a man who touched peoples lives and as a non sports follower of the names I actually recognise without scandal being attached.

Thank you Tiger!
Jeez one ole spark from the past and they all come tumblin' out!
OK I know you won't recognise me as an old 'un tumblin' out (shit Ive run out of apostrophes).
I think Im gonna change back to me former persona. Nobody recognises me nowadays.
Despite the
I'm right with you there.
That man virtually single-handed put European golf up there and beyond the USA.
At 54 years old he's a sad and early loss. :sad:
tweeky, not sure why you're raising summat over a year old, which even Varca accepted at the time?? dunno
As fer me - I'd be up for a new Masquerade Ball.
Quote by Berkules
is the this place has to offer - muscley but - I to - out of my way

Quote by Beelzebubwords that I don't have a fuckin clue
Huh such defence puny disdain acknowledge such bumptious effrontery pip-squeak!!

Could you run that by me once more Beebub (a loobub, she's my baby :karaoke: )
dunno :confused:
...and how I missed that this was Missy I'll never know!! lol
Jeez, I had to look at page 20 to see who I was - even then I found out I was four people :confused:
Ah yes - happy days - what a blast!
OMG and OMG!!
So there are still some nice surprises left in this world. Wow!
Quote by little gem
I'll happily sit and watch you iron SinSi while nestled into Nola's cleavage.

Errm - you don't want to nestle in my cleavage do you??? :twisted:
Quote by noladreams
sooooo, start at the top of your list of things and work down westy :rascal:

Can't believe this is from 2008 and I missed it. Mind you - at the time I think it had the wrong name on it!! wink Hehe!
OK then the top of my things ....... errrr what we got at the top??
Yup - OK it's the brain innit! I can honestly say that a woman who can talk real dirty is the most flirtable.
Actually they're more than flirtable but that's for another time.
Quote by essex34m
the best part is after ..
when the burd in question goes and makes you a brew so u can wipe yer knob on her curtains without her knowing it!!!!!!bolt
(and they think the smug look of satisfaction on your face is a result of the sex you have just had.....hehehe)

Yobs - the pair of ya!! rolleyes
Don't you know it all depends on the quality of the curtains?
Net - oooooh noooo!! Velvet - oooooh yyeeeeessss!
You try and look satisfied after wiping yer knob in net curtains (not that I've ever tried you understand!!)innocent
Quote by Steve
Wales over Scotland

:hunk: If they'd had a :thumbsup: emoticon I would've used it but sod it!! wink
Quote by Missy
Shopping is one of the biggest nightmares in my week - absolutely hate it evil

Can I come and do it for you then?? wink
Quote by willxx69
Woo-hoo - great to see that this thread is still going.
I can concur with most of the suggestions on here, and it's great to see some old friends pitching up.
Funny isn't it, but opening even a virtual bottle of wine seems to be enough to summon certain people! lol Frankly, I would be the same myself.

Well consider yourself (and your's) summoned! You know you can't resist crossing the estuary!!:twisted:
Quote by noladreams
Ah well I think I've said summat similar elsewhere but....
...the best bit for me is the point where you both have eye contact just at the moment of penetration.
It says "I am allowing you into my body" - it says "I am looking into your soul as I penetrate your body".
Oh such exquisite sensation!

I like that.
Hehe - which bit - Exquisite or Sensation?
How're you sweet dreams?
Ah well I think I've said summat similar elsewhere but....
...the best bit for me is the point where you both have eye contact just at the moment of penetration.
It says "I am allowing you into my body" - it says "I am looking into your soul as I penetrate your body".
Oh such exquisite sensation!
Quote by WilmaFlintstone

I am particularly keen to be pointed in the direction of something I haven't tried before.
I bet you say that to all the girls.
Hello you. Just peeking and lookie who I found. Love to you and Sappho. God this place has changed. x x x

Well what a pleasure it is to see you!! To be sure it has changed, but then some quality people do keep fetching up!!
No evenings in a middle-west England market town in prospect - more's the pity!!
Boy I hope that's enigmatic enough!! Hehe.
Oh and Will - the Kiwi Cuvées are screw tops so you can put the corkscrew away. wink
Well I've got a bottle or two of Cote Rotie and a couple of other delights stashed away for when I'm feeling down or up or whatever!
But for a social wine I've rather taken to the Kiwi Cuvée label. Now they're not antipodean as one might imagine they are the product of Kiwi blending skills located in France. The red is a delicious Pinot Noir that will rival any Burgundy that I've drunk (maybe with the exception of a finer Nuits St Georges) - two whites - a Sauvignon Blanc and a Pinot Grigio. Not drunk enough of the latter to pass comment but, even though I wouldn't place the Sauvignon Blanc up with a Sancerre it doesn't fall too far short and it'll certainly give a Pouilly Fumé a run for its money. Definitely worth a punt!
And there was me just girding me loins to offer some advice!! rolleyes
Always said I should read threads backwards!!
If you told us her name she'd be really famous rolleyes
Does famous + bi = swinging? dunno
Any chance of a glass or a bottle of Barolo please barman?
Westie late as usual! rolleyes
Quote by Missy
....good to see you in the Cafe! passionkiss

Yes, who is this Missy? I seem to remember summat but can't quite put me finger on it.
Yooohooooo Watercress wave :rascal:
Have you ever tasted Watercress in oil?? wink
Quote by Cubes
....good to see you in the Cafe! passionkiss

Yes, who is this Missy? I seem to remember summat but can't quite put me finger on it.