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2 months ago
Straight Male, 61


Not a movie, but The Red Wedding on Game Of Thrones.
I'd read the books, so I knew it was coming, but it was still a shock to see.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
This one doesn't
Quote by dee_licious
omg zilt where did you find those lol

Ah, That'd be telling.
A flying insect just flew into my kitchen and exploded.
Must have bin one of them Jihady Long Legs.
This girl came up to me yesterday and said she'd recognised me from vegetarian club.
I was confused, I'd never met herbivore.
My mate had a racing snail. He thought it would go faster if he took its shell off, but it only made it more sluggish.
Woman in Asda notices a young assistant. He has such a cute arse it makes her horny! She asks him to carry her shopping to her car. On the way she cant hold back anymore and says " I've got an itchy pussy " Assistant says " you'll have to point it out love, all these Japanese cars look the same to me !
My mate, Jim Apple finds introducing himself very problematic, when holidaying in France.
I was walking past the church on Sunday morning when the vicar turned to me and said, "Love your neighbour."
I said, "Me too - she's got a cracking pair of tits!"
What's the difference between a chickpea and a lentil?
I wouldn't pay £100 to have a lentil on my face.
I'll stop now.
What's green and let's you go where you want?
Permit the frog.
I recently took up meditation.
It beats sitting around doing nothing.
Two ninjas walk into a bar.
Or do they
A family walks into a hotel and the father goes to the front desk and says "I hope the porn is disabled."
The guy at the desk replies. "It's just regular porn, you sick bastard."
My wife threatened to leave me over my flamingo impressions. I had to put my foot down.
Bet on 3 horses yesterday called Sunshine, Moonlight and Good Times and none of them won. I blame it on the bookie.
Went to a pet shop for some breeding birds
The cashier said, "Have you got a store card?"
I said, "No but I did get a budgie excited once."
Rambo number 5 announced today.
Stallone's character is looking for a little bit of Monica in his life, a little bit of Erica by his side.
I've just met a deer who could write with both his left and right hooves.
He said he was bambidextrous.
So no sympathy for a woman with a history of mental health issues?
Or vilification of the hateful Sky News reporter who 'doorstepped' her and indirectly drove her to end her own life?
Quote by Gerty35
A huge great light has gone out, genius comedian, one of the few that could get the tears rolling.
Remember him being interviewed on the Wogan show, must have been promoting Good Morning Vietnam, every guest got their 10min slot, Robin Williams first one on, Wogan sat there didn't get a word in whilst Robin Williams did 40 mins of non stop stand up, other guests forgotten. 30 ish years later I can still remember the show and who was there with me.

That's my favourite Robin Williams memory. He was like a force of nature on Wogan's show. I wish it was on youtube so I could watch it again.
Robin Williams and Rik Mayall both gone within a few weeks of each other. That totally sucks.
RIP Robin
Nanu nanu.
Quote by Toots
So what was the prediction again?

Mark Austin running around the ITN newsroom waving hia arms in the air while screaming "Fuckin' 'ell... we're all gonna die".
That's what he was like during the bird flu scare, anyway.
Congratulations to Brazil on winning the 2014 World Cup.
If the rest of the refs are as biased as that Japanese bloke tonight, it's a foregone conclusion.
WSM, Mellowman and Snoggers(Jase) as The Monster Raving Loony Party.
Try the Jewelry Quarter.
Much more relaxed than Broad Street and you haven't got the risk of getting punched by a dickhead because you looked at his pint funny and then having to step over the piles of puke at closing time.
Sounds like the results on a Saturday afternoon...
Thor 2 Captain America 2
Expendables 3 Transformers 4
Spiderman 2 Guardians Of The Galaxy 1
Bloody Foreigner...
Coming over here wanting to know what love is.
Been to a lot of socials all over the country. Some of them were fancy dress, some have been "normal" clothes, some have been at Chams where it's towels/lingerie only. To be honest, it's all about the company rather than what you're wearing. All have been great fun.
Got a few pics on my phone and if I'm away they're a boon. I've even used them at home. It's all good.
Just tried logging in and after quite a long wait showing just a WSoD (white screen of death) I got this message.
Something has triggered an error on your website. This is the default error page for nginx that is distributed with EPEL. It is located /usr/share/nginx/html/
You should customize this error page for your own site or edit the error_page directive in the nginx configuration file /etc/nginx/
Any body else having a problem?
Actually, cancel that. I'm in now.
I used to go to Chams a lot on a Thursday evening. It used to be a good night (I've not been for a few years as I moved away from the area). There was a good mix of singles and couples.
Just a word of warning though. You may want to check that the club is accepting single males. Last I heard, there was a waiting list of a few months.
The Terrace has temporarily been renamed as The Quiz Room and is now open for a 30 question music quiz. It's all typed questions so you don't need speakers. It's due to start at 10pm, so get there early !
Quote by Fobs
If anybody's interested, I'll be doing a 30 question music quiz tonight at 10pm. Once again, I'll change The Terrace (the least used admin room) to the quiz room for the duration.

Hooray music quiz i might actually get a few right this time lol
with Zilty's music choice? dunno :doh: :giveup:
All sorts included, mate. I know nobody is going to know the Darkthrone line up that recorded the Transilvanian Hunger album or who left Cannibal Corpse to form Six Feet Under, so I've left the extreme stuff out.
If anybody's interested, I'll be doing a 30 question music quiz tonight at 10pm. Once again, I'll change The Terrace (the least used admin room) to the quiz room for the duration.
I'd like to thank everyone who took part in tonight's quiz. It was good fun and I'm going to compile a music quiz for next Friday at 10 pm. It'll be questions rather than sounds as the mic on my speakers don't work.
Everybody's invited so bring yer music knowledge, It'll be from 1950's to present with one or two from earlier just to make it interesting.
BTW, The final score was blokes 18, girls 12.
There will be a quiz in a specially opened Quiz Room this Friday at 10pm.
A specific quiz room will be opened to avoid people getting their panties in a bunch over The Pool getting a temporary name change. :twisted:
It will be a 30 question general knowledge quiz. It will be blokes vs birds and it's just a bit of fun.
Everybody's invited. Loffs, bantz and general nincompoopery is expected. Bring yer thinking caps and plenty of booze.
The Goodies and Spike Milligan's Q series. Neither of which have ever been repeated by the BBC.